[X001G2-F] Thomas Alva Edison Notes, Drawings and Sketchbooks -- Unbound Notes and Drawings
Edison Papers and Related Items
[X001G2AA1] Technical Note, 1871-1880 1871-1880
[X001G2AA2], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, July 2nd, 1877 1877-07-02
[X001G2AB], Technical Note, Francis Jehl, Thomas Alva Edison, October 19th, 1879 1879-10-19
[X001G2AC], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, Charles Batchelor, August 8th, 1880 1880-08-08
[X001G2AD], Technical Note, Unknown, Thomas Alva Edison, September 20th, 1880 1880-09-20
[X001G2AE], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, October 3rd, 1880 1880-10-03
[X001G2AF], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, October 14th, 1880 1880-10-14
[X001G2AG], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, October 15th, 1880 1880-10-15
[X001G2AH], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, October 16th, 1880 1880-10-16
[X001G2AI], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, October 18th, 1880 1880-10-18
[X001G2AJ], Technical Note, Unknown, November 30th, 1880 1880-11-30
[X001G2AK], Technical Note, Albert Bledsoe Herrick, December 8th, 1880 1880-12-08
[X001G2AL], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, December 10th, 1880 1880-12-10
[X001G2AM], Letter from Stockton L Griffin to Francis Robbins Upton, December 28th, 1880 1880-12-28
[X001G2AN], Technical Note, Unknown, Charles Batchelor, Thomas Alva Edison, January 6th, 1881 1881-01-06
[X001G2AO], Technical Note, Charles Batchelor, January 6th, 1881 1881-01-06
[X001G2AP], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 6th, 1881 1881-01-06
[X001G2AQ], Technical Note, Unknown, January 8th, 1881 1881-01-08
[X001G2AR], Technical Note, Unknown, January 8th, 1881 1881-01-08
[X001G2As], Technical Note, Unknown, January 10th, 1881 1881-01-10
[X001G2AT], Technical Note, Unknown, Thomas Alva Edison, January 13th, 1881 1881-01-13
[X001G2AU], Technical Note, Unknown, Thomas Alva Edison, January 13th, 1881 1881-01-13
[X001G2AV], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, Charles Batchelor, Unknown, January 13th, 1881 1881-01-13
[X001G2AW], Technical Note, Unknown, January 13th, 1881 1881-01-13
[X001G2AX], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 14th, 1881 1881-01-14
[X001G2AY], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1881 1881-01-20
[X001G2AZ], Technical Note, Unknown, Thomas Alva Edison, June 11th, 1881 1881-06-11
[X001G2BA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, 1881 1881-00-00
[X001G2BB], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, 1881 1881-00-00
[X001G2BC], Memorandum, Edison Electric Light Co of Europe Ltd, 1882 1882-00-00
[X001G2BD], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, July 8th, 1883 1883-07-08
[X001G2BE], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 1883 1883-11-00
[X001G2BF], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 25th, 1885 1885-05-25
[X001G2BG], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Jonas Walter Aylsworth, 1902 1902-00-00
[X001G2BH], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 22nd, 1917 1917-01-22
[X001G2BI] Letter, 1920-1929 1920-1929
[X001G2BJ], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, June 14th, 1924 1924-06-14
[X001G2BK], Letter from William Albert Benney to Frank Campsall, March 25th, 1929 1929-03-25
[X001G2BL], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 25th, 1929 1929-03-25