recipient is exactly
White, Samuel Stockton
[D7940ZBA], Letter from George Walker to Samuel Stockton White, August 30th, 1879
1879-08-30 -
[D7940ZBE], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Samuel Stockton White, September 22nd, 1879
1879-09-22 -
[X078AA], Letter from Charles T Chester to Samuel Stockton White, July 24th, 1878
1878-07-24 -
[X078AC], Letter from E E Kendrick, Gold and Stock Telegraph Co to Samuel Stockton White, February 18th, 1879
1879-02-18 -
[X078AD], Letter from Western Electric Co, Enos M Barton to Samuel Stockton White, February 21st, 1879
1879-02-21 -
[X078AE], Bill/Receipt from Western Electric Co to Samuel Stockton White, September 23rd, 1878
1878-09-23 -
[X078AF], Letter from Henry Bentley, Philadelphia Local Telegraph Co to Samuel Stockton White, February 25th, 1879
1879-02-25 -
[X078AG], Letter from Crosby and Hoffman to Samuel Stockton White, May 13th, 1879
1879-05-13 -
[X078AH], Letter from George Walker, Gold and Stock Telegraph Co to Samuel Stockton White, May 21st, 1879
1879-05-21 -
[X078AI], Letter from Frederick K Fitch to Samuel Stockton White, May 21st, 1879
1879-05-21 -
[X078AJ], Letter from George Wales Soren to Samuel Stockton White, May 21st, 1879
1879-05-21 -
[X078AK], Letter from Robert G Brown to Samuel Stockton White, May 30th, 1879
1879-05-30 -
[X078AL], Letter from Robert G Brown to Samuel Stockton White, June 4th, 1879
1879-06-04 -
[X078AM], Letter from Robert Livingston Cutting, Jr. to Samuel Stockton White, June 13th, 1879
1879-06-13 -
[X078AN], Letter from Robert G Brown to Samuel Stockton White, July 2nd, 1879
1879-07-02 -
[X078AO], Letter from George Walker, Gold and Stock Telegraph Co to Samuel Stockton White, July 7th, 1879
1879-07-07 -
[X078AP], Telegram from Horace H Eldred to Samuel Stockton White, July 11th, 1879
1879-07-11 -
[X078AQ], Letter from Charles T Chester to Samuel Stockton White, July 21st, 1879
1879-07-21 -
[X078AR], Letter from Western Electric Co, Enos M Barton to Samuel Stockton White, August 11th, 1879
1879-08-11 -
[X078AS], Letter from Robert G Brown to Samuel Stockton White, August 29th, 1879
1879-08-29 -
[X078AT], Letter from Robert G Brown to Samuel Stockton White, August 29th, 1879
1879-08-29 -
[X078AU], Letter from Robert G Brown to Samuel Stockton White, September 4th, 1879
1879-09-04 -
[X078AV], Telegram from James Hopson Banker to Samuel Stockton White, September 22nd, 1879
1879-09-22 -
[X078AV1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Samuel Stockton White, October 16th, 1879 1879-10-16
[X078AW], Telegram from Horace H Eldred to Samuel Stockton White, October 17th, 1879
1879-10-17 -
[X078AX], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Samuel Stockton White, October 21st, 1879
1879-10-21 -
[X078AY], Letter from Robert G Brown to Samuel Stockton White, October 23rd, 1879
1879-10-23 -
[X078AY1], Letter from Robert G Brown to Samuel Stockton White, November 9th, 1879
1879-11-09 -
[X078AZ], Letter from Joshua Franklin Bailey to Samuel Stockton White, January 14th, 1880