[E1404-F] (E-14-04) Articles
Edison General File Series -- 1914
[E1404AA], Letter from New York Herald to William Henry Meadowcroft, January 7th, 1914
1914-01-07 -
[E1404AB], Letter from Nicholas Power to Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1914
1914-01-20 -
[E1404AC], Letter from General Electric Co, Martin Port Rice to William Henry Meadowcroft, January 27th, 1914
1914-01-27 -
[E1404AD], Letter from Frank Parker Stockbridge, Popular Mechanics Magazine to Thomas Alva Edison, January 30th, 1914
1914-01-30 -
[E1404AE], Letter from General Electric Review, John Ridge Hewett to William Henry Meadowcroft, January 31st, 1914
1914-01-31 -
[E1404AF], Letter from Cleveland Moffett, McClure Publications to William Henry Meadowcroft, February 9th, 1914
1914-02-09 -
[E1404AG], Letter from Cleveland Moffett, McClure Publications to Thomas Alva Edison, February 9th, 1914
1914-02-09 -
[E1404AH], Letter from John Ridge Hewett, General Electric Review to William Henry Meadowcroft, February 17th, 1914
1914-02-17 -
[E1404AI], Letter from Literary Digest, William Seaver Woods to Thomas Alva Edison, February 17th, 1914
1914-02-17 -
[E1404AJ], Telegram from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, March 13th, 1914
1914-03-13 -
[E1404AK], Letter from Henry Olerich to Thomas Alva Edison, April 17th, 1914
1914-04-17 -
[E1404AL], Letter from Dow Jones & Co, S H Agnew to Thomas Alva Edison, April 23rd, 1914
1914-04-23 -
[E1404AM], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to S H Agnew, April 25th, 1914
1914-04-25 -
[E1404AN], Letter from Dow Jones & Co, S H Agnew to Thomas Alva Edison, May 1st, 1914
1914-05-01 -
[E1404AO], Letter from Oswald Garrison Villard, New York Post to Thomas Alva Edison, May 7th, 1914
1914-05-07 -
[E1404AP], Letter from New York Post to Thomas Alva Edison, May 14th, 1914
1914-05-14 -
[E1404AQ], Letter from A S Glenn to Thomas Alva Edison, May 20th, 1914
1914-05-20 -
[E1404AR], Letter from Dow Jones & Co, S H Agnew to William Henry Meadowcroft, May 26th, 1914
1914-05-26 -
[E1404AS], Letter from Moving Picture World, James L Hoff to William Henry Meadowcroft, May 26th, 1914
1914-05-26 -
[E1404AT], Letter from Moving Picture World, James L Hoff to William Henry Meadowcroft, May 29th, 1914
1914-05-29 -
[E1404AU], Letter from Manufacturers Record to Thomas Alva Edison, June 4th, 1914
1914-06-04 -
[E1404AV], Letter from Frank Parker Stockbridge, Popular Mechanics Magazine to Thomas Alva Edison, June 10th, 1914
1914-06-10 -
[E1404AW], Letter from Elmer Lee, Health Culture to Thomas Alva Edison, June 10th, 1914
1914-06-10 -
[E1404AX], Letter from Joe Mitchell Chapple to William Henry Meadowcroft, June 13th, 1914
1914-06-13 -
[E1404AY], Letter from Arthur Williams, New York Edison Co to Thomas Alva Edison, June 16th, 1914
1914-06-16 -
[E1404AZ], Letter from Edward Marshall, New York Times to Thomas Alva Edison, June 16th, 1914
1914-06-16 -
[E1404BA], Letter from National Magazine to Thomas Alva Edison, June 18th, 1914
1914-06-18 -
[E1404BB], Letter from American Motion Picture Directory Co to Thomas Alva Edison, June 23rd, 1914
1914-06-23 -
[E1404BC], Letter from New York Press, George W Stearns to Thomas Alva Edison, June 30th, 1914
1914-06-30 -
[E1404BD], Letter from Proudfoot's Commerical Agency to Thomas Alva Edison, July 10th, 1914
1914-07-10 -
[E1404BE], Letter from Thomas F Murphy to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, July 15th, 1914
1914-07-15 -
