Url https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/QP009A121A Resource class dctype:Text Title [QP009A121A] Minutes, 1888-1891 Creator American Graphophone Co Subject Management (companies and organizations) Financial operations (companies and organizations) Stocks, bonds, and investments Contracts and other legal concerns Manufacturing Publisher Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University Date 1888-1891 Type Minutes Identifier QP009A121A Source 117:372 Relation North American Phonograph Co Lippincott, Jesse H Payne, James G Herr, Austin Rights Thomas Edison National Historical Park Has Version https://archive.org/details/edisonmicrofilm117/page/n381/mode/1up Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 117 Is Part Of QP009A-F Uri https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/QP009A121A https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/QP009A121A --