[CJ012-F] Correspondence (1899)
Company Records Series -- New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works -- Administrative and Financial Records
[CJ012AAA], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 2nd, 1899
1899-01-02 -
[CJ012AAB], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 3rd, 1899
1899-01-03 -
[CJ012AAC], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 3rd, 1899
1899-01-03 -
[CJ012AAD], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 4th, 1899
1899-01-04 -
[CJ012AAE], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 5th, 1899
1899-01-05 -
[CJ012AAF], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 5th, 1899
1899-01-05 -
[CJ012AAG], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 6th, 1899
1899-01-06 -
[CJ012AAH], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 6th, 1899
1899-01-06 -
[CJ012AAI], Letter from Standard Paint Co, Frank S De Ronde to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, January 7th, 1899
1899-01-07 -
[CJ012AAJ], Letter from John A Hiltner, National Shoe and Leather Bank to Walter Seeley Mallory, January 7th, 1899
1899-01-07 -
[CJ012AAK], Letter from Sessions Foundry Co, William E Sessions to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, January 7th, 1899
1899-01-07 -
[CJ012AAL], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 7th, 1899
1899-01-07 -
[CJ012AAM], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 9th, 1899
1899-01-09 -
[CJ012AAN], Letter from Vulcan Iron Works, Alexander Backus to Walter Seeley Mallory, January 9th, 1899
1899-01-09 -
[CJ012AAO], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 10th, 1899
1899-01-10 -
[CJ012AAP], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 10th, 1899
1899-01-10 -
[CJ012AAQ], Letter from National Shoe and Leather Bank, John A Hiltner to Walter Seeley Mallory, January 10th, 1899
1899-01-10 -
[CJ012AAR], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 11th, 1899
1899-01-11 -
[CJ012AAS], Letter from Robins Conveying Belt Co, Thomas Robins to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, January 11th, 1899
1899-01-11 -
[CJ012AAT], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 12th, 1899
1899-01-12 -
[CJ012AAU], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 13th, 1899
1899-01-13 -
[CJ012AAV], Letter from New Jersey Zinc Co, James Bryant Tonking to Walter Seeley Mallory, January 14th, 1899
1899-01-14 -
[CJ012AAW], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 14th, 1899
1899-01-14 -
[CJ012AAX], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 16th, 1899
1899-01-16 -
[CJ012AAY], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 16th, 1899
1899-01-16 -
[CJ012AAZ], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 17th, 1899
1899-01-17 -
[CJ012ABA], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 17th, 1899
1899-01-17 -
[CJ012ABB], Letter from Samuel Sayler to John F Randolph, January 17th, 1899
1899-01-17 -
[CJ012ABC], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 18th, 1899
1899-01-18 -
[CJ012ABD], Letter from New Jersey Zinc Co, James Bryant Tonking to Thomas Alva Edison, January 18th, 1899
1899-01-18 -
[CJ012ABE], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 18th, 1899
1899-01-18 -
[CJ012ABF], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 19th, 1899
1899-01-19 -
[CJ012ABG], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 19th, 1899
1899-01-19 -
[CJ012ABH], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 19th, 1899
1899-01-19 -
[CJ012ABI], Letter from Robins Conveying Belt Co, Thomas Robins to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, January 19th, 1899
1899-01-19 -
[CJ012ABJ], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1899
1899-01-20 -
[CJ012ABK], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1899
1899-01-20 -
[CJ012ABL], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 21st, 1899
1899-01-21 -
[CJ012ABM], Letter from C E Young, Standard Oil Co to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, January 21st, 1899
1899-01-21 -
[CJ012ABN], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 21st, 1899
1899-01-21 -
[CJ012ABO], Letter from National Tube Works Co, E H Osborne to Walter Seeley Mallory, January 23rd, 1899
1899-01-23 -
[CJ012ABP], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 23rd, 1899
1899-01-23 -
[CJ012ABQ], Letter from Robins Conveying Belt Co, Thomas Robins to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, January 23rd, 1899
1899-01-23 -
[CJ012ABR], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 24th, 1899
1899-01-24 -
[CJ012ABS], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 25th, 1899
1899-01-25 -
[CJ012ABT], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 25th, 1899
1899-01-25 -
[CJ012ABU], Letter from New Jersey Zinc Co, James Bryant Tonking to Walter Seeley Mallory, January 25th, 1899
1899-01-25 -
[CJ012ABV], Letter from J M Ward to Thomas Alva Edison, January 26th, 1899
1899-01-26 -
[CJ012ABW], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 26th, 1899
1899-01-26 -
[CJ012ABX], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 27th, 1899
1899-01-27 -
[CJ012ABY], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 28th, 1899
1899-01-28 -
