Url https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/QP012AAB Resource class dctype:Text Title [QP012AAB], Agreement, American Graphophone Co, National Phonograph Co, March 10th, 1903 Creator American Graphophone Co National Phonograph Co Subject Contracts and other legal concerns Patent assignments, licenses, and royalties Cylinder phonograph Publisher Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University Date 1903-03-10 Type Agreement Identifier QP012AAB Source 224:426 Relation U.S. Patent Office. Commissioner Easton, Edward Denison Hayes, Howard W Randolph, John F Gilmore, William Edgar Rights Thomas Edison National Historical Park Date Created 1903-03-10 Has Version https://archive.org/details/edisonmicrofilm224/page/n436/mode/1up Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 224 Is Part Of QP012-F Uri https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/QP012AAB https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/QP012AAB --