Subject is exactly
[D0735AAL], Letter from Patrick Brady to National Phonograph Co, December 10th, 1907 1907-12-10
[D0908ABG], Letter from Herman Alwies to Thomas Alva Edison, March 10th, 1909 1909-03-10
[D7401B], Letter from Society of Telegraph Engineers (London), George E Preece to Thomas Alva Edison, September 25th, 1874 1874-09-25
[D7501B], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Scientific American, June 1875 1875-06-00
[D7510E], Letter from Robert B Lines to Thomas Alva Edison, July 1st, 1875 1875-07-01
[D7702W], Letter from Franklin Institute to Thomas Alva Edison, June 13th, 1877 1877-06-13
[D7703E], Essay, George Miller Beard, 1877 1877-00-00
[D7719ZDO], Letter from Thomas B A David to Thomas Alva Edison, November 27th, 1877 1877-11-27
[D7719ZEJ], Article, Edward Hibberd Johnson, 1877 1877-00-00
[D7802ZNX], Telegram from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Charles Batchelor, June 5th, 1878 1878-06-05
[D7802ZZNL], Letter from George Frederick Barker to Thomas Alva Edison, December 21st, 1878 1878-12-21
[D7802ZZOE], Letter from George Harrison Bliss to Thomas Alva Edison, December 30th, 1878 1878-12-30
[D7805U], Letter from George Bartlett Prescott to Thomas Alva Edison, March 9th, 1878 1878-03-09
[D7903ZCH], Letter from A L Fleury to Thomas Alva Edison, March 18th, 1879 1879-03-18
[D7906S], Letter from George Harrison Bliss to Thomas Alva Edison, February 26th, 1879 1879-02-26
[D7924B], Letter from Gold and Stock Telegraph Co, George L Wiley to Thomas Alva Edison, September 17th, 1879 1879-09-17
[D7929ZGO], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, 1879 1879-00-00
[D7941ZDJ], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Thomas Alva Edison, August 12th, 1879 1879-08-12
[D8001J], Letter from Sigmund Bergmann to William Carman, July 7th, 1880 1880-07-07
[D8004X], Letter from George Frederick Barker to Thomas Alva Edison, January 18th, 1880 1880-01-18
[D8004ZBS], Letter from Grosvenor Porter Lowrey to Thomas Alva Edison, March 16th, 1880 1880-03-16
[D8020ZCI], Letter from Egisto Paolo Fabbri to Thomas Alva Edison, March 15th, 1880 1880-03-15
[D8049ZIQ1], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, 1880 1880-00-00
[D8369ZAD], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to John F Ott, 1883 1883-00-00
[D8633L], Letter from Charles Turner Hughes to Samuel Insull, June 8th, 1886 1886-06-08
[D8752AAI], Letter from Consolidated Railway Telegraph Co, S K Dingle to Thomas Alva Edison, July 5th, 1887 1887-07-05
[D8805AAJ2], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Arthur Edwin Kennelly, January 1888 1888-01-00
[D8805AHH], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, October 10th, 1888 1888-10-10
[D8805AHI], Letter from Daniel Henry Chamberlain to Sherburne Blake Eaton, October 10th, 1888 1888-10-10
[D8850ADH], Telegram from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, September 19th, 1888 1888-09-19
[D8905AAS], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Alfred Ord Tate, February 1st, 1889 1889-02-01
[D8955AAL], Telegram from William Joseph Hammer to Thomas Alva Edison, February 2nd, 1889 1889-02-02
[E1502AS], Letter from J William Barker to West Orange Laboratory, October 5th, 1915 1915-10-05
[HM800100], Agreement, Western Union, Thomas Alva Edison, April 3rd, 1880 1880-04-03
[LB011037], Letter from Samuel Insull to Thomas Logan, January 7th, 1882 1882-01-07
[LB011401], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edward Hibberd Johnson, March 7th, 1882 1882-03-07
[LB016211], Letter from Samuel Insull to Western Union, May 1st, 1883 1883-05-01
[LB017345], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Western Union, December 31st, 1883 1883-12-31
[LB021021], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Alfred Ord Tate, October 12th, 1885 1885-10-12
[LB021082], Letter from Samuel Insull to Alfred Ord Tate, November 10th, 1885 1885-11-10
[LB021117C], Letter from Samuel Insull to Alfred Ord Tate, October 26th, 1885 1885-10-26
[LB021122], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Alfred Ord Tate, November 19th, 1885 1885-11-19
[LB022175B], Letter from Samuel Insull to Thomas Alva Edison, June 10th, 1886 1886-06-10
[LB068046], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to John Firth, April 9th, 1902 1902-04-09
[MBJ007] Diary, 1905-1908 1905-1908
[MBJ007256] Reminiscence, Charles Batchelor, 1906-1908 1906-1908
[MBJ007A] Reminiscence, Charles Batchelor, 1906-1908 1906-1908
[MBLB1111], Letter from Charles Batchelor to English Mechanic, May 5th, 1877 1877-05-05
