[SB5OS15X-F] Cat. 44,455
Scrapbook Series
[SB515X152A], Clipping, Cleveland Plain Dealer, December 3rd, 1916 1916-12-03
[SB515X152B], Clipping, Minneapolis Tribune, December 3rd, 1916 1916-12-03
[SB515X153A], Clipping, New York Post, December 11th, 1916 1916-12-11
[SB515X153B], Clipping, New York Sun, December 12th, 1916 1916-12-12
[SB515X154A], Clipping, Boston Transcript, December 9th, 1916 1916-12-09
[SB515X154B], Clipping, Minneapolis Journal, October 3rd, 1916 1916-10-03
[SB515X154C], Clipping, Boston Journal, October 2nd, 1916 1916-10-02
[SB515X077A], Clipping, George Creel, New York Times, September 10th, 1916 1916-09-10
[SB515X077A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, August 24th, 1916 1916-08-24
[SB515X078A], Clipping, Madison Wisconsin State Journal, George Creel, September 10th, 1916 1916-09-10
[SB515X079A], Clipping, Bangor Commercial, George Creel, September 9th, 1916 1916-09-09
[SB515X080A], Clipping, George Creel, Louisville Journal, September 10th, 1916 1916-09-10
[SB515X081A], Clipping, Omaha World Herald, September 5th, 1916 1916-09-05
[SB515X081B], Clipping, Nashville (Ind.) Democrat, September 15th, 1916 1916-09-15
[SB515X081C], Clipping, Providence Bulletin, September 29th, 1916 1916-09-29
[SB515X081D], Clipping, New York Post, September 19th, 1916 1916-09-19
[SB515X081D1], Obituary, Simeon Ogden Edison, September 19th, 1916 1916-09-19
[SB515X082A], Clipping, September 1916 1916-09-00
[SB515X083A], Clipping, September 11th, 1916 1916-09-11
[SB515X083B], Clipping, Newark Star Eagle, September 11th, 1916 1916-09-11
[SB515X083B1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, September 11th, 1916 1916-09-11
[SB515X083C], Clipping, Newark News, September 11th, 1916 1916-09-11
[SB515X084A], Clipping, New York Globe, September 10th, 1916 1916-09-10
[SB515X084B], Clipping, Potsdam Freeman, September 13th, 1916 1916-09-13
[SB515X085A], Clipping, Saranac Lake Enterprise, September 5th, 1916 1916-09-05
[SB515X085B], Clipping, Watertown (N.Y.) Star, September 13th, 1916 1916-09-13
[SB515X085C], Clipping, September 23rd, 1916 1916-09-23
[SB515X086A], Clipping, Newark Call, September 10th, 1916 1916-09-10
[SB515X086A1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, September 9th, 1916 1916-09-09
[SB515X086B], Clipping, Athens Messenger, September 9th, 1916 1916-09-09
[SB515X086C], Clipping, Cameron Star, August 31st, 1916 1916-08-31
[SB515X086D], Clipping, Plattsburgh Press, September 6th, 1916 1916-09-06
[SB515X086E], Clipping, Newark Call, September 10th, 1916 1916-09-10
[SB515X086F], Clipping, Syracuse Herald, September 10th, 1916 1916-09-10
[SB515X086G], Clipping, Wenatchee World, September 14th, 1916 1916-09-14
[SB515X087A], Clipping, Dayton Journal , September 3rd, 1916 1916-09-03
[SB515X087B], Clipping, Pittsfield Eagle, September 8th, 1916 1916-09-08
[SB515X087C], Clipping, Omaha World Herald, September 3rd, 1916 1916-09-03
[SB515X087D], Clipping, September 12th, 1916 1916-09-12
[SB515X087D1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, September 11th, 1916 1916-09-11
[SB515X087E], Clipping, Ossining Sentinel, September 2nd, 1916 1916-09-02
[SB515X088A], Clipping, New York Review, September 9th, 1916 1916-09-09
[SB515X088B], Clipping, Albany Journal, September 6th, 1916 1916-09-06
[SB515X088C], Clipping, Elizabeth Journal, September 8th, 1916 1916-09-08
[SB515X088D], Clipping, Jersey City Journal, September 11th, 1916 1916-09-11
[SB515X088E], Clipping, Memphis Commercial Appeal, September 23rd, 1916 1916-09-23
[SB515X089A], Clipping, New York Journal of Commerce, September 25th, 1916 1916-09-25
[SB515X089B], Clipping, New York Journal of Commerce, September 25th, 1916 1916-09-25
[SB515X089C], Clipping, Columbus Ohio State Journal, October 1st, 1916 1916-10-01
