[SB5OS12-F] Cat. 44,452
Scrapbook Series
[SB512146B], Clipping, New York Telegraph, August 19th, 1915 1915-08-19
[SB512146C], Clipping, Lewiston Sun, August 17th, 1915 1915-08-17
[SB512146D], Clipping, New York Times, August 19th, 1915 1915-08-19
[SB512146E], Clipping, New York Commercial, August 20th, 1915 1915-08-20
[SB512147A], Clipping, New York Sun, August 20th, 1915 1915-08-20
[SB512149A], Clipping, Baltimore Sun, August 18th, 1915 1915-08-18
[SB512149B], Clipping, New York Herald, August 21st, 1915 1915-08-21
[SB512150A], Clipping, Jackson Patriot, August 18th, 1915 1915-08-18
[SB512150B], Clipping, Jersey City Journal, August 23rd, 1915 1915-08-23
[SB512150C], Clipping, Dallas News, August 15th, 1915 1915-08-15
[SB512151A], Clipping, Boston Post, August 15th, 1915 1915-08-15
[SB512152A], Clipping, Muskegon Times, August 18th, 1915 1915-08-18
[SB512152B], Clipping, New York Herald, August 24th, 1915 1915-08-24
[SB512152B1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, August 23rd, 1915 1915-08-23
[SB512153A], Clipping, August 13th, 1915 1915-08-13
[SB512153B], Clipping, Chicago Tribune, August 17th, 1915 1915-08-17
[SB512154A], Clipping, New York Times, August 27th, 1915 1915-08-27
[SB512154B], Clipping, Philadelphia Public Ledger, August 20th, 1915 1915-08-20
[SB512154C], Clipping, Brooklyn Citizen, August 21st, 1915 1915-08-21
[SB512154D], Clipping, New York World, August 27th, 1915 1915-08-27
[SB512154E], Clipping, New York American, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512155A], Clipping, New York Herald, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512155B], Clipping, New York Press, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512155C], Clipping, Brooklyn Citizen, August 24th, 1915 1915-08-24
[SB512155D], Clipping, New York Globe, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512155E], Clipping, Newark Star, August 24th, 1915 1915-08-24
[SB512155F], Clipping, Bridgeport Telegram, August 23rd, 1915 1915-08-23
[SB512156A], Clipping, Middletown Journal, August 23rd, 1915 1915-08-23
[SB512156B], Clipping, New York Telegram, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512156C], Clipping, New York Tribune, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512157A], Clipping, Quincy Ledger, August 25th, 1915 1915-08-25
[SB512159A], Clipping, Albany Knickerbocker Press, August 24th, 1915 1915-08-24
[SB512159B], Clipping, Boston Herald, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512160A], Clipping, Brooklyn Standard Union, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512160B], Clipping, New York Sun, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512161A], Clipping, Montreal Star, August 23rd, 1915 1915-08-23
[SB512161A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, August 22nd, 1885 1885-08-22
[SB512161B], Clipping, New York Tribune, August 27th, 1915 1915-08-27
[SB512161C], Clipping, New York Tribune, August 27th, 1915 1915-08-27
[SB512162A], Clipping, New York Mail, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512164A], Clipping, Detroit Free Press, August 24th, 1915 1915-08-24
[SB512165A], Clipping, New York Telegram, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512165B], Clipping, Pittsburgh Post, August 25th, 1915 1915-08-25
[SB512165C], Clipping, New Britain Record, August 25th, 1915 1915-08-25
[SB512167A], Clipping, Cincinnati Times Star, August 25th, 1915 1915-08-25
