This folder contains correspondence and other documents by and about Edison's family. Included are letters pertaining to the financial difficulties of Thomas A. Edison, Jr., and William Leslie Edison, and the financial interests of the Miller family. Also included are several items relating to family property in Port Huron, Michigan.
Fifteen letters by Edison, Jr. from 1904, along with numerous other letters addressed to him by Frank L. Dyer, head of the Edison company's Legal Department, can be found in Legal Series -- Legal Department Records -- Edison's Name -- Case Files: Thomas A. Edison v. Thomas A. Edison, Jr., Chemical Company. In addition to discussion of the U.S. Post Office's mail fraud suit against the Thomas A. Edison Jr. Chemical Co., in which the younger Edison was cooperating with Dyer and his father, the letters also contain references to Edison Jr.'s protracted stay under an assumed name at the Valley House hotel in Greenwood, New York, where he was hiding out from the officials of the chemical company; his ongoing problems with his foot; and his first encounter with future wife Matilda R. Heyzer, who was posing as a nurse under the assumed name of Mrs. Beatrice Willard.