Relation is exactly
Edison Phonograph Works
[D8959ABZ], Telegram from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, July 3rd, 1889 1889-07-03
[D8959ADK], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to George Edward Gouraud, September 3rd, 1889 1889-09-03
[D8959AEC], Telegram from Alfred Ord Tate to Samuel Insull, September 13th, 1889 1889-09-13
[D8959AFP], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, October 20th, 1889 1889-10-20
[D8959AFX], Letter from George Edward Gouraud to Thomas Alva Edison, October 31st, 1889 1889-10-31
[D8960AAR], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Alfred Ord Tate, June 7th, 1889 1889-06-07
[D8960AAW], Letter from Everett Frazar to Thomas Alva Edison, September 19th, 1889 1889-09-19
[D8962AAG], List, North American Phonograph Co, May 28th, 1889 1889-05-28
[D8962AAI], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Alfred Ord Tate, June 25th, 1889 1889-06-25
[D8962AAM], Letter from North American Phonograph Co to New Jersey Phonograph Co, July 29th, 1889 1889-07-29
[D8962AAS], Letter from Charles Batchelor to Jesse H Lippincott, September 20th, 1889 1889-09-20
[D8962AAU], Letter from Thomas R Lombard to Thomas Alva Edison, October 24th, 1889 1889-10-24
[D8968AAC], Letter from Arthur Edwin Kennelly to Alfred Ord Tate, February 12th, 1889 1889-02-12
[D8968AAM], Letter from Charles Batchelor to Thomas Alva Edison, August 19th, 1889 1889-08-19
[D9001AAC], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to James F Kelly, January 16th, 1890 1890-01-16
[D9004ABK], Letter from Eaton and Lewis to Alfred Ord Tate, March 3rd, 1890 1890-03-03
[D9004ADR], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, August 5th, 1890 1890-08-05
[D9004AEF], Letter from Samuel Insull to John F Randolph, September 8th, 1890 1890-09-08
[D9043ABO], Telephone Message from Samuel Insull to Thomas Alva Edison, December 10th, 1890 1890-12-10
[D9051AAU], Letter from Sonneborn Rubber Comb and Novelty Co to West Orange Laboratory, March 14th, 1890 1890-03-14
[D9051ABN], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to West Orange Laboratory, July 19th, 1890 1890-07-19
[D9051ABS], Letter from Samuel Insull to Thomas Alva Edison, November 3rd, 1890 1890-11-03
[D9051ABX], Telephone Message from Samuel Insull to Alfred Ord Tate, December 1st, 1890 1890-12-01
[D9051ABY], Letter from Eaton and Lewis to Alfred Ord Tate, December 6th, 1890 1890-12-06
[D9052AAE], Letter from Samuel Insull to Alfred Ord Tate, September 3rd, 1890 1890-09-03
[D9052AAG1], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Alva Edison, October 17th, 1890 1890-10-17
[D9052AAU], Telephone Message from Alfred Ord Tate to Samuel Insull, November 20th, 1890 1890-11-20
[D9054ABM], Telephone Message from Thomas Alva Edison to Samuel Insull, November 19th, 1890 1890-11-19
[D9054ABN], Telephone Message from Samuel Insull to Thomas Alva Edison, November 19th, 1890 1890-11-19
[D9054ABP], Letter from Samuel Insull to Thomas Alva Edison, November 21st, 1890 1890-11-21
[D9055AAZ], Letter from Edison General Electric Co, Samuel Insull to Thomas Alva Edison, July 3rd, 1890 1890-07-03
[D9056AAA], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Alfred Ord Tate, March 8th, 1890 1890-03-08
[D9057AAB], Letter from Everett Frazar to Thomas Alva Edison, January 31st, 1890 1890-01-31
[D9057AAG], Letter from Everett Frazar to West Orange Laboratory, April 11th, 1890 1890-04-11
[D9058AAD], Letter from North American Phonograph Co, Thomas R Lombard, February 24th, 1890 1890-02-24
[D9058AAM], Letter from John Adriance Bush to Jesse H Lippincott, June 26th, 1890 1890-06-26
[D9058AAO], Letter from John Adriance Bush to Jesse H Lippincott, July 2nd, 1890 1890-07-02
[D9060ABK], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Daniel Weld, April 26th, 1890 1890-04-26
[D9060ACL], Telephone Message from Alfred Ord Tate to Samuel Insull, July 10th, 1890 1890-07-10
[D9060ACS], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Phonograph Toy Manufacturing Co, July 25th, 1890 1890-07-25
[D9060ADN], Letter from Eaton and Lewis to Alfred Ord Tate, September 15th, 1890 1890-09-15
[D9060ADO], Letter from Eaton and Lewis to Alfred Ord Tate, September 19th, 1890 1890-09-19
[D9060AEK], Letter from Eaton and Lewis to Thomas Alva Edison, November 13th, 1890 1890-11-13
[D9060AES], Letter from John F Bancher to Thomas Alva Edison, December 15th, 1890 1890-12-15
[D9060AEV], Letter from Eaton and Lewis to Alfred Ord Tate, December 26th, 1890 1890-12-26
[D9113AAM], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Alfred Ord Tate, August 29th, 1891 1891-08-29
[D9146AAD], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Sherburne Blake Eaton, January 9th, 1891 1891-01-09
[D9146AAG], Letter from Eugene Howard Lewis to Alfred Ord Tate, January 21st, 1891 1891-01-21
[D9146AAI], Letter from Eaton and Lewis to Thomas Alva Edison, January 23rd, 1891 1891-01-23
[D9146ACH], Letter from Samuel Insull to Alfred Ord Tate, September 10th, 1891 1891-09-10