[CJ012ABZ], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 30th, 1899
1899-01-30 -
[CJ012ACA], Letter from James Bryant Tonking, New Jersey Zinc Co to Walter Seeley Mallory, January 30th, 1899
1899-01-30 -
[CJ012ACB], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, January 31st, 1899
1899-01-31 -
[CJ012ACC], Letter from Roberts (Frank C.) & Co to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, January 31st, 1899
1899-01-31 -
[CJ012ACD], Letter from R H Cunningham to Thomas Alva Edison, January 31st, 1899
1899-01-31 -
[CJ012ACE], Letter from New Jersey Zinc Co, James Bryant Tonking to Walter Seeley Mallory, February 2nd, 1899
1899-02-02 -
[CJ012ACF], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, February 3rd, 1899
1899-02-03 -
[CJ012ACG], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, February 4th, 1899
1899-02-04 -
[CJ012ACH], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, February 6th, 1899
1899-02-06 -
[CJ012ACI], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, February 7th, 1899
1899-02-07 -
[CJ012ACJ], Letter from R H Cunningham to Walter Seeley Mallory, February 7th, 1899
1899-02-07 -
[CJ012ACK], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, February 8th, 1899
1899-02-08 -
[CJ012ACL], Letter from New Jersey Zinc Co, James Bryant Tonking to Walter Seeley Mallory, February 11th, 1899
1899-02-11 -
[CJ012ACM], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, February 13th, 1899
1899-02-13 -
[CJ012ACN], Letter from Calvin T Freid to Thomas Alva Edison, February 14th, 1899
1899-02-14 -
[CJ012ACO], Letter from James Bryant Tonking, New Jersey Zinc Co to Emil Herter, February 16th, 1899
1899-02-16 -
[CJ012ACP], Letter from Oliver Wire Co to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, February 17th, 1899
1899-02-17 -
[CJ012ACQ], Letter from Toledo Foundry and Machine Co, J C Wuerfel to Walter Seeley Mallory, February 20th, 1899
1899-02-20 -
[CJ012ACR], Letter from New Jersey Zinc Co, James Bryant Tonking to Walter Seeley Mallory, February 25th, 1899
1899-02-25 -
[CJ012ACS], Telephone Message from Walter Seeley Mallory to Thomas Alva Edison, March 1st, 1899
1899-03-01 -
[CJ012ACT], Letter from Walter Seeley Mallory to James Bryant Tonking, New Jersey Zinc Co, March 2nd, 1899
1899-03-02 -
[CJ012ACU], Letter from James Bryant Tonking, New Jersey Zinc Co to Walter Seeley Mallory, February 28th, 1899
1899-02-28 -
[CJ012ACV], Letter from Pardee (A.) & Co, H W Howe to Walter Seeley Mallory, March 2nd, 1899
1899-03-02 -
[CJ012ACW], Letter from Frank Culbertson to Walter Seeley Mallory, March 13th, 1899
1899-03-13 -
[CJ012ACW1], Letter from Pardee (A.) & Co, H W Howe to Walter Seeley Mallory, March 16th, 1899
1899-03-16 -
[CJ012ACX], Letter from Vulcan Iron Works, Alexander Backus to Walter Seeley Mallory, March 20th, 1899
1899-03-20 -
[CJ012ACY], Letter from James Bryant Tonking, New Jersey Zinc Co to Walter Seeley Mallory, March 20th, 1899
1899-03-20 -
[CJ012ACZ], Letter from New Jersey Zinc Co, James Bryant Tonking to Walter Seeley Mallory, March 22nd, 1899
1899-03-22 -
[CJ012ADA], Letter from R H Cunningham to Walter Seeley Mallory, March 23rd, 1899
1899-03-23 -
[CJ012ADB], Letter from Albert Cecil Fairchild, Passaic Rolling Mill Co to Walter Seeley Mallory, March 24th, 1899
1899-03-24 -
[CJ012ADC], Letter from John Woolcock to Walter Seeley Mallory, March 25th, 1899
1899-03-25 -
[CJ012ADD], Letter from Vulcan Iron Works, Alexander Backus to Walter Seeley Mallory, March 27th, 1899
1899-03-27 -
[CJ012ADE], Letter from H W Howe, Pardee (A.) & Co to Walter Seeley Mallory, March 27th, 1899
1899-03-27 -
[CJ012ADF], Letter from John Woolcock to Walter Seeley Mallory, April 1st, 1899
1899-04-01 -
[CJ012ADG], Letter from New Jersey Zinc Co, James Bryant Tonking to Walter Seeley Mallory, April 1st, 1899
1899-04-01 -
[CJ012ADH], Letter from New Jersey Zinc Co, James Bryant Tonking to Walter Seeley Mallory, April 5th, 1899
1899-04-05 -
[CJ012ADI], Letter from Dickson Manufacturing Co, Lahman F Bower to New Jersey Zinc Co, James Bryant Tonking, April 4th, 1899
1899-04-04 -
[CJ012ADJ], Letter from R H Cunningham to Walter Seeley Mallory, April 11th, 1899
1899-04-11 -
[CJ012ADK], Letter from New Jersey Zinc Co, James Bryant Tonking to Walter Seeley Mallory, April 12th, 1899
1899-04-12 -
[CJ012ADL], Letter from John Woolcock to Walter Seeley Mallory, April 19th, 1899
1899-04-19 -
[CJ012ADM], Letter from R H Cunningham to John F Randolph, May 2nd, 1899
1899-05-02 -
[CJ012ADN], Letter from Stewart M Rarick to John F Randolph, May 3rd, 1899
1899-05-03 -
[CJ012ADO], Letter from Preston Peak Copper Co, Charles A Lieb to Walter Seeley Mallory, May 5th, 1899
1899-05-05 -
[CJ012ADP], Letter from W S Richards, Central Railroad of New Jersey to Walter Seeley Mallory, May 10th, 1899
1899-05-10 -
[CJ012ADQ], Letter from Pilling and Crane to Israel Platt Pardee, May 10th, 1899
1899-05-10 -
[CJ012ADR], Letter from Vulcan Iron Works, Alexander Backus to Walter Seeley Mallory, May 11th, 1899
1899-05-11 -
[CJ012ADS], Letter from R H Cunningham to Walter Seeley Mallory, May 12th, 1899
1899-05-12 -
[CJ012ADT], Letter from R H Cunningham to Walter Seeley Mallory, May 15th, 1899
1899-05-15 -
[CJ012ADU], Letter from Jetur R Riggs to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, May 15th, 1899