[CK704-F] Journal (1903-1926)
Company Records Series -- New Jersey Patent Company
- Title
- [CK704-F] Journal (1903-1926)
- Description
This journal covers the period May 1903-February 1911, with additional entries from May 1917, December 1925, and February 1926. Chronological entries provide information about transactions posted to various accounts and recorded in the corporate ledger. The journal is a partial record and does not provide information about all of the posted transactions. The entries from February 1911 detail the sale of the company's property rights to Thomas A. Edison, Inc., for $200,000 in stock. The entries from 1917 are in the form of directors' minutes and indicate the sale of the company's stock in Thomas A. Edison, Inc., and the purchase of outstanding New Jersey Patent Co. stock from Edison and his wife, Mina Miller Edison. The front cover is labeled "Journal. N.J. Patent Co." The book contains 152 numbered pages; it has been used to page 57.
- Identifier
- CK704-F
- Type
- Company Records
- Is Part Of
- Company Records Series -- New Jersey Patent Company
- Alternative Title
- Journal (1903-1926)
- Has Version
- Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 219
[CK704] Account, 1903-1926