This folder contains correspondence and other documents relating to Edison's widely publicized views on longevity, his recommendations for good health, and his personal habits, physical condition, and ailments. Some of the letters, containing Edison's reply in the form of marginalia, concern smoking, diet, and referrals to physicians. Also included is a questionnaire that Edison agreed to circulate among his workers on behalf of author and attorney Bolton Hall. Among the correspondents are Clarence I. Peck, an acquaintance from Fort Myers, Florida, and physicians George T. Jackson of New York and Sir James A. Grant of Canada.
Approximately 40 percent of the documents have been selected. The following categories of documents have not been selected: unsolicited circulars, pamphlets, and newspaper clippings; correspondence receiving no reply. Also not selected is a letter regarding a purported remedy by Edison for hardening of the arteries, along with a marginal notation indicating that the writer had "misunderstood the articles in the papers."