[SC89-F] Clippings (1889)
Unbound Clippings Series
[SC89037B], Clipping, St Louis Globe Democrat, January 19th, 1889 1889-01-19
[SC89037b1], Interview, John Canfield Tomlinson, Thomas Alva Edison, January 18th, 1889 1889-01-18
[SC89038A], Clipping, St Stephen's Review, January 19th, 1889 1889-01-19
[SC89039A], Clipping, Toledo Blade, March 4th, 1889 1889-03-04
[SC89039B], Clipping, San Francisco Argonaut, January 21st, 1889 1889-01-21
[SC89040A], Clipping, London Society Herald, January 22nd, 1889 1889-01-22
[SC89040B], Clipping, Aberdeen Free Press, August 30th, 1889 1889-08-30
[SC89040C], Clipping, New York Sun, c. 1889 1889-00-00
[SC89040D], Clipping, London [illegible], 1889 1889-00-00
[SC89041A], Clipping, Chicago News, January 25th, 1889 1889-01-25
[SC89041B], Clipping, Lawrence American, January 29th, 1889 1889-01-29
[SC89041C], Clipping, Boston Commercial Bulletin, January 26th, 1889 1889-01-26
[SC89041D], Clipping, St Louis Post Dispatch, January 27th, 1889 1889-01-27
[SC89041E], Clipping, New York Times, February 12th, 1889 1889-02-12
[SC89042A], Clipping, Chicago News, January 25th, 1889 1889-01-25
[SC89042B], Clipping, New York Times, May 27th, 1889 1889-05-27
[SC89042C], Clipping, Rochester Union and Advertiser, January 29th, 1889 1889-01-29
[SC89042D], Clipping, New York Journal, January 4th, 1889 1889-01-04
[SC89043A], Clipping, New York Telegram, April 5th, 1889 1889-04-05
[SC89043B], Clipping, New York Sun, April 5th, 1889 1889-04-05
[SC89043C], Clipping, Pittsburgh Dispatch, February 5th, 1889 1889-02-05
[SC89043D], Clipping, Orange Herald, January 26th, 1889 1889-01-26
[SC89044A], Clipping, Philadelphia Record, November 13th, 1889 1889-11-13
[SC89044B], Clipping, Oil City (Pa.) Derrick, January 26th, 1889 1889-01-26
[SC89044b1], Letter from George Westinghouse, Jr. to Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph, January 24th, 1889 1889-01-24
[SC89045A], Clipping, St Louis Globe Democrat, June 9th, 1889 1889-06-09
[SC89045B], Clipping, Edinburgh Scotsman, January 26th, 1889 1889-01-26
[SC89046A], Clipping, New Orleans Times Democrat, January 31st, 1889 1889-01-31
[SC89047A], Clipping, Iron Age, January 31st, 1889 1889-01-31
[SC89048A], Clipping, Liverpool Courier, February 1889 1889-02-00
[SC89048B], Clipping, Omaha Republican, February 1st, 1889 1889-02-01
[SC89048C], Clipping, Newark Advertiser, February 20th, 1889 1889-02-20
[SC89048D], Clipping, New York Sun, February 14th, 1889 1889-02-14
[SC89048E], Clipping, Memphis Appeal, June 9th, 1889 1889-06-09
[SC89049A], Clipping, New York Sun, February 5th, 1889 1889-02-05
[SC89049B], Clipping, Portland (Me.) Advertiser, February 7th, 1889 1889-02-07
[SC89050A], Clipping, Saratoga Springs Saratogian, July 27th, 1889 1889-07-27
[SC89050B], Clipping, Philadelphia Times, March 17th, 1889 1889-03-17
[SC89050C], Clipping, Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette, February 7th, 1889 1889-02-07
[SC89050D], Clipping, New York World, July 1st, 1889 1889-07-01
[SC89051A], Clipping, Jersey City Argus, October 11th, 1889 1889-10-11
[SC89051B], Clipping, Kearney Enterprise, March 10th, 1889 1889-03-10
[SC89051C], Clipping, Louisville Courier Journal, March 4th, 1889 1889-03-04
[SC89051D], Clipping, Newark Advertiser, February 12th, 1889 1889-02-12
[SC89052A], Clipping, Harper's Weekly, February 16th, 1889 1889-02-16
[SC89054A], Clipping, New York Times, February 17th, 1889 1889-02-17
[SC89054B], Clipping, New York Herald, May 24th, 1889 1889-05-24
[SC89055A], Clipping, Le Figaro, September 28th, 1889 1889-09-28
[SC89055B], Clipping, Newark Journal, February 18th, 1889 1889-02-18
