[SB017-F] Cat. 1140 [Clippings] (1885-1886)
Miscellaneous Scrapbook Series
[SB017037a], Clipping, Steubenville Gazette, July 6th, 1885 1885-07-06
[SB017038a], Clipping, Sacramento Record Union, July 13th, 1885 1885-07-13
[SB017038b], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017038c], Clipping, New York Herald, September 25th, 1885 1885-09-25
[SB017038d], Clipping, Binghamton Register, July 21st, 1885 1885-07-21
[SB017038e], Clipping, New York Tribune, May 27th, 1885 1885-05-27
[SB017039a], Clipping, Pittsburgh Dispatch, July 22nd, 1885 1885-07-22
[SB017039b], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, July 16th, 1885 1885-07-16
[SB017040a], Clipping, Springfield (Ohio) Gazette, November 13th, 1885 1885-11-13
[SB017040b], Clipping, New York Keynote, July 25th, 1885 1885-07-25
[SB017040c], Clipping, St Louis Globe, July 1st, 1885 1885-07-01
[SB017041a], Clipping, Engineer, July 1885 1885-07-00
[SB017041b], Clipping, Press, May 21st, 1885 1885-05-21
[SB017042a], Clipping, Philadelphia News, July 2nd, 1885 1885-07-02
[SB017042b], Clipping, Gunnison News, June 25th, 1885 1885-06-25
[SB017043a], Clipping, Concord (N.H.) Monitor, June 30th, 1885 1885-06-30
[SB017043b], Clipping, York Age, June 29th, 1885 1885-06-29
[SB017043c], Clipping, Germantown Telegraph (PA), July 1st, 1885 1885-07-01
[SB017044a], Clipping, Cincinnati American Inventor, June 1885 1885-06-00
[SB017044b], Clipping, Wilmington (Del.) Every Evening, November 25th, 1885 1885-11-25
[SB017044c], Clipping, New York Tribune, July 2nd, 1885 1885-07-02
[SB017045a], Publication, Edison Electric Light Co, Edward Hibberd Johnson, May 28th, 1885 1885-05-28
[SB017045b], Clipping, Worcester Gazette, November 21st, 1885 1885-11-21
[SB017046a], Clipping, July 5th, 1885 1885-07-05
[SB017047a], Clipping, Register (AL), July 10th, 1885 1885-07-10
[SB017048a], Clipping, New York Mercury, July 26th, 1885 1885-07-26
[SB017048b], Clipping, London Telegraph, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017048c], Clipping, New York Mail and Express, August 29th, 1885 1885-08-29
[SB017049a], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, May 20th, 1885 1885-05-20
[SB017049b], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017050a], Clipping, Albany Sunday Morning, May 1885 1885-05-00
[SB017050b], Clipping, Oswego Times & Express, July 2nd, 1885 1885-07-02
[SB017050c], Clipping, Baltimore Sun, July 15th, 1885 1885-07-15
[SB017051a], Clipping, New York Sun, October 25th, 1884 1884-10-25
[SB017051b], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, May 27th, 1885 1885-05-27
[SB017052a], Clipping, Detroit Free Press, June 4th, 1885 1885-06-04
[SB017052b], Clipping, Philadelphia Inquirer, May 30th, 1885 1885-05-30
[SB017052c], Clipping, St Louis Globe Democrat, June 6th, 1885 1885-06-06
[SB017052d], Clipping, Cassell's Family Magazine, June 1885 1885-06-00
[SB017053a], Clipping, Fredonia Censor, July 1st, 1885 1885-07-01
[SB017053b], Clipping, Mobile Register, June 7th, 1885 1885-06-07
[SB017054a], Clipping, St Louis Republic, June 4th, 1885 1885-06-04
[SB017054b], Clipping, Omaha Excelsior, May 30th, 1885 1885-05-30
[SB017054c], Clipping, Boston Republic, October 3rd, 1885 1885-10-03
[SB017055a], Clipping, Weekly Mail (translated from the Nichi Nichi Shimbun), July 2nd, 1885 1885-07-02
[SB017055b], Clipping, English Mechanic, July 17th, 1885 1885-07-17
[SB017056a], Clipping, Denver Tribune, June 25th, 1885 1885-06-25
[SB017056b], Clipping, Uptown News (NY), August 20th, 1885 1885-08-20
[SB017057a], Clipping, New York Times, September 1st, 1885 1885-09-01
[SB017057b], Clipping, New York Tribune, July 1st, 1885 1885-07-01
