[The "List Documents" button at the bottom of this note will display a list of individual litigation records bound together into a single volume. To view the volume in its entirety, use the first link ("Litigation Records") on the list.]
This file consists of testimony on behalf of Edison in the case of Zipernowsky v. Edison, which involved conflicting claims over alternating current systems.
Karl (or Charles) Zipernowsky (1853-1942) was a Hungarian electrical engineer. Along with Otto Blathy and Maximilian Deri, he invented the ZBD alternating current transformer to convert high-voltage electric current to lower-voltage current. Zipernowsky and his partners received several patents on their inventions. This interference involved an application filed by Edison on November 19, 1886, and an application filed by Zipernowsky on March 19, 1888. Included in this volume is a preliminary statement by Edison from November 1888, along with depositions by Edison and attorney Richard N. Dyer from May 1890.