[E1404BF], Letter from Etude, James Francis Cooke to Thomas Alva Edison, July 20th, 1914
1914-07-20 -
[E1404BG], Letter from Perry Ivins to William Henry Meadowcroft, August 24th, 1914
1914-08-24 -
[E1404BH], Letter from Women's Political Union of New Jersey, Mary Isabel Billet to Thomas Alva Edison, September 5th, 1914
1914-09-05 -
[E1404BI], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to National Magazine, Joe Mitchell Chapple, September 10th, 1914
1914-09-10 -
[E1404BJ], Letter from Herman H Hoexter, Century Opera Co to Thomas Alva Edison, September 19th, 1914
1914-09-19 -
[E1404BK], Letter from Howard Shelley, Century Opera Co to Thomas Alva Edison, September 21st, 1914
1914-09-21 -
[E1404BL], Letter from Joe Mitchell Chapple to William Henry Meadowcroft, September 25th, 1914
1914-09-25 -
[E1404BM], Letter from Waldemar Bernhard Kaempffert, Scientific American to William Henry Meadowcroft, September 25th, 1914
1914-09-25 -
[E1404BN], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, September 26th, 1914
1914-09-26 -
[E1404BO], Letter from American Magazine to William Henry Meadowcroft, September 29th, 1914
1914-09-29 -
[E1404BP], Letter from John Robert McMahon to Thomas Alva Edison, October 2nd, 1914
1914-10-02 -
[E1404BQ], Letter from Kaffee Hag Corporation to Thomas Alva Edison, October 14th, 1914
1914-10-14 -
[E1404BR], Letter from Alan Sullivan to William Henry Meadowcroft, October 16th, 1914
1914-10-16 -
[E1404BS], Letter from Albert A Van De Mark to Thomas Alva Edison, October 17th, 1914
1914-10-17 -
[E1404BT], Letter from Herbert Livingston Satterlee to William Henry Meadowcroft, October 28th, 1914
1914-10-28 -
[E1404BU], Letter from Horace Green, New York American to William Henry Meadowcroft, Thomas Alva Edison, October 30th, 1914
1914-10-30 -
[E1404BV], Letter from Hammon (V.O.) Publishing Co to Thomas Alva Edison, October 30th, 1914
1914-10-30 -
[E1404BW], Letter from Herbert Livingston Satterlee to William Henry Meadowcroft, November 2nd, 1914
1914-11-02 -
[E1404BX], Letter from Arthur Williams to William Henry Meadowcroft, November 6th, 1914
1914-11-06 -
[E1404BY], Letter from Herman Bernstein, Day (Newspaper) to Thomas Alva Edison, November 9th, 1914
1914-11-09 -
[E1404BZ], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, November 10th, 1914
1914-11-10 -
[E1404CA], Letter from Leo Morris Franklin to Thomas Alva Edison, November 13th, 1914
1914-11-13 -
[E1404CB], Letter from Day (Newspaper), Herman Bernstein to Thomas Alva Edison, November 16th, 1914
1914-11-16 -
[E1404CC], Letter from Kuhn, Loeb & Co, Jacob Henry Schiff to Thomas Alva Edison, November 16th, 1914
1914-11-16 -
[E1404CD], Letter from Herman Bernstein, Day (Newspaper) to William Henry Meadowcroft, November 25th, 1914
1914-11-25 -
[E1404CE], Letter from James Francis Cooke, Etude to Thomas Alva Edison, November 28th, 1914
1914-11-28 -
[E1404CF], Letter from Charles Albert Coffin to Thomas Alva Edison, December 2nd, 1914
1914-12-02 -
[E1404CG], Letter from Joe Mitchell Chapple to Thomas Alva Edison, December 23rd, 1914
1914-12-23 -
[E1404CH], Letter from Charles Whiting Baker, Engineering News to Thomas Alva Edison, December 24th, 1914
1914-12-24 -
[E1404CI], Letter from Mignon M Hall to William Henry Meadowcroft, December 28th, 1914
1914-12-28 -
[E1404CJ], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to London Chronicle, December 31st, 1914
1914-12-31 -
[E1404CK], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Henry Meadowcroft, 1914