[MF44-F] Experiments (1918)
Special Collections Series -- Naval Consulting Board and Wartime Research Papers
[MF44AA], Letter from Charles Lee Reese, Du Pont de Nemours & Co to Thomas Alva Edison, January 16th, 1918
1918-01-16 -
[MF44AB], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. War Dept, January 31st, 1918
1918-01-31 -
[MF44AC], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. Navy Dept, January 31st, 1918
1918-01-31 -
[MF44AD], Letter from Benedict Crowell, U.S. War Dept to Thomas Alva Edison, February 9th, 1918
1918-02-09 -
[MF44AE], Bill/Receipt from U.S. War Dept to Thomas Alva Edison, February 11th, 1918
1918-02-11 -
[MF44AF], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. War Dept, March 31st, 1918
1918-03-31 -
[MF44AG], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. Navy Dept, March 31st, 1918
1918-03-31 -
[MF44AH], Letter from Newton Diehl Baker, U.S. War Dept. Secretary to Thomas Alva Edison, April 29th, 1918
1918-04-29 -
[MF44AI], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Newton Diehl Baker, U.S. War Dept. Secretary, May 6th, 1918
1918-05-06 -
[MF44AJ], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Richard Wesley Kellow, June 3rd, 1918
1918-06-03 -
[MF44AK], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. Navy Dept, June 17th, 1918
1918-06-17 -
[MF44AL], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. War Dept, June 18th, 1918
1918-06-18 -
[MF44AM], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to War Industries Board. Priorities Committee, July 3rd, 1918
1918-07-03 -
[MF44AN], Letter from Joseph Oswald Mauborgne, U.S. War Dept. Office of Chief Signal Officer to Thomas Alva Edison, July 30th, 1918
1918-07-30 -
[MF44AO], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. War Dept, July 31st, 1918
1918-07-31 -
[MF44AP], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. Navy Dept, July 31st, 1918
1918-07-31 -
[MF44AQ], Letter from Louis M Evans, U.S. War Dept. Office of Chief Signal Officer to Thomas Alva Edison, August 5th, 1918
1918-08-05 -
[MF44AR], Letter from Newman Henry Holland to Thomas Alva Edison, August 6th, 1918
1918-08-06 -
[MF44AS], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Louis M Evans, U.S. War Dept. Office of Chief Signal Officer, August 7th, 1918
1918-08-07 -
[MF44AT], Telegram from Joseph Oswald Mauborgne, U.S. War Dept. Office of Chief Signal Officer to Thomas Alva Edison, August 9th, 1918
1918-08-09 -
[MF44AU], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Joseph Oswald Mauborgne, U.S. War Dept. Office of Chief Signal Officer, August 15th, 1918
1918-08-15 -
[MF44AV], Letter from Joseph Oswald Mauborgne, U.S. War Dept. Office of Chief Signal Officer to Thomas Alva Edison, August 30th, 1918
1918-08-30 -
[MF44AW], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. War Dept, September 30th, 1918
1918-09-30 -
[MF44AX], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. Navy Dept, September 30th, 1918
1918-09-30 -
[MF44AY], Letter from Joseph Oswald Mauborgne, U.S. War Dept. Office of Chief Signal Officer to Thomas Alva Edison, October 4th, 1918
1918-10-04 -
[MF44AZ], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. War Dept, November 30th, 1918
1918-11-30 -
[MF44BA], Bill/Receipt from West Orange Laboratory to U.S. Navy Dept, November 30th, 1918
1918-11-30 -
[MF44BB], Letter from Richard Wesley Kellow to Thomas Alva Edison, December 13th, 1918