Subject is exactly
Edison effect and etheric force
[D7501J], Letter from Zenas Fisk Wilber to Thomas Alva Edison, December 3rd, 1875 1875-12-03
[D7501L], Letter from Norman C Miller to Thomas Alva Edison, December 10th, 1875 1875-12-10
[D7506A], Letter from Archives of Electrology and Neurology, George Miller Beard to Thomas Alva Edison, December 1st, 1875 1875-12-01
[D7506B], Letter from Charles Edward Buell to Thomas Alva Edison, December 2nd, 1875 1875-12-02
[D7506C], Letter from Henry C Strong to Thomas Alva Edison, December 3rd, 1875 1875-12-03
[D7506D], Letter from American Institute, Jerome V C Smith to Thomas Alva Edison, December 4th, 1875 1875-12-04
[D7506E], Letter from Newark Board of Trade to Thomas Alva Edison, December 7th, 1875 1875-12-07
[D7506F], Letter from Archives of Electrology and Neurology, George Miller Beard to Thomas Alva Edison, December 8th, 1875 1875-12-08
[D7506G], Letter from Samuel Spahr Laws to Thomas Alva Edison, December 8th, 1875 1875-12-08
[D7506H], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Edward Buell, December 8th, 1875 1875-12-08
[D7506I], Letter from James A Richardson to Thomas Alva Edison, December 10th, 1875 1875-12-10
[D7506J], Letter from Archives of Electrology and Neurology, George Miller Beard to Thomas Alva Edison, December 10th, 1875 1875-12-10
[D7506K], Letter from Samuel Spahr Laws to Thomas Alva Edison, December 13th, 1875 1875-12-13
[D7506L], Letter from Archives of Electrology and Neurology, George Miller Beard to Thomas Alva Edison, December 14th, 1875 1875-12-14
[D7609A], Letter from Robert Grimshaw, Wagner Free Institute of Science to Thomas Alva Edison, January 5th, 1876 1876-01-05
[D7609B], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Miller Beard, January 1876 1876-01-00
[D7609D], Article, Edwin James Houston, Elihu Thomson, April 28th, 1876 1876-04-28
[D7702ZBK], Letter from Nathaniel Parks to Thomas Alva Edison, August 10th, 1877 1877-08-10
[D7708B], Letter from Elisha Wilson to Thomas Alva Edison, March 9th, 1877 1877-03-09
[D8204ZKX], Letter from F W Cushing to Thomas Alva Edison, 1882 1882-00-00
[D8403ZIJ1], Letter from Alexander Ewing Outerbridge to Thomas Alva Edison, November 1884 1884-11-00
[D8442G], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, January 7th, 1884 1884-01-07
[D8442M], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, January 11th, 1884 1884-01-11
[D8506A], Letter from Charles Jeptha Hill Woodbury to Thomas Alva Edison, January 1st, 1885 1885-01-01
[D9604AAN], Letter from Charles Jeptha Hill Woodbury to Thomas Alva Edison, February 17th, 1896 1896-02-17
[E1731AA], Letter from West Orange Laboratory to Scientific American, April 4th, 1917 1917-04-04
[E1731AA1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Henry Meadowcroft, April 1917 1917-04-00
[E1731AB], Letter from Scientific American, Munn & Co to William Henry Meadowcroft, April 7th, 1917 1917-04-07
[E1731AC], Letter from Telegraph and Telephone Age, John Bartholomew Taltavall to William Henry Meadowcroft, April 7th, 1917 1917-04-07
[E1731AD], Letter from Electrical Review and Western Electrician, Charles Wilson Price to William Henry Meadowcroft, April 9th, 1917 1917-04-09
[E1731AE], Letter from Arthur Williams, New York Edison Co to William Henry Meadowcroft, April 12th, 1917 1917-04-12
[E1903AH], Letter from Waldemar Bernhard Kaempffert, Popular Science Monthly to William Henry Meadowcroft, May 17th, 1919 1919-05-17
[E1903AI], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Popular Science Monthly, Waldemar Bernhard Kaempffert, May 21st, 1919 1919-05-21
[E1903AJ], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Popular Science Monthly, Waldemar Bernhard Kaempffert, May 22nd, 1919 1919-05-22
[E1903AK], Letter from Popular Science Monthly, Lloyd Edward Darling to William Henry Meadowcroft, May 26th, 1919 1919-05-26
[E1903AL], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Waldemar Bernhard Kaempffert, Popular Science Monthly, May 28th, 1919 1919-05-28
[E1903AL1], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Popular Science Monthly, Waldemar Bernhard Kaempffert, May 29th, 1919 1919-05-29
[E1903AM], Letter from Popular Science Monthly, Waldemar Bernhard Kaempffert to Thomas Alva Edison, June 3rd, 1919 1919-06-03
[E1903AN], Letter from Lloyd Edward Darling, Popular Science Monthly to William Henry Meadowcroft, June 3rd, 1919 1919-06-03
[E1903AO], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Popular Science Monthly, Lloyd Edward Darling, June 4th, 1919 1919-06-04
[E1903AQ], Letter from Popular Science Monthly, Lloyd Edward Darling to William Henry Meadowcroft, June 6th, 1919 1919-06-06
[E1903AR], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Popular Science Monthly, Lloyd Edward Darling, June 13th, 1919 1919-06-13
[E1903AS], Letter from Popular Science Monthly, Lloyd Edward Darling to William Henry Meadowcroft, June 18th, 1919 1919-06-18
[E1903AT], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Popular Science Monthly, Lloyd Edward Darling, June 19th, 1919 1919-06-19
[E1903AU], Letter from Popular Science Monthly, Lloyd Edward Darling to William Henry Meadowcroft, June 23rd, 1919 1919-06-23
