[SB017-F] Cat. 1140 [Clippings] (1885-1886)
Miscellaneous Scrapbook Series
[SB017003], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, Edward Hibberd Johnson, May 3rd, 1885 1885-05-03
[SB017004a], Clipping, Philadelphia Times, May 3rd, 1885 1885-05-03
[SB017004b], Clipping, New York World, May 3rd, 1885 1885-05-03
[SB017004c], Clipping, New York World, May 4th, 1885 1885-05-04
[SB017004d], Clipping, Providence Star, May 4th, 1885 1885-05-04
[SB017004e], Clipping, Montreal Times, May 7th, 1885 1885-05-07
[SB017005a], Clipping, Springfield (Mass.) Republican, May 4th, 1885 1885-05-04
[SB017005b], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017006a], Clipping, Electrical Review (N.Y. City), May 9th, 1885 1885-05-09
[SB017006b], Clipping, Yonkers Statesman, May 11th, 1885 1885-05-11
[SB017006c], Clipping, Brooklyn Eagle, May 14th, 1885 1885-05-14
[SB017006d], Clipping, New York Commercial Advertiser, May 14th, 1885 1885-05-14
[SB017006e], Clipping, New York World, May 17th, 1885 1885-05-17
[SB017007a], Clipping, New York World, May 16th, 1885 1885-05-16
[SB017007b], Clipping, Hartford Times, May 15th, 1885 1885-05-15
[SB017007c], Clipping, Council, May 15th, 1885 1885-05-15
[SB017007d], Clipping, New Brunswick Times, May 28th, 1885 1885-05-28
[SB017008a], Clipping, Williamsport Bulletin, June 20th, 1885 1885-06-20
[SB017008b], Clipping, Lowell Sun, June 20th, 1885 1885-06-20
[SB017008c], Clipping, Electrical Review (N.Y. City), June 6th, 1885 1885-06-06
[SB017009a], Clipping, Grand Rapids Journal, June 20th, 1885 1885-06-20
[SB017009b], Clipping, Lancaster New Era, June 20th, 1885 1885-06-20
[SB017009c], Clipping, New York Home Journal, June 29th, 1885 1885-06-29
[SB017010a], Clipping, Omaha Bee, William Augustus Croffut, June 20th, 1885 1885-06-20
[SB017010b], Clipping, New York Graphic, May 2nd, 1885 1885-05-02
[SB017011a], Clipping, Geneva Courier (NY), July 22nd, 1885 1885-07-22
[SB017011b], Clipping, Dayton Herald, June 25th, 1885 1885-06-25
[SB017011c], Clipping, New York Times, June 20th, 1885 1885-06-20
[SB017012a], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, July 25th, 1885 1885-07-25
[SB017013a], Clipping, Lockport Journal, June 25th, 1885 1885-06-25
[SB017013b], Clipping, New York Advertiser, November 7th, 1885 1885-11-07
[SB017013c], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, August 25th, 1885 1885-08-25
[SB017013d], Clipping, New York Times, June 26th, 1885 1885-06-26
[SB017014a], Clipping, Philadelphia Press, May 31st, 1885 1885-05-31
[SB017014b], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017014c], Clipping, Electrical World, October 31st, 1885 1885-10-31
[SB017015a], Clipping, Troy News, June 21st, 1885 1885-06-21
[SB017015b], Clipping, Electrical World, July 25th, 1885 1885-07-25
[SB017016a], Clipping, Galignani's Messenger, September 3rd, 1885 1885-09-03
[SB017016b], Clipping, New York Sun, June 23rd, 1885 1885-06-23
[SB017016c], Clipping, Livonia Gazette, August 28th, 1885 1885-08-28
[SB017017a], Clipping, New Bedford Standard, May 18th, 1885 1885-05-18
[SB017017b], Clipping, New Bedford Standard, May 22nd, 1885 1885-05-22
[SB017017c], Clipping, Call, May 24th, 1885 1885-05-24
[SB017017d], Clipping, London Star, May 27th, 1885 1885-05-27
[SB017018a], Clipping, Boston Globe, May 13th, 1885 1885-05-13
[SB017018b], Clipping, Asheville Citizen, August 22nd, 1885 1885-08-22
[SB017019a], Clipping, Boston Herald, May 3rd, 1885 1885-05-03
[SB017019b], Clipping, Washington Star, June 25th, 1885 1885-06-25
[SB017020a], Clipping, Milwaukee Sentinel, October 1st, 1885 1885-10-01
