[D8442-F] (D-84-42) Electric Light -- TAE Construction Dept -- Engineering
Document File Series -- 1884
[D8442ZCZ], Letter from Frank Julian Sprague to Thomas Alva Edison, April 7th, 1884
1884-04-07 -
[D8442ZDA], Letter from Harry Ward Leonard to Thomas Alva Edison, April 9th, 1884
1884-04-09 -
[D8442ZDB], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, April 13th, 1884
1884-04-13 -
[D8442ZDC], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, April 13th, 1884
1884-04-13 -
[D8442ZDD], Letter from Harry Ward Leonard to Thomas Alva Edison, April 13th, 1884
1884-04-13 -
[D8442ZDE], Letter from Samuel Insull to Frank Julian Sprague, April 14th, 1884
1884-04-14 -
[D8442ZDF], Letter from Thomas Spencer to Edison (Thomas A.) Construction Dept, April 15th, 1884
1884-04-15 -
[D8442ZDG], Letter from Frank Julian Sprague to Thomas Alva Edison, April 16th, 1884
1884-04-16 -
[D8442ZDH], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, April 17th, 1884
1884-04-17 -
[D8442ZDI], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, April 17th, 1884
1884-04-17 -
[D8442ZDJ], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, April 19th, 1884
1884-04-19 -
[D8442ZDK], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, April 19th, 1884
1884-04-19 -
[D8442ZDL], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Samuel Insull, April 19th, 1884
1884-04-19 -
[D8442ZDM], Letter from Frank Julian Sprague to Thomas Alva Edison, April 24th, 1884
1884-04-24 -
[D8442ZDN], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, April 25th, 1884
1884-04-25 -
[D8442ZDO], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, April 25th, 1884
1884-04-25 -
[D8442ZDP], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, April 25th, 1884
1884-04-25 -
[D8442ZDQ], Letter from Frank Julian Sprague to Thomas Alva Edison, April 25th, 1884
1884-04-25 -
[D8442ZDR], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, April 26th, 1884
1884-04-26 -
[D8442ZDS], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, April 27th, 1884
1884-04-27 -
[D8442ZDT], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, May 1st, 1884
1884-05-01 -
[D8442ZDU], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, May 1st, 1884
1884-05-01 -
[D8442ZDV], Letter from Edison (Thomas A.) Construction Dept to William D Rich, May 1st, 1884
1884-05-01 -
[D8442ZDW], Letter from Harry Ward Leonard to Thomas Alva Edison, May 7th, 1884
1884-05-07 -
[D8442ZDX], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Thomas Alva Edison, May 7th, 1884
1884-05-07 -
[D8442ZDX1], Cost Estimate, Edison (Thomas A.) Construction Dept, May 8th, 1884
1884-05-08 -
[D8442ZDY], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, May 10th, 1884
1884-05-10 -
[D8442ZDZ], Letter from Harry Mather Doubleday to Edison (Thomas A.) Construction Dept, May 12th, 1884
1884-05-12 -
[D8442ZEA], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Samuel Insull, May 14th, 1884
1884-05-14 -
[D8442ZEB], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Alfred Ord Tate, May 14th, 1884
1884-05-14 -
[D8442ZEC], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Alfred Ord Tate, May 18th, 1884
1884-05-18 -
[D8442ZED], Letter from Harry Mather Doubleday to Thomas Alva Edison, May 19th, 1884
1884-05-19 -
[D8442ZEF], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, May 19th, 1884
1884-05-19 -
[D8442ZEG], Letter from J F Kirby to Thomas Alva Edison, May 20th, 1884
1884-05-20 -
[D8442ZEH], Telegram from William Symes Andrews to Samuel Insull, May 22nd, 1884
1884-05-22 -
[D8442ZEI], Letter from Harry Mather Doubleday to Samuel Insull, May 23rd, 1884
1884-05-23 -
[D8442ZEJ], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, May 27th, 1884
1884-05-27 -
[D8442ZEK], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, May 27th, 1884
1884-05-27 -
[D8442ZEL], Letter from J F Kirby to Thomas Alva Edison, May 29th, 1884
1884-05-29 -
[D8442ZEM], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, May 30th, 1884
1884-05-30 -
[D8442ZEN], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, June 5th, 1884
1884-06-05 -
[D8442ZEO], Letter from James Lyman to Thomas Alva Edison, June 6th, 1884
1884-06-06 -
[D8442ZEP], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Samuel Insull, June 6th, 1884
1884-06-06 -
[D8442ZEQ], Letter from Thomas Peters Conant to Samuel Insull, June 9th, 1884
1884-06-09 -
[D8442ZER], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, June 10th, 1884
1884-06-10 -
[D8442ZES], Letter from James Lyman to Thomas Alva Edison, June 16th, 1884
1884-06-16 -
[D8442ZET], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, June 17th, 1884
1884-06-17 -
[D8442ZEU], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, June 19th, 1884
1884-06-19 -
[D8442ZEV], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, June 19th, 1884
1884-06-19 -
[D8442ZEW], Letter from Isaac C Walker to Samuel Insull, June 24th, 1884
1884-06-24 -
[D8442ZEX], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, June 30th, 1884
1884-06-30 -
[D8442ZEY], Letter from Arthur S Beves to Samuel Insull, July 11th, 1884
1884-07-11 -
[D8442ZEZ], Letter from Arthur S Beves to Edison (Thomas A.) Construction Dept, July 11th, 1884
1884-07-11 -
[D8442ZFA], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Samuel Insull, July 15th, 1884
1884-07-15 -
[D8442ZFB], Letter from J F Kirby to Samuel Insull, July 15th, 1884
1884-07-15 -
[D8442ZFC], Letter from Thomas Peters Conant to Samuel Insull, July 22nd, 1884
1884-07-22 -
[D8442ZFD], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Samuel Insull, July 23rd, 1884
1884-07-23 -
[D8442ZFE], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, July 24th, 1884
1884-07-24 -
[D8442ZFF], Letter from John T Perry to Samuel Insull, July 30th, 1884
1884-07-30 -
[D8442ZFG], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Samuel Insull, August 26th, 1884
1884-08-26 -
[D8442ZFH], Letter from Harry Ward Leonard to Thomas Alva Edison, September 16th, 1884
1884-09-16 -
[D8442ZFI], Letter from Irving Hibler to Thomas Alva Edison, October 28th, 1884
1884-10-28 -
[D8442ZFJ], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, December 18th, 1884
1884-12-18 -
[D8442ZFK], Letter from William Symes Andrews to Thomas Alva Edison, 1884
1884-00-00 -
[D8442ZFL], Memorandum, Edison (Thomas A.) Construction Dept, 1884
1884-00-00 -
[D8442ZFM], Cost Estimate, Edison (Thomas A.) Construction Dept, 1884
1884-00-00 -
[D8442ZFN], Memorandum, Edison (Thomas A.) Construction Dept, 1884
1884-00-00 -
[D8442ZFN1], Memorandum, Edison (Thomas A.) Construction Dept, 1884
1884-00-00 -
[D8442ZFO], List, William Symes Andrews, 1884