These ten letters, which cover the years 1878-1882, are from two letterpress books. The first three letters are from a book with the binder stamp "J. S. M. & Co No.12" and are addressed to Junius S. Morgan of J. S. Morgan & Co. (Pierpont Morgan's father) and his partner, Walter H. Burns. The remaining letters are from a book entitled "Private Letters, J. P. Morgan." The recipients include Junius Morgan, former Rhode Island governor William W. Hoppin, and Calvin Goddard and Sherburne B. Eaton of the Edison Electric Light Co. The letters relate to Morgan's role as financier and banker for Edison's light company and his unsuccessful efforts to involve his father in the enterprise. Also included are letters pertaining to the lighting plant that the Edison Electric Illuminating Co. installed in Morgan's new home at 219 Madison Ave. in the spring of 1882. Three letters from Morgan to his neighbor, James M. Brown, discuss complaints about the noise and smoke emanating from the lighting plant and Morgan's plans to remedy the problem.