Creator is exactly
Klondike Exposition Co
[D0015AAC], Letter from Thomas Crahan, Klondike Exposition Co to Thomas Alva Edison, January 18th, 1900 1900-01-18
[D0015AAL1], Agreement, Klondike Exposition Co, Thomas Crahan, Thomas Alva Edison, June 18th, 1900 1900-06-18
[D0015AAN], Minutes, Klondike Exposition Co, July 11th, 1900 1900-07-11
[D0015AAO], Minutes, Klondike Exposition Co, July 16th, 1900 1900-07-16
[D9915AAE], Letter from Klondike Exposition Co, Thomas Crahan to William Edgar Gilmore, June 21st, 1899 1899-06-21