[LB031-F] LB-031 (June-Aug 1889)
General Letterbook Series
[LB031286], Letter from John F Randolph to Lawrence T Fell, July 15th, 1889 1889-07-15
[LB031302], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to John P Haines, July 16th, 1889 1889-07-16
[LB031302A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Canadian Copper Co, July 16th, 1889 1889-07-16
[LB031306], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles Batchelor, July 16th, 1889 1889-07-16
[LB031306A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Thomas Bernardr Connery, July 16th, 1889 1889-07-16
[LB031308], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Bernardr Connery, July 16th, 1889 1889-07-16
[LB031314], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Henry Villard, Edison General Electric Co, July 17th, 1889 1889-07-17
[LB031315], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edwin M Fox, July 17th, 1889 1889-07-17
[LB031318], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Dyer and Seely, July 17th, 1889 1889-07-17
[LB031322], Letter from Samuel Insull to John C English, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031322A], Letter from Louis Glass to Samuel Insull, July 1889 1889-07-00
[LB031323], Letter from Samuel Insull to Louis Glass, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031324], Letter from Samuel Insull to Everett Frazar, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031325], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to James Dredge, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031326], Letter from Samuel Insull to Edwin Ruthvin Chadbourne, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031327], Letter from Samuel Insull to John H Vail, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031327A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to John H Vail, July 1889 1889-07-00
[LB031328], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Lewis Miller, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031329], Letter from Samuel Insull to Sherburne Blake Eaton, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031332], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to A A Knudsen, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031334], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Essex County Country Club, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031335], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison General Electric Co, Henry Villard, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031337], Letter from Samuel Insull to Alfred Ord Tate, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[LB031344], Letter from John F Randolph to Thomas Butler, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031345], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Hugh John Grant, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031346], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Dennis Marks, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031347], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Thomas Bernardr Connery, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031348], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edwin M Fox, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031349], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to John Hoey, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031350], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Henry Rogers, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031351], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to R Dunlap, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031352], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to James H Breslin, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031353], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to C A Stevens, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031355], Letter from Samuel Insull to Benjamin F Stevens, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031357], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Dennis Marks, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031364], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Joseph Hammer, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031366], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Alfred Richard Cecil Selwyn, July 20th, 1889 1889-07-20
[LB031373], Letter from John F Randolph to Samuel Insull, July 22nd, 1889 1889-07-22
[LB031376], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Henry M Livor, July 22nd, 1889 1889-07-22
[LB031378], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to New York Telegraph Club, July 22nd, 1889 1889-07-22
[LB031380], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Dick (A.B.) Co, July 22nd, 1889 1889-07-22
[LB031380A], Letter from Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee) to Edmund M Beane, July 22nd, 1889 1889-07-22
[LB031381], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Alfred Ord Tate, July 22nd, 1889 1889-07-22
[LB031383], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to William E Hibble, July 22nd, 1889 1889-07-22
[LB031386], Letter from Charles Batchelor to E H Brooks, July 22nd, 1889 1889-07-22
[LB031387], Letter from Charles Batchelor to Henry M Livor, July 22nd, 1889 1889-07-22
[LB031389], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to H R Stoughton, July 22nd, 1889 1889-07-22
[LB031393], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Green Berry Raum, Jr., July 23rd, 1889 1889-07-23
[LB031401], Letter from John F Randolph to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, Joseph Hutchinson, July 24th, 1889 1889-07-24
[LB031402], Letter from John F Randolph to Samuel Insull, July 24th, 1889 1889-07-24
[LB031406], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to James E Browne, July 24th, 1889 1889-07-24
[LB031407], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to William M Brock, Edison Electric Illuminating Co (Paterson), July 24th, 1889 1889-07-24
[LB031408], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Lamp Co, July 24th, 1889 1889-07-24
[LB031408A], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Electric Illuminating Co (Paterson), William M Brock, July 1889 1889-07-00
[LB031410], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Henry M Livor, July 23rd, 1889 1889-07-23
[LB031414], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Edward Gouraud, July 25th, 1889 1889-07-25
[LB031417], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Bristol Iron Co Ltd, Caleb C Symons, July 25th, 1889 1889-07-25
[LB031418], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Daniel Brennan, Jr., July 25th, 1889 1889-07-25
[LB031419], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to John Birkinbine, July 25th, 1889 1889-07-25
[LB031430], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Edward Gouraud, July 26th, 1889 1889-07-26
[LB031431], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Franklin Institute, H L Heyl, July 26th, 1889 1889-07-26
[LB031433], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Green Berry Raum, Jr., July 26th, 1889 1889-07-26
[LB031434], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to William Dennis Marks, July 27th, 1889 1889-07-27
[LB031435], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Lamp Co, July 27th, 1889 1889-07-27
[LB031440], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Westermann (B.) & Co, July 27th, 1889 1889-07-27
[LB031445], Letter from John F Randolph to Thomas Butler, July 29th, 1889 1889-07-29
[LB031446], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Drexel Morgan & Co, July 29th, 1889 1889-07-29
[LB031448], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Gold and Stock Telegraph Co, George B Scott, July 27th, 1889 1889-07-27
[LB031449], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Edison Lamp Co, William Henry Meadowcroft, July 29th, 1889 1889-07-29
[LB031451], Letter from Samuel Insull to Alfred Ord Tate, July 30th, 1889 1889-07-30
[LB031459], Letter from Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee) to Edison Machine Works, July 30th, 1889 1889-07-30
[LB031460], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to John Pender, July 30th, 1889 1889-07-30
[LB031461], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to John Lubbock (Baron Avebury), July 30th, 1889 1889-07-30
[LB031462], Letter from Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee) to Mina Miller (Mrs Thomas A.) Edison, July 30th, 1889 1889-07-30
[LB031463], Letter from Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee) to Sherburne Blake Eaton, July 31st, 1889 1889-07-31
[LB031468], Letter from Charles Batchelor to W R Wills, August 1st, 1889 1889-08-01
[LB031470], Letter from Charles Batchelor to Edison Machine Works, John Kruesi, August 1st, 1889 1889-08-01
[LB031471], Letter from Charles Batchelor to John C English, July 31st, 1889 1889-07-31
[LB031475], Letter from John F Randolph to Thomas Butler, August 2nd, 1889 1889-08-02
[LB031475A], Letter from John F Randolph to George P Kingsley, August 2nd, 1889 1889-08-02
[LB031482], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Dick (A.B.) Co, August 2nd, 1889 1889-08-02
[LB031483], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to George W Waters, August 2nd, 1889 1889-08-02
[LB031484], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to John Cornell Schenck, August 2nd, 1889 1889-08-02
[LB031492], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Munn & Co, August 2nd, 1889 1889-08-02
[LB031493], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to J Blan, August 2nd, 1889 1889-08-02
[LB031495], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Richard Townley Haines, August 2nd, 1889 1889-08-02
[LB031497], Letter from John F Randolph to Lawrence T Fell, August 3rd, 1889 1889-08-03
[LB031499], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works, Joseph Hutchinson, August 3rd, 1889 1889-08-03
[LB031501], Letter from Charles Batchelor to John Honiss, August 3rd, 1889 1889-08-03