Creator is exactly
Laurence, A B
[D8756ADT], Letter from Underwood Manufacturing Co, A B Laurence to Charles Batchelor, October 20th, 1887
1887-10-20 -
[D8756AEF], Letter from Underwood Manufacturing Co, A B Laurence to Charles Batchelor, October 28th, 1887
1887-10-28 -
[D8756AEJ], Letter from A B Laurence, Underwood Manufacturing Co to Thomas Alva Edison, October 31st, 1887
1887-10-31 -
[D8756AEV], Letter from Underwood Manufacturing Co, A B Laurence to Charles Batchelor, November 5th, 1887
1887-11-05 -
[D8756AFN], Letter from Underwood Manufacturing Co, A B Laurence to Charles Batchelor, November 17th, 1887
1887-11-17 -
[D8756AFS], Letter from Underwood Manufacturing Co, A B Laurence to Charles Batchelor, November 19th, 1887
1887-11-19 -
[D8756AFY], Telegram from A B Laurence to Charles Batchelor, November 23rd, 1887
1887-11-23 -
[D8756AGV], Letter from Underwood Manufacturing Co, A B Laurence to Charles Batchelor, December 8th, 1887
1887-12-08 -
[D8946AAR], Letter from A B Laurence to Thomas Alva Edison, March 6th, 1889