Url https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/QP027AAC Resource class dctype:Text Title [QP027AAC], Legal Testimony, George Benjamin Redfearn, January 1912 Creator Redfearn, George Benjamin Subject Manufacturing Cylinder phonograph Cylinder record and duplicating technology Publisher Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University Date 1912-01-00 Type Legal Testimony Identifier QP027AAC Source 225:210 Relation Edison Phonograph Works Edison Manufacturing Co Edison United Phonograph Co Edison-Bell Phonograph Corp Ltd National Phonograph Co Edison (Thomas A.) Inc Kennelly, Arthur Edwin Tate, Alfred Ord Moriarty, Stephen Fossa Morison, George N Dyke, Herbert H United States Phonograph Co (Cleveland) Rights Thomas Edison National Historical Park Has Version https://archive.org/details/edisonmicrofilm225/page/n219/mode/1up Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 225 Is Part Of QP027-F Uri https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/QP027AAC https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/QP027AAC --