[E1469A-F] (E-14-69) Phonograph
Edison General File Series -- 1914
[E1469DT], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, May 28th, 1914 1914-05-28
[E1469DU], Letter from Frederick S Brown to Allan M Hird, M Dickerson, William Henry Meadowcroft, May 14th, 1914 1914-05-14
[E1469DV], Letter from C Louis Maas, Morehouse-Martens Co to Thomas Alva Edison, May 15th, 1914 1914-05-15
[E1469DW], Letter from Albert C Ireton to Carl Hillis Wilson, May 18th, 1914 1914-05-18
[E1469DX], Letter from C E Moore (Kansas) to Thomas Alva Edison, May 20th, 1914 1914-05-20
[E1469DY], Letter from William W Northrup to Thomas Alva Edison, May 20th, 1914 1914-05-20
[E1469DZ], Letter from Lee De Forest to Thomas Alva Edison, May 20th, 1914 1914-05-20
[E1469EA], Letter from Albert C Ireton to Thomas Alva Edison, May 21st, 1914 1914-05-21
[E1469EB], Letter from George C Silzer, Harger and Blish to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, May 22nd, 1914 1914-05-22
[E1469EC], Letter from James Edmund Jones to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, May 23rd, 1914 1914-05-23
[E1469ED], Letter from Walter Henry Miller to Thomas Paine Westendorf, May 25th, 1914 1914-05-25
[E1469ED1], Minutes, Edison (Thomas A.) Inc. Record Committee, May 25th, 1914 1914-05-25
[E1469EE], Letter from Gustav L Becker to Thomas Alva Edison, May 26th, 1914 1914-05-26
[E1469EF], Letter from Walt Mason to Thomas Alva Edison, May 26th, 1914 1914-05-26
[E1469EG], Publication, Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, Carl Hillis Wilson, May 26th, 1914 1914-05-26
[E1469EH], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Harry Toyne Leeming, May 28th, 1914 1914-05-28
[E1469EI], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, June 5th, 1914 1914-06-05
[E1469EJ], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, June 8th, 1914 1914-06-08
[E1469EK], Letter from Frederick K Babson to Thomas Alva Edison, June 9th, 1914 1914-06-09
[E1469EL], Letter from Jay Warren Knapp to William Henry Meadowcroft, June 9th, 1914 1914-06-09
[E1469EM], Letter from Harger and Blish, George C Silzer to Thomas Alva Edison, June 10th, 1914 1914-06-10
[E1469EN], Letter from Antonia Sawyer to Thomas Alva Edison, June 11th, 1914 1914-06-11
[E1469EO], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, June 12th, 1914 1914-06-12
[E1469EP], Letter from National Association of Disc Phonograph Jobbers, Lawrence H Lucker, Henry Herbert Blish, Charles Edwin Goodwin, C B Haynes, Henry George Stanton to Thomas Alva Edison, June 14th, 1914 1914-06-14
[E1469EQ], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Thomas Alva Edison, June 15th, 1914 1914-06-15
[E1469ER], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Albert C Ireton, June 15th, 1914 1914-06-15
[E1469ES], Letter from George Herbert Follows to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, June 16th, 1914 1914-06-16
[E1469ET], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Herbert Follows, July 22nd, 1914 1914-07-22
[E1469EU], Letter from George C Silzer, Harger and Blish to Thomas Alva Edison, June 18th, 1914 1914-06-18
[E1469EV], Report from Stephen Babcock Mambert, June 23rd, 1914 1914-06-23
[E1469EW], Letter from William Maxwell to Thomas Alva Edison, June 26th, 1914 1914-06-26
[E1469EX], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, June 26th, 1914 1914-06-26
[E1469EY], Letter from Harger and Blish, George C Silzer to Thomas Alva Edison, June 29th, 1914 1914-06-29
[E1469EY1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Harger and Blish, July 9th, 1914 1914-07-09