[SB512169A], Clipping, New York Sun, August 31st, 1915 1915-08-31
[SB512169B], Clipping, Chicago Examiner, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512171A], Clipping, Boston Post, August 29th, 1915 1915-08-29
[SB512172A], Clipping, New York American, July 13th, 1915 1915-07-13
[SB512172B], Clipping, New York Journal of Commerce, July 13th, 1915 1915-07-13
[SB512172C], Clipping, New York Tribune, July 13th, 1915 1915-07-13
[SB512173A], Clipping, New York Times, July 13th, 1915 1915-07-13
[SB512173A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, July 12th, 1915 1915-07-12
[SB512174A], Clipping, Boston Herald, July 13th, 1915 1915-07-13
[SB512176A], Clipping, Boston Globe, July 13th, 1915 1915-07-13
[SB512178A], Clipping, Crowley Signal, August 30th, 1915 1915-08-30
[SB512179A], Clipping, Boston Globe, July 13th, 1915 1915-07-13
[SB512180A], Clipping, Washington Star, September 2nd, 1915 1915-09-02
[SB512180B], Clipping, New York Sun, July 18th, 1915 1915-07-18
[SB512180C], Clipping, Music Trades, July 3rd, 1915 1915-07-03
[SB512181A], Clipping, New York World, July 13th, 1915 1915-07-13
[SB512182A], Clipping, New York Herald, September 6th, 1915 1915-09-06
[SB512182B], Clipping, Youngstown Telegraph, September 2nd, 1915 1915-09-02
[SB512183A], Clipping, Trenton Advertiser, August 29th, 1915 1915-08-29
[SB512184A], Clipping, Dallas Times, July 4th, 1915 1915-07-04
[SB512185A], Clipping, Town Development, July 1915 1915-07-00
[SB512185B], Clipping, San Diego Tribune, July 2nd, 1915 1915-07-02
[SB512186A], Clipping, Providence News Democrat, August 31st, 1915 1915-08-31
[SB512186B], Clipping, Independent, June 28th, 1915 1915-06-28
[SB512186C], Clipping, New York American, September 4th, 1915 1915-09-04
[SB512187A], Clipping, Brooklyn Eagle, July 11th, 1915 1915-07-11
[SB512187B], Clipping, Cleveland Plain Dealer, July 8th, 1915 1915-07-08
[SB512187C], Clipping, Newark News, July 7th, 1915 1915-07-07
[SB512188A], Clipping, Portsmouth Chronicle, September 1st, 1915 1915-09-01
[SB512188B], Clipping, New York World, September 1915 1915-09-00
[SB512188C], Clipping, New York Sun, September 5th, 1915 1915-09-05
[SB512189A], Clipping, Boston Transcript, July 9th, 1915 1915-07-09
[SB512189B], Clipping, Akron Beacon Journal, July 7th, 1915 1915-07-07
[SB512189C], Clipping, New York Mail, September 3rd, 1915 1915-09-03
[SB512190A], Clipping, New York Telegram, September 4th, 1915 1915-09-04
[SB512190B], Clipping, August 30th, 1915 1915-08-30
[SB512191A], Clipping, Bloomfield Citizen, July 3rd, 1915 1915-07-03
[SB512192A], Clipping, New York Times, July 8th, 1915 1915-07-08
[SB512193A], Clipping, Waco Herald, August 29th, 1915 1915-08-29
[SB512193B], Clipping, Los Angeles Examiner, July 27th, 1915 1915-07-27
[SB512193C], Clipping, Boston Globe, September 1st, 1915 1915-09-01
[SB512193D], Clipping, New Orleans Picayune, July 7th, 1915 1915-07-07
[SB512197A], Clipping, August 22nd, 1915 1915-08-22
[SB512199A], Clipping, Chicago Press, August 26th, 1915 1915-08-26
[SB512200A], Clipping, Scranton Scrantonian, August 22nd, 1915 1915-08-22
[SB512201A], Clipping, New York Annalist, July 12th, 1915 1915-07-12
[SB512201B], Clipping, Westchester News, September 6th, 1915 1915-09-06
[SB512201B1], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Philadelphia Public Ledger, September 5th, 1915 1915-09-05
[SB512202A], Clipping, Pittsburgh Gazette Times, July 10th, 1915 1915-07-10