[SC89055C], Clipping, Omaha Republican, May 22nd, 1889 1889-05-22
[SC89056A], Clipping, Pittsburgh Dispatch, November 25th, 1889 1889-11-25
[SC89056B], Clipping, San Francisco Chronicle, June 5th, 1889 1889-06-05
[SC89056C], Clipping, Newark Advertiser, February 19th, 1889 1889-02-19
[SC89056D], Clipping, New York Sun, August 23rd, 1889 1889-08-23
[SC89056E], Clipping, Wheeling Register, February 19th, 1889 1889-02-19
[SC89057A], Clipping, New York Sun, February 21st, 1889 1889-02-21
[SC89057B], Clipping, Oakland Times, July 18th, 1889 1889-07-18
[SC89058A], Clipping, Electrical World, February 23rd, 1889 1889-02-23
[SC89059A], Clipping, New York Tribune, February 24th, 1889 1889-02-24
[SC89059B], Clipping, Newark News, February 25th, 1889 1889-02-25
[SC89059C], Clipping, New York Telegram, March 19th, 1889 1889-03-19
[SC89059D], Clipping, Louisville Courier Journal, April 19th, 1889 1889-04-19
[SC89059E], Clipping, Nashville American, June 6th, 1889 1889-06-06
[SC89059F], Clipping, New York Times, April 21st, 1889 1889-04-21
[SC89060A], Clipping, 1889 1889-00-00
[SC89061A], Clipping, New York Tribune, March 2nd, 1889 1889-03-02
[SC89061B], Clipping, Atlanta Constitution, March 4th, 1889 1889-03-04
[SC89061C], Clipping, Portland (Me.) Advertiser, March 5th, 1889 1889-03-05
[SC89061D], Clipping, New York Once a Week, March 16th, 1889 1889-03-16
[SC89061E], Clipping, Philadelphia Press, April 10th, 1889 1889-04-10
[SC89062A], Clipping, Brooklyn Eagle, May 15th, 1889 1889-05-15
[SC89062B], Clipping, Newark Journal, September 5th, 1889 1889-09-05
[SC89062C], Clipping, New York Tribune, August 10th, 1889 1889-08-10
[SC89062D], Clipping, Newark Advertiser, March 9th, 1889 1889-03-09
[SC89062E], Clipping, Newark Advertiser, March 21st, 1889 1889-03-21
[SC89063], Clipping, Pittsburgh Telegraph, May 24th, 1889 1889-05-24
[SC890631], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, May 23rd, 1889 1889-05-23
[SC89063A], Clipping, Boston Traveler, April 17th, 1889 1889-04-17
[SC89063B], Clipping, Erie Herald, March 12th, 1889 1889-03-12
[SC89064A], Clipping, Boston Commercial Bulletin, March 6th, 1889 1889-03-06
[SC89065A], Clipping, Scientific American, George Milton Hopkins, March 16th, 1889 1889-03-16
[SC89066A], Clipping, New York Star, March 18th, 1889 1889-03-18
[SC89067A], Clipping, Boston Post, May 8th, 1889 1889-05-08
[SC89067B], Clipping, Newburyport Herald, March 19th, 1889 1889-03-19
[SC89067C], Clipping, Boston Advertiser, March 16th, 1889 1889-03-16
[SC89068A], Clipping, Chicago Tribune, March 21st, 1889 1889-03-21
[SC89069A], Clipping, New Haven News, March 25th, 1889 1889-03-25
[SC89069a1], Interview, Thomas Alva Edison, March 25th, 1889 1889-03-25
[SC89070A], Clipping, Sioux City Journal, August 7th, 1889 1889-08-07
[SC89070B], Clipping, Lawrence Eagle, Julius Mount Bleyer, March 30th, 1889 1889-03-30
[SC89071A], Clipping, London News, September 14th, 1889 1889-09-14
[SC89071B], Clipping, Le Nord (Newspaper), September 28th, 1889 1889-09-28
[SC89071C], Clipping, Vrai Patriotisme (French publication), September 8th, 1889 1889-09-08
[SC89071D], Clipping, Journal de Roubaix (French publication), April 10th, 1889 1889-04-10
[SC89072A], Clipping, Le Figaro, April 24th, 1889 1889-04-24
[SC89074a], Clipping, Horace Townsend, Cosmopolitan (Magazine), April 1889 1889-04-00
[SC89084A], Clipping, Sioux City Tribune, May 4th, 1889 1889-05-04
[SC89084B], Clipping, Louisville Commercial, May 5th, 1889 1889-05-05
[SC89085A], Clipping, Detroit Journal, August 27th, 1889 1889-08-27
[SC89085B], Clipping, New York Press, August 11th, 1889 1889-08-11