[SB017058a], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, June 5th, 1885 1885-06-05
[SB017058b], Clipping, New York Telegram, October 7th, 1885 1885-10-07
[SB017058c], Clipping, San Francisco Post, May 15th, 1885 1885-05-15
[SB017059a], Clipping, Boston Herald, May 5th, 1885 1885-05-05
[SB017059b], Clipping, Portland (Me.) Press, September 1st, 1885 1885-09-01
[SB017059c], Clipping, New York Tribune, June 11th, 1885 1885-06-11
[SB017060a], Clipping, Norristown Times, June 11th, 1885 1885-06-11
[SB017060b], Clipping, New York Mail and Express, October 8th, 1885 1885-10-08
[SB017061a], Clipping, Hudson Register, August 29th, 1885 1885-08-29
[SB017062a], Clipping, Chippewa Independent (WI), June 18th, 1885 1885-06-18
[SB017062b], Clipping, Newark Press, August 27th, 1885 1885-08-27
[SB017063a], Clipping, Detroit Post, May 10th, 1885 1885-05-10
[SB017063b], Clipping, Philadelphia Inquirer, August 13th, 1885 1885-08-13
[SB017063c], Clipping, Hornellsville Tribune (NY), June 27th, 1885 1885-06-27
[SB017064a], Clipping, Raleigh News and Observer, July 3rd, 1885 1885-07-03
[SB017064b], Clipping, Harrisburg Telegraph, August 27th, 1885 1885-08-27
[SB017064c], Clipping, New York Times, October 30th, 1885 1885-10-30
[SB017064d], Clipping, New York Post, October 7th, 1885 1885-10-07
[SB017065a], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017065b], Clipping, New York Times, September 2nd, 1885 1885-09-02
[SB017065c], Clipping, Newark Advertiser, June 10th, 1885 1885-06-10
[SB017065d], Clipping, New York Tribune, June 10th, 1885 1885-06-10
[SB017065e], Clipping, New York News, June 10th, 1885 1885-06-10
[SB017066a], Clipping, St Louis Globe Democrat, June 11th, 1885 1885-06-11
[SB017066b], Clipping, New York Sun, June 11th, 1885 1885-06-11
[SB017066c], Clipping, Stanford Times, May 21st, 1885 1885-05-21
[SB017066d], Clipping, Philadelphia Call, May 27th, 1885 1885-05-27
[SB017067a], Clipping, New York Mail and Express, May 30th, 1885 1885-05-30
[SB017067b], Clipping, Dayton Journal , June 27th, 1885 1885-06-27
[SB017067c], Clipping, St Louis Globe Democrat, November 1st, 1885 1885-11-01
[SB017068a], Clipping, San Francisco Chronicle, October 1st, 1885 1885-10-01
[SB017068b], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, Edward Hibberd Johnson, October 1st, 1885 1885-10-01
[SB017068c], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017069a], Clipping, Kansas City Journal, June 14th, 1885 1885-06-14
[SB017069b], Clipping, Philadelphia Bulletin, September 22nd, 1885 1885-09-22
[SB017069c], Clipping, Electrical Review (N.Y. City), October 10th, 1885 1885-10-10
[SB017070a], Clipping, Washington Republic, August 30th, 1885 1885-08-30
[SB017071b], Publication, Edison Electric Light Co, Edward Hibberd Johnson, May 22nd, 1885 1885-05-22
[SB017071c], Clipping, New York Mail and Express, July 13th, 1885 1885-07-13
[SB017072a], Clipping, New York Scientific, June 13th, 1885 1885-06-13
[SB017072b], Clipping, Williamsport Barrier, June 25th, 1885 1885-06-25
[SB017072c], Clipping, New York Tribune, July 13th, 1885 1885-07-13
[SB017073a], Clipping, New York Advertiser, October 30th, 1885 1885-10-30
[SB017073b], Clipping, Springfield (Ill.) Register, October 30th, 1885 1885-10-30
[SB017073c], Clipping, New York Times, July 13th, 1885 1885-07-13
[SB017074a], Clipping, Winston Union Republican, July 9th, 1885 1885-07-09
[SB017074b], Clipping, New York Mail and Express, July 11th, 1885 1885-07-11
[SB017074c], Clipping, Milwaukee Sentinel, July 8th, 1885 1885-07-08
[SB017075a], Clipping, Kansas City West Newspaper Union, July 4th, 1885 1885-07-04
[SB017076a], Clipping, Elizabeth Central Herald, July 10th, 1885 1885-07-10