Url https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/HK5134AE Resource class dctype:Text Title [HK5134AE], Letter from Stuart Auchincloss Coats to Walter Seeley Mallory, September 5th, 1912 Creator Coats, Stuart Auchincloss Subject Stocks, bonds, and investments Patent assignments, licenses, and royalties Rolls and crushers Publisher Thomas A. Edison Papers, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University Date 1912-09-05 Type Letter Identifier HK5134AE Source 282:485 Relation New Jersey and Pennsylvania Concentrating Works Coats, Alfred Mainwaring Coats, James Edison, Thomas Alva Rights Thomas Edison National Historical Park Date Created 1912-09-05 Has Version https://archive.org/details/edisonmicrofilm282/page/n495/mode/1up Archive.org Viewer, Microfilm Series Reel 282 Is Part Of HK5B134-F Recipient Mallory, Walter Seeley Uri https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/HK5134AE https://edisondigital.rutgers.edu/document/HK5134AE --