[SB515X090A], Clipping, Albany Knickerbocker Press, July 16th, 1916 1916-07-16
[SB515X090B], Clipping, Detroit Free Press, September 26th, 1916 1916-09-26
[SB515X091A], Clipping, Detroit Times, October 7th, 1916 1916-10-07
[SB515X091B], Clipping, Helena Record, September 18th, 1916 1916-09-18
[SB515X092A], Clipping, New York Post, September 26th, 1916 1916-09-26
[SB515X092B], Clipping, New York Times, September 7th, 1916 1916-09-07
[SB515X092C], Clipping, Sheridan Enterprise, Frank Harris, September 1916 1916-09-00
[SB515X093A], Clipping, Pittsburgh Press, September 17th, 1916 1916-09-17
[SB515X093B], Clipping, San Francisco Bulletin, September 15th, 1916 1916-09-15
[SB515X093C], Clipping, Toledo Blade, September 25th, 1916 1916-09-25
[SB515X093D], Clipping, Galveston Tribune, September 22nd, 1916 1916-09-22
[SB515X094A], Clipping, Jacksonville Metropolis, September 16th, 1916 1916-09-16
[SB515X094B], Clipping, Washington Herald, September 19th, 1916 1916-09-19
[SB515X095A], Clipping, Riverside Enterprise, September 14th, 1916 1916-09-14
[SB515X095B], Clipping, New York Times, September 24th, 1916 1916-09-24
[SB515X095B1], Interview, John Burroughs, September 24th, 1916 1916-09-24
[SB515X096A], Clipping, San Bernardino Index, September 21st, 1916 1916-09-21
[SB515X096B], Clipping, New York World, September 24th, 1916 1916-09-24
[SB515X096C], Clipping, Pittsburgh Post, October 11th, 1916 1916-10-11
[SB515X096D], Clipping, Pittsburgh Leader, September 28th, 1916 1916-09-28
[SB515X097A], Clipping, New York Telegraph, September 10th, 1916 1916-09-10
[SB515X097B], Clipping, Chattanooga Times News, October 10th, 1916 1916-10-10
[SB515X097C], Clipping, Newark News, October 16th, 1916 1916-10-16
[SB515X098A], Clipping, Boston Transcript, September 23rd, 1916 1916-09-23
[SB515X098B], Clipping, Boston Transcript, September 23rd, 1916 1916-09-23
[SB515X098C], Clipping, Fremont Messenger, September 30th, 1916 1916-09-30
[SB515X098D], Clipping, Newark News, October 20th, 1916 1916-10-20
[SB515X098E], Clipping, New York Tribune, October 20th, 1916 1916-10-20
[SB515X098F], Clipping, Bridgeton Pioneer, October 12th, 1916 1916-10-12
[SB515X099A], Clipping, Albany Knickerbocker Press, September 17th, 1916 1916-09-17
[SB515X099B], Clipping, Newark News, November 23rd, 1916 1916-11-23
[SB515X100A], Clipping, Chattanooga News, October 12th, 1916 1916-10-12
[SB515X101A], Clipping, October 19th, 1916 1916-10-19
[SB515X101B], Clipping, Port Jervis Gazette, October 10th, 1916 1916-10-10
[SB515X101C], Clipping, Syracuse Herald, October 11th, 1916 1916-10-11
[SB515X101D], Clipping, San Jose Mercury Herald, September 30th, 1916 1916-09-30
[SB515X102A], Clipping, New York Tribune, October 13th, 1916 1916-10-13
[SB515X102B], Clipping, Salt Lake City Telegram, October 21st, 1916 1916-10-21
[SB515X102D], Clipping, Saginaw News, October 14th, 1916 1916-10-14
[SB515X102E], Clipping, New York Sun, October 20th, 1916 1916-10-20
[SB515X103A], Clipping, October 21st, 1916 1916-10-21
[SB515X104A], Clipping, New York Post, October 20th, 1916 1916-10-20
[SB515X104B], Clipping, Paterson Press Guardian, October 20th, 1916 1916-10-20
[SB515X104C], Clipping, New York Telegraph, October 20th, 1916 1916-10-20
[SB515X105A], Clipping, Hackensack Record, October 18th, 1916 1916-10-18
[SB515X105B], Clipping, New York Journal of Commerce, October 20th, 1916 1916-10-20
[SB515X105C], Clipping, New York Commercial, October 20th, 1916 1916-10-20
[SB515X106A], Clipping, White Plains Journal, September 23rd, 1916 1916-09-23
[SB515X107A], Clipping, Bay City Times, October 24th, 1916 1916-10-24
[SB515X108A], Clipping, San Francisco Examiner, October 7th, 1916 1916-10-07
[SB515X108B], Clipping, New York Review, October 7th, 1916 1916-10-07