[SB017020b], Clipping, New York Times, August 27th, 1885 1885-08-27
[SB017021a], Clipping, New York Times, September 1st, 1885 1885-09-01
[SB017021b], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017022a], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017022b], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, September 8th, 1885 1885-09-08
[SB017022c], Clipping, New York Dispatch, May 17th, 1885 1885-05-17
[SB017022d], Clipping, Pittsburgh Post, July 1st, 1885 1885-07-01
[SB017022e], Clipping, October 5th, 1885 1885-10-05
[SB017023a], Clipping, New York Advertiser, October 30th, 1885 1885-10-30
[SB017024a], Clipping, Lanesville Courier, June 18th, 1885 1885-06-18
[SB017024b], Clipping, Lockport Union, September 26th, 1885 1885-09-26
[SB017024c], Clipping, York Dispatch, October 6th, 1885 1885-10-06
[SB017025a], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, June 18th, 1885 1885-06-18
[SB017025b], Clipping, New York Sun, July 20th, 1885 1885-07-20
[SB017026a], Clipping, New York Tribune, November 1st, 1885 1885-11-01
[SB017026b], Clipping, New York Post, June 27th, 1885 1885-06-27
[SB017026c], Clipping, Auburn News & Bulletin, August 28th, 1885 1885-08-28
[SB017027a], Clipping, Philadelphia Leader, June 26th, 1885 1885-06-26
[SB017027b], Clipping, Kalamazoo Gazette, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017027c], Clipping, New Castle Chronicle, October 23rd, 1885 1885-10-23
[SB017028a], Clipping, Manchester Examiner, October 1st, 1885 1885-10-01
[SB017028b], Clipping, Electrical World, November 7th, 1885 1885-11-07
[SB017028c], Clipping, New York Commercial Advertiser, November 7th, 1885 1885-11-07
[SB017029a], Clipping, New York Post, June 24th, 1885 1885-06-24
[SB017029b], Clipping, Chicago Inter-Ocean, October 2nd, 1885 1885-10-02
[SB017030a], Clipping, San Francisco Mirror, June 27th, 1885 1885-06-27
[SB017030b], Clipping, New York Mail and Express, May 22nd, 1885 1885-05-22
[SB017031a], Clipping, New York Advertiser, November 6th, 1885 1885-11-06
[SB017031b], Clipping, Indicator, May 10th, 1885 1885-05-10
[SB017031c], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017032a], Clipping, Boston Advertiser, June 1st, 1885 1885-06-01
[SB017032b], Clipping, St Louis Democrat, June 19th, 1885 1885-06-19
[SB017032c], Clipping, New York Times, June 9th, 1885 1885-06-09
[SB017033a], Clipping, Norfolk County Gazette (MA), May 16th, 1885 1885-05-16
[SB017033b], Clipping, Electrical Review (N.Y. City), July 18th, 1885 1885-07-18
[SB017033c], Clipping, Philadelphia Call, July 1st, 1885 1885-07-01
[SB017033d], Clipping, New York Mail and Express, June 20th, 1885 1885-06-20
[SB017033e], Clipping, June 24th, 1885 1885-06-24
[SB017033f], Clipping, Philadelphia Public Ledger, March 5th, 1885 1885-03-05
[SB017033g], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017033h], Clipping, New York News, June 10th, 1885 1885-06-10
[SB017034a], Clipping, New York Sun, June 24th, 1885 1885-06-24
[SB017034b], Clipping, Cedar Rapids Republican, June 18th, 1885 1885-06-18
[SB017034c], Clipping, Nashville Mirror (TN), July 21st, 1885 1885-07-21
[SB017034d], Clipping, Milwaukee Sentinel, July 20th, 1885 1885-07-20
[SB017035a], Clipping, New Orleans Picayune, July 6th, 1885 1885-07-06
[SB017036a], Clipping, Pittsburgh Press, July 7th, 1885 1885-07-07
[SB017036b], Clipping, Lawrence American, July 7th, 1885 1885-07-07
[SB017036c], Clipping, Austin Statesman, July 4th, 1885 1885-07-04
[SB017036d], Clipping, Pittsburgh Times, July 7th, 1885 1885-07-07