[SB017-F] Cat. 1140 [Clippings] (1885-1886)
Miscellaneous Scrapbook Series
[SB017076b], Clipping, Chicago Tribune, September 9th, 1885 1885-09-09
[SB017076c], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017077a], Clipping, Kansas City West Newspaper Union, September 19th, 1885 1885-09-19
[SB017078a], Clipping, Springfield (Ohio) Globe Republican, October 24th, 1885 1885-10-24
[SB017078b], Clipping, Electrical Review (N.Y. City), October 10th, 1885 1885-10-10
[SB017079a], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017079b], Clipping, Yonkers Statesman, June 27th, 1885 1885-06-27
[SB017079c], Clipping, Trenton Times, July 23rd, 1885 1885-07-23
[SB017080a], Clipping, Memphis Appeal, October 20th, 1885 1885-10-20
[SB017080b], Clipping, Pittsburgh Times, June 2nd, 1885 1885-06-02
[SB017081a], Clipping, Philadelphia Times, June 5th, 1885 1885-06-05
[SB017081b], Clipping, Philadelphia Inquirer, June 5th, 1885 1885-06-05
[SB017082a], Clipping, New York Times, June 5th, 1885 1885-06-05
[SB017082b], Clipping, New York Tribune, July 11th, 1885 1885-07-11
[SB017082c], Clipping, Oregon Independent (IL), June 7th, 1885 1885-06-07
[SB017082d], Clipping, Scientific American, June 6th, 1885 1885-06-06
[SB017083a], Clipping, South Orange Bulletin, June 24th, 1885 1885-06-24
[SB017083b], Clipping, Press, May 31st, 1885 1885-05-31
[SB017084a], Clipping, New York World, William Augustus Croffut, June 14th, 1885 1885-06-14
[SB017084b], Clipping, Troy News, June 11th, 1885 1885-06-11
[SB017084c], Clipping, New York Times, June 14th, 1885 1885-06-14
[SB017084d], Clipping, Paterson Guardian, June 13th, 1885 1885-06-13
[SB017084e], Clipping, New York Commercial Advertiser, July 6th, 1885 1885-07-06
[SB017084f], Clipping, New Orleans Times Democrat, June 15th, 1885 1885-06-15
[SB017085a], Clipping, Cincinnati Gazette, June 23rd, 1885 1885-06-23
[SB017085b], Clipping, Washington Gazette, July 2nd, 1885 1885-07-02
[SB017085c], Clipping, Minneapolis Tribune, November 22nd, 1885 1885-11-22
[SB017086a], Clipping, Cincinnati Gazette, November 3rd, 1885 1885-11-03
[SB017086b], Clipping, New York Graphic, November 10th, 1885 1885-11-10
[SB017086c], Clipping, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, November 3rd, 1885 1885-11-03
[SB017087a], Clipping, New York World, November 12th, 1885 1885-11-12
[SB017087b], Clipping, Courrier des Etats-Unis (French publication), November 12th, 1885 1885-11-12
[SB017088a], Clipping, New York Advertiser, August 26th, 1885 1885-08-26
[SB017088b], Clipping, Wilmington (Del.) Republican, October 22nd, 1885 1885-10-22
[SB017089], Interview, Edward Hibberd Johnson, June 13th, 1885 1885-06-13
[SB017090a], Clipping, Omaha Bee, October 17th, 1885 1885-10-17
[SB017090b], Clipping, New York News, October 26th, 1885 1885-10-26
[SB017090c], Clipping, New York World, June 11th, 1885 1885-06-11
[SB017091a], Clipping, San Francisco Chronicle, October 18th, 1885 1885-10-18
[SB017091b], Clipping, Boston Advertiser, June 1st, 1885 1885-06-01
[SB017092a], Clipping, Rochester Herald, October 25th, 1885 1885-10-25
[SB017092b], Clipping, Pittsburgh Dispatch, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017092c], Clipping, Carlisle Herald, November 5th, 1885 1885-11-05
[SB017092d], Clipping, Scranton Republican, November 3rd, 1885 1885-11-03
[SB017093a], Clipping, Indianapolis Times, November 4th, 1885 1885-11-04
[SB017093b], Clipping, Boston Advertiser, June 15th, 1885 1885-06-15
[SB017093c], Clipping, New York Telegram, June 15th, 1885 1885-06-15
[SB017094a], Clipping, New York Telegraph, October 7th, 1885 1885-10-07
