Creator is exactly
Denton, Frank
[CJ507AAU], Letter from Frank Denton to Thomas Alva Edison, November 27th, 1905 1905-11-27
[CJ510AAM], Letter from Frank Denton to John Vincent Miller, November 16th, 1908 1908-11-16
[CJ511AAF], Letter from Frank Denton to John Vincent Miller, June 5th, 1916 1916-06-05
[CJ514AAM], Letter from Frank Denton to John Vincent Miller, July 8th, 1903 1903-07-08
[CJ516AAB], Letter from Frank Denton to John Vincent Miller, December 10th, 1908 1908-12-10
[CJ516AAD], Letter from Frank Denton to John Vincent Miller, December 18th, 1908 1908-12-18
[CJ517AAB], Letter from Frank Denton to John Vincent Miller, January 28th, 1909 1909-01-28
[CJ517AAD], Letter from Frank Denton to John Vincent Miller, February 12th, 1909 1909-02-12
[CJ517AAF], Letter from Frank Denton to John Vincent Miller, April 16th, 1909 1909-04-16
[CJ517AAJ], Letter from Frank Denton to John Vincent Miller, May 14th, 1909 1909-05-14
[CJ517AAK], Letter from Frank Denton to W Lake Marler, May 14th, 1909 1909-05-14
[CJ517AAL], Letter from Frank Denton to John Vincent Miller, June 30th, 1909 1909-06-30
[D0701AAS], Letter from Frank Denton to Thomas Alva Edison, December 13th, 1907 1907-12-13
[FT002AA], Letter from Frank Denton to John Vincent Miller, 1901 1901-00-00