recipient is exactly
MacGruthar, A
[D9054AAA2], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to A MacGruthar, January 31st, 1890 1890-01-31
[LB034211], Letter from John F Randolph to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, November 25th, 1889 1889-11-25
[LB035257], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to A MacGruthar, Edison Phonograph Works, December 24th, 1889 1889-12-24
[LB036057], Letter from Charles Batchelor to A MacGruthar, January 14th, 1890 1890-01-14
[LB036114], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, January 16th, 1890 1890-01-16
[LB036345A], Letter from Everett Frazar to Alfred Ord Tate, A MacGruthar, January 24th, 1889 1889-01-24
[LB036484], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, January 31st, 1890 1890-01-31
[LB037004], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, January 31st, 1890 1890-01-31
[LB037013], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to A MacGruthar, January 31st, 1890 1890-01-31
[LB037414], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, February 19th, 1890 1890-02-19
[LB038184], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, March 5th, 1890 1890-03-05
[LB038325], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, March 13th, 1890 1890-03-13
[LB038443], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, March 20th, 1890 1890-03-20
[LB038444], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to A MacGruthar, March 20th, 1890 1890-03-20
[LB039013], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, March 22nd, 1890 1890-03-22
[LB039026], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to A MacGruthar, Edison Phonograph Works, March 22nd, 1890 1890-03-22
[LB039144], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, March 28th, 1890 1890-03-28
[LM302005], Letter from Edison Manufacturing Co, Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Phonograph Works, A MacGruthar, December 11th, 1889 1889-12-11