These three drawings are blueprints of the Edison laboratory and phonograph works at West Orange. The first blueprint, dated February 14, 1899, is a ground plan of the properties of the laboratory complex and the National Phonograph Co. Included is an index specifying the building number, name, and type of construction. The other two blueprints are maps of the real estate holdings of Thomas A. Edison, Inc., and the Edison Phonograph Works. The first map, dated May 31, 1911, was drawn from a tracing prepared by the Fidelity Trust Co. in March 1909. The other map is undated but is probably from 1911. Included on each is an index specifying the building number, the name of the grantor and grantee of the property, and the book and page where the transaction was recorded in the Essex County Records. The drawing from May 1911 was drafted by James W. Knoblock, a factory engineer for the Edison Storage Battery Co. in the 1910s. The other blueprints also may have been drawn by Knoblock.