[E1903AV], Letter from Popular Science Monthly, Lloyd Edward Darling to William Henry Meadowcroft, July 1st, 1919 1919-07-01
[E1903AY], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Lloyd Edward Darling, Popular Science Monthly, July 2nd, 1919 1919-07-02
[E1903CJ], Letter from Popular Science Monthly, Lloyd Edward Darling to William Henry Meadowcroft, October 14th, 1919 1919-10-14
[E1903CT1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison, December 1919 1919-12-00
[LB001081], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to James Ogilvie Clephane, October 15th, 1875 1875-10-15
[LB001166], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Robert Sword, December 8th, 1875 1875-12-08
[LB001167], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to American Institute, Jerome V C Smith, December 8th, 1875 1875-12-08
[LB001168], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Edward Buell, December 8th, 1875 1875-12-08
[LB001487B], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Arthur Mead Edwards, December 1875 1875-12-00
[LB019351], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Alexander Ewing Outerbridge, November 6th, 1884 1884-11-06
[LB067354], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Thomas Commerford Martin, February 3rd, 1902 1902-02-03
[MBLB1035], Letter from Charles Batchelor to English Mechanic, December 9th, 1875 1875-12-09
[MBLB1040], Letter from Charles Batchelor to English Mechanic, January 7th, 1876 1876-01-07
[MBN002016], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, Charles Batchelor, November 22nd, 1875 1875-11-22
[MBN002016A], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, November 23rd, 1875 1875-11-23
[MBN002017], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, November 24th, 1875 1875-11-24
[MBN002018], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, Thomas Alva Edison, November 26th, 1875 1875-11-26
[MBN002020], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, Thomas Alva Edison, November 30th, 1875 1875-11-30
[MBN002021], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, December 3rd, 1875 1875-12-03
[MBN002022], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, Charles Batchelor, December 5th, 1875 1875-12-05
[MBN002023], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, December 6th, 1875 1875-12-06
[MBN002024], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, December 14th, 1875 1875-12-14
[MBN002025], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, December 26th, 1875 1875-12-26
[N010109] Technical Note, December 20th, 1878 1878-12-20
[N015002], Technical Note, Francis Robbins Upton, December 1878 1878-12-00
[N015012] Technical Note, December 1878 1878-12-00
[N063053], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, Thomas Alva Edison, February 13th, 1880 1880-02-13
[N125093], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 28th, 1880 1880-11-28
[N125095], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 29th, 1880 1880-11-29
[N204023], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, July 5th, 1882 1882-07-05
[N204065], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 8th, 1883 1883-03-08
[N204238], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 1st, 1885 1885-04-01
[N204242], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 2nd, 1885 1885-04-02
[NA088AAA], Technical Note, John F Ott, Thomas Alva Edison, February 9th, 1902 1902-02-09
[NA089001], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 8th, 1902 1902-03-08
[NA090002], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 9th, 1902 1902-03-09
[NA091029], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 21st, 1902 1902-03-21
[NA091069], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 22nd, 1902 1902-03-22
[NA091161], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 24th, 1902 1902-03-24
[NA093AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 1st, 1902 1902-05-01
[NA097AAA] Technical Note, 1902-1903 1902-1903
[NA098AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 22nd, 1903 1903-01-22
[NA098AAB], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 26th, 1903 1903-01-26
[NA098AAC], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 1st, 1903 1903-02-01
[NA098AAD], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 4th, 1903 1903-02-04
[NA098AAE], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 5th, 1903 1903-02-05
[NA099AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 26th, 1903 1903-02-26
[NA100AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 27th, 1903 1903-02-27
[NA101AAB], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 27th, 1903 1903-02-27
[NA103AAD], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 20th, 1903 1903-11-20
[NA106001], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, December 12th, 1903 1903-12-12
[NA106022], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, December 15th, 1903 1903-12-15
[NA106027], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, December 18th, 1903 1903-12-18
[NA107AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, December 12th, 1903 1903-12-12
[NA108AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, December 29th, 1903 1903-12-29