recipient is exactly
Federal Storage Battery Car Co
[D1006ABA], Letter from R G Barclay, Barclay & Co to Federal Storage Battery Car Co, May 27th, 1910
1910-05-27 -
[D1006ABU], Letter from Atlantic City and Shore Railroad Co, John Nelson Akarman to Federal Storage Battery Car Co, October 15th, 1910
1910-10-15 -
[E1217BB], Letter from Lisman (F.J.) & Co to Federal Storage Battery Car Co, Ralph Hamilton Beach, May 20th, 1912
1912-05-20 -
[E1217BX], Letter from Frederick J Lisman to Federal Storage Battery Car Co, Ralph Hamilton Beach, August 30th, 1912
1912-08-30 -
[E1218BH], Letter from Alexander Baneth, Lokomotivfuhrer Landes Zentralbank Aktien Gesellschaft to Federal Storage Battery Car Co, Thomas Alva Edison, September 3rd, 1912