[SB017095a], Clipping, Washington Critic, June 10th, 1885 1885-06-10
[SB017095b], Clipping, New York World, November 20th, 1885 1885-11-20
[SB017096a], Clipping, Peoria Transcript, June 9th, 1885 1885-06-09
[SB017096b], Clipping, June 6th, 1885 1885-06-06
[SB017097a], Clipping, Valater Rough Notes (NY), June 19th, 1885 1885-06-19
[SB017097b], Clipping, Buffalo Times, August 22nd, 1885 1885-08-22
[SB017098A] Memorandum, c. 1893 1893-00-00
[SB017098b], Clipping, Paterson Guardian, August 21st, 1885 1885-08-21
[SB017098c], Clipping, July 17th, 1885 1885-07-17
[SB017098d], Clipping, Lebanon Times, September 22nd, 1885 1885-09-22
[SB017098e], Clipping, New York Times, November 1st, 1885 1885-11-01
[SB017099a], Clipping, Rutland Review, October 29th, 1885 1885-10-29
[SB017099b], Clipping, Chicago Times, October 11th, 1885 1885-10-11
[SB017100a], Clipping, Memphis Appeal, September 9th, 1885 1885-09-09
[SB017100b], Clipping, 1885 1885-00-00
[SB017101a], Clipping, Columbia Register (SC), June 16th, 1885 1885-06-16
[SB017101b], Clipping, Boston Post, August 26th, 1885 1885-08-26
[SB017101c], Clipping, Detroit Post, John R Markle, May 31st, 1885 1885-05-31
[SB017101d], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, May 23rd, 1885 1885-05-23
[SB017101e], Clipping, Scranton Republican, November 23rd, 1885 1885-11-23
[SB017101f], Clipping, New York Herald, November 28th, 1885 1885-11-28
[SB017101g], Clipping, November 19th, 1885 1885-11-19
[SB017102a], Clipping, New York Sun, November 29th, 1885 1885-11-29
[SB017103a], Clipping, New York Sun, November 29th, 1885 1885-11-29
[SB017103b], Clipping, London Review, November 11th, 1885 1885-11-11
[SB017104a], Clipping, Albany Knickerbocker Press, November 30th, 1885 1885-11-30
[SB017104b], Clipping, Providence Journal, December 2nd, 1885 1885-12-02
[SB017104c], Clipping, New York World, December 3rd, 1885 1885-12-03
[SB017105a], Clipping, New York Star, December 2nd, 1885 1885-12-02
[SB017105b], Clipping, Indianapolis Sentinel, December 27th, 1885 1885-12-27
[SB017105c], Clipping, Columbus Capital (OH), January 31st, 1886 1886-01-31
[SB017106a], Clipping, New York Graphic, November 28th, 1885 1885-11-28
[SB017107a], Clipping, New York Tribune, December 28th, 1885 1885-12-28
[SB017107b] Article, December 18th, 1885 1885-12-18
[SB017108a], Clipping, Bloomington Eye, December 28th, 1885 1885-12-28
[SB017108b], Clipping, Chicago News, January 19th, 1886 1886-01-19
[SB017108c], Clipping, Banner (TX), February 16th, 1886 1886-02-16
[SB017109a], Clipping, Rutland Herald, January 15th, 1886 1886-01-15
[SB017109b], Clipping, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, January 16th, 1886 1886-01-16
[SB017109c], Clipping, New York World, January 20th, 1886 1886-01-20
[SB017110a], Clipping, New York Telegram, January 23rd, 1886 1886-01-23
[SB017110b], Clipping, New York Advertiser, January 23rd, 1886 1886-01-23
[SB017111a], Clipping, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, February 20th, 1886 1886-02-20
[SB017111b], Clipping, Williamsport Grit, February 21st, 1886 1886-02-21
[SB017112a], Clipping, New York Mail and Express, January 23rd, 1886 1886-01-23
[SB017112b], Clipping, Providence Star, January 19th, 1886 1886-01-19
[SB017113a], Clipping, Worcester Spy, January 22nd, 1886 1886-01-22
[SB017113b], Clipping, Easton Free Press, January 18th, 1886 1886-01-18
[SB017113c], Clipping, Bathmore American, February 5th, 1886 1886-02-05
[SB017114a], Clipping, Brooklyn Eagle, January 24th, 1886 1886-01-24
[SB017115a], Clipping, Buffalo Times, February 5th, 1886 1886-02-05
[SB017115b], Clipping, Hamilton Spectator (CT), February 2nd, 1886 1886-02-02