[D9146ACO], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison United Phonograph Co, September 21st, 1891 1891-09-21
[D9149AAZ], Letter from George N Morison to Alfred Ord Tate, June 15th, 1891 1891-06-15
[D9150AAA], Letter from Everett Frazar to Alfred Ord Tate, January 7th, 1891 1891-01-07
[D9150AAD], Letter from Everett Frazar to Alfred Ord Tate, January 21st, 1891 1891-01-21
[D9151AAB], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Jesse H Lippincott, January 7th, 1891 1891-01-07
[D9151AAG], Letter from North American Phonograph Co to New Jersey Phonograph Co, February 3rd, 1891 1891-02-03
[D9151AAI], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, February 7th, 1891 1891-02-07
[D9151AAN], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, February 19th, 1891 1891-02-19
[D9151AAO], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, February 27th, 1891 1891-02-27
[D9151AAV], Report from John Adriance Bush, March 20th, 1891 1891-03-20
[D9151ABD], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Samuel Insull, June 17th, 1891 1891-06-17
[D9151ABH], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Samuel Insull, July 2nd, 1891 1891-07-02
[D9151ABM], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Thomas Alva Edison, August 12th, 1891 1891-08-12
[D9151ABN], Letter from Thomas R Lombard to Alfred Ord Tate, August 20th, 1891 1891-08-20
[D9151ABO], Letter from Sherburne Blake Eaton to Alfred Ord Tate, August 22nd, 1891 1891-08-22
[D9151ABQ], Letter from Thomas R Lombard to Alfred Ord Tate, August 31st, 1891 1891-08-31
[D9151ABZ], Publication, North American Phonograph Co, 1891 1891-00-00
[D9153AAR], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to W Huntington Smith, January 6th, 1891 1891-01-06
[D9211ABU], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Butler, July 30th, 1892 1892-07-30
[D9211ADA], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Edison Manufacturing Co, William B Stewart, September 6th, 1892 1892-09-06
[D9211AGR], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to J W MacKintosh, October 26th, 1892 1892-10-26
[D9211AHF], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Alva Edison, October 31st, 1892 1892-10-31
[D9211AHG], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Alva Edison, October 31st, 1892 1892-10-31
[D9211AHH], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Alva Edison, October 31st, 1892 1892-10-31
[D9211AHW], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to North American Phonograph Co, Thomas Butler, November 7th, 1892 1892-11-07
[D9211AIN], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Alva Edison, November 17th, 1892 1892-11-17
[D9211AJD], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to George Frederick Ballou, November 28th, 1892 1892-11-28
[D9211AJR], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Alva Edison, December 7th, 1892 1892-12-07
[D9211AKA], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Richard Nott Dyer, December 14th, 1892 1892-12-14
[D9211AKI], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Alfred Marshall Mayer, December 23rd, 1892 1892-12-23
[D9211AKJ], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Alva Edison, December 24th, 1892 1892-12-24
[D9211AKM], Letter from Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee) to Richard Nott Dyer, December 30th, 1892 1892-12-30
[D9237ACB], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Alfred Ord Tate, June 7th, 1892 1892-06-07
[D9237ACV], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee), August 25th, 1892 1892-08-25
[D9240AAG], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to New England Phonograph Co, Augustus Newman Sampson, January 1892 1892-01-00
[D9240AAP], Letter from Alfred Ord Tate to Thomas Alva Edison, February 19th, 1892 1892-02-19
[D9240AAR], Letter from Eaton and Lewis to Alfred Ord Tate, October 25th, 1892 1892-10-25
[D9240AAS], Letter from John Adriance Bush to Alfred Ord Tate, October 29th, 1892 1892-10-29
[D9240AAV], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, 1892 1892-00-00
[D9241ABN], Letter from George N Morison to Stephen Fossa Moriarty, June 8th, 1892 1892-06-08
[D9241ABQ], Letter from George N Morison to Stephen Fossa Moriarty, June 10th, 1892 1892-06-10
[D9241ABT], Letter from George N Morison to Stephen Fossa Moriarty, July 1st, 1892 1892-07-01
[D9241ADW], Letter from Theodore Seligman to Thomas Alva Edison, December 7th, 1892 1892-12-07
[D9241AEK], Memorandum, Edison United Phonograph Co, 1892 1892-00-00
[D9242AAC], Letter from Thomas Butler to Thomas Maguire (Edison Employee), February 26th, 1892 1892-02-26
[D9242AAF], Letter from Cleveland Walcutt to Alfred Ord Tate, April 12th, 1892 1892-04-12
[D9242AAH], Minutes, North American Phonograph Co, April 29th, 1892 1892-04-29
[D9245AAF], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Batchelor, February 25th, 1892 1892-02-25
[D9245AAK], Letter from Thomas Butler to Alfred Ord Tate, March 1st, 1892 1892-03-01
[D9245AAL], Letter from Samuel Insull to Thomas Butler, 1892 1892-00-00