recipient is exactly
Soper, Abram
[QN001ACW], Letter from John A Thompson to Abram Soper, May 6th, 1903 1903-05-06
[QN001ACX], Letter from John A Thompson to Abram Soper, May 11th, 1903 1903-05-11
[QN001ACY], Letter from John A Thompson to Abram Soper, May 15th, 1903 1903-05-15
[QN001ACZ], Letter from John A Thompson to Abram Soper, January 9th, 1904 1904-01-09
[QN001ADA], Letter from John A Thompson to Abram Soper, January 14th, 1904 1904-01-14
[QN001ADB], Letter from John A Thompson to Abram Soper, January 19th, 1904 1904-01-19
[QN001ADC], Letter from John A Thompson to Abram Soper, February 8th, 1904 1904-02-08
[QN001ADD], Letter from John A Thompson to Abram Soper, January 5th, 1906 1906-01-05
[QN001ADE], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Abram Soper, February 22nd, 1906 1906-02-22