Creator is exactly
Societe du Telephone Edison
[D7840ZEB], Incorporation Record, Societe du Telephone Edison, December 5th, 1878 1878-12-05
[D7940C], Memorandum, Societe du Telephone Edison, February 22nd, 1879 1879-02-22
[D7940ZBF], Letter from Societe du Telephone Edison, Robert G Brown to Gold and Stock Telegraph Co, George L Wiley, September 22nd, 1879 1879-09-22
[D7940ZBY], Letter from Societe du Telephone Edison to Thomas Alva Edison, October 30th, 1879 1879-10-30
[D8048X1], Memorandum, Berthon (A.) & Co, Societe du Telephone Edison, February 22nd, 1880 1880-02-22
[D8048ZAL1], Publication, Societe du Telephone Edison, Berthon (A.) & Co, March 1880 1880-03-00