[D8534P], Letter from Enrique Lanz to Thomas Alva Edison, August 8th, 1885


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[D8534P], Letter from Enrique Lanz to Thomas Alva Edison, August 8th, 1885

Editor's Notes

[5 page letter complaining about the state of electric light business in Chile.] Through W.N. Stewart, I installed in my mill in "Veluco"[?] the first electric light in Chile. I changed the dynamo for one of the new construction and it has been running now for years to my entire satisfaction. The only trouble I have is getting lamps. I have currently put the light out in my mill and have to burn my old lamps. In [-----] Station they have no lamps for their consumers. ##Now that Stewart is back in NY and you can speak with him about me, I take the liberty to explain to you how the business is carried out at this moment in the central station. Stewart was at one point hard up for money to start a new dynamo to increase the number of lamps in the station, so my friends and I helped him with $9000. I tell you this to show you I have a personal reason for complaining about the management in Santiago. To this moment, I never heard anything about this since Stewart went to Valaparaiso. ##The current superintendent is the man to arrange this business, but when I go to speak to him, he is never in the office. "How is possible that the superintendent of the Edison Electric Light Co. is giving lessons in the University for 50 dollars a month in the middle of the day? Will this improve the confidence of the public? By no means!" I could, by law, remove my dynamo and close the station, but I will wait for your answer first. ##Since Stewart left, all is going the wrong way. Kendall & Co. also have done a great deal of harm to the company since the beginning. ##There is great business to be done in Chile, but no-one will do it because they see the Santiago business does not succeed. [Continues to complain about way business is run.] ##Now about our lamps business. Do you think we can get our lamps here in the future or are we obliged to order them directly from NY? I hope to know if we are obliged to buy them in the [-----] or if we can order them without interference of the Chilean company. If we can order the lamps directly, please send me the address for doing it.





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Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University
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