[MBN001047], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, May 10th, 1875 1875-05-10
[MBN001050], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, August 12th, 1875 1875-08-12
[MBN001050A], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, August 13th, 1875 1875-08-13
[MBN002034], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, March 18th, 1877 1877-03-18
[MBN002039] Technical Note, June 6th, 1877 1877-06-06
[MBN004015], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, December 22nd, 1878 1878-12-22
[MBN004016], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, December 25th, 1878 1878-12-25
[MBN004021], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, December 27th, 1878 1878-12-27
[MBN004055], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, May 19th, 1879 1879-05-19
[MBN004057], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, June 1st, 1879 1879-06-01
[MBN004058], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, June 25th, 1879 1879-06-25
[MBN004059], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, July 3rd, 1879 1879-07-03
[MBSB10327], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, January 12th, 1878 1878-01-12
[MBSB10677X], Clipping, Journal of the Telegraph, June 1st, 1877 1877-06-01
[N007217], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, March 1879 1879-03-00
[N005003], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 2nd, 1878 1878-12-02
[N005009], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 3rd, 1878 1878-12-03
[N005015], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 5th, 1878 1878-12-05
[N005035], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 6th, 1878 1878-12-06
[N005039], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 7th, 1878 1878-12-07
[N005045], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 9th, 1878 1878-12-09
[N005047], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 10th, 1878 1878-12-10
[N005051], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 12th, 1878 1878-12-12
[N005059], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 13th, 1878 1878-12-13
[N005067], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 14th, 1878 1878-12-14
[N005073], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 15th, 1878 1878-12-15
[N005075], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 16th, 1878 1878-12-16
[N005085], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 17th, 1878 1878-12-17
[N005103], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 18th, 1878 1878-12-18
[N005161], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 19th, 1878 1878-12-19
[N005209], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 22nd, 1878 1878-12-22
[N005221], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 24th, 1878 1878-12-24
[N005225], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 26th, 1878 1878-12-26
[N005234], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, December 29th, 1878 1878-12-29
[N005235], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, January 7th, 1879 1879-01-07
[N005237], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, January 7th, 1879 1879-01-07
[N005239], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, January 8th, 1879 1879-01-08
[N005241], Technical Note, Charles Pitt Edison, January 9th, 1879 1879-01-09
[N016057A], Patent Caveat, Thomas Alva Edison, February 26th, 1879 1879-02-26
[N016115], Patent Caveat, Thomas Alva Edison, March 5th, 1879 1879-03-05
[N031163], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, June 22nd, 1879 1879-06-22
[N308011], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 28th, 1885 1885-05-28
[N314059], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 21st, 1886 1886-03-21
[NA011039], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 15th, 1887 1887-11-15
[NA020AAC] Technical Note, c. 1888 1888-00-00
[NA088AAA], Technical Note, John F Ott, Thomas Alva Edison, February 9th, 1902 1902-02-09
[NA091029], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 21st, 1902 1902-03-21
[NA091069], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 22nd, 1902 1902-03-22
[NA092AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 18th, 1902 1902-04-18
[NA092AAB], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 21st, 1902 1902-03-21
[NA092AAC], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 18th, 1902 1902-04-18
[NA093AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 1st, 1902 1902-05-01