Url https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/SB012BCF Resource class dctype:Text Title [SB012BCF], Agreement, Thomas Alva Edison, Grosvenor Porter Lowrey, Egisto Paolo Fabbri, Electric Railway Company of the United States, April 20th, 1883 Creator Electric Railway Company of the United States Fabbri, Egisto Paolo Lowrey, Grosvenor Porter Edison, Thomas Alva Subject Stocks, bonds, and investments Contracts and other legal concerns Electric traction Publisher Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University Date 1883-04-20 Type Agreement Identifier SB012BCF Source 89:502 Relation Reed, Simeon Gannett Eaton, Sherburne Blake Rights Thomas Edison National Historical Park Date Created 1883-04-20 Has Version https://archive.org/details/edisonmicrofilm89/page/n511/mode/1up Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 89 Is Part Of SB012-F Uri https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/SB012BCF https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/SB012BCF --