Relation is exactly
National Phonograph Co
[QP0100904], Letter from U.S. Circuit Court. Southern N.Y. to John Adriance Bush, March 5th, 1903 1903-03-05
[QP0101066], Letter from Elisha K Camp, Louis Hicks to Robinson Biddle and Ward, Howard W Hayes, October 15th, 1903 1903-10-15
[QP0101068], Letter from U.S. Circuit Court. Southern N.Y. to Howard W Hayes, William Edgar Gilmore, October 15th, 1903 1903-10-15
[QP0101340], Legal Testimony, William Fahnestock, October 29th, 1903 1903-10-29
[QP0101353], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Henry Wynans Jessup, April 23rd, 1898 1898-04-23
[QP0101449], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Henry Wynans Jessup, April 21st, 1898 1898-04-21
[QP0101488], Legal Testimony, John Relyea Schermerhorn, March 11th, 1904 1904-03-11
[QP0101533], Legal Testimony, Hugh M Funston, March 24th, 1904 1904-03-24
[QP0101554], Legal Testimony, William Fahnestock, March 25th, 1904 1904-03-25
[QP0101637], Legal Testimony, Frank E Bradley, March 30th, 1904 1904-03-30
[QP0101678], Legal Testimony, William Pelzer, April 4th, 1904 1904-04-04
[QP0101684], Letter from James Lambert Andem to Thomas C Powell, January 14th, 1904 1904-01-14
[QP0101723], Legal Testimony, Elisha K Camp, April 5th, 1904 1904-04-05
[QP0101946], Petition, New York Phonograph Co, Hugh M Funston, January 30th, 1905 1905-01-30
[QP0101962], Resolution, New York Phonograph Co, January 18th, 1905 1905-01-18
[QP0101994], Legal Decision, U.S. Circuit Court. Southern N.Y., John Raymond Hazel, May 2nd, 1905 1905-05-02
[QP0101998], Legal Decision, U.S. Circuit Court. Southern N.Y., John Raymond Hazel, May 2nd, 1905 1905-05-02
[QP0102021], Letter from Emile Henry Lacombe, U.S. Circuit Court. Southern N.Y. to New York Phonograph Co, May 23rd, 1905 1905-05-23
[QP010A013], Legal Testimony, James Lambert Andem, February 13th, 1902 1902-02-13
[QP010A076], Agreement, New York Phonograph Co, Hugh M Funston, James Lambert Andem, October 22nd, 1900 1900-10-22
[QP010A079], Agreement, New York Phonograph Co, Hugh M Funston, James Lambert Andem, November 9th, 1900 1900-11-09
[QP010A082], Agreement, James Lambert Andem, Elisha K Camp, November 14th, 1900 1900-11-14
[QP010A090], Publication, New York Phonograph Co, February 25th, 1901 1901-02-25
[QP010A092], Letter from Elisha K Camp to James Lambert Andem, December 20th, 1900 1900-12-20
[QP010A111], Letter from Louis Hicks to Lemuel E Evans, New England Phonograph Co, July 2nd, 1901 1901-07-02
[QP010A142], Legal Testimony, Herbert A Shattuck, April 9th, 1902 1902-04-09
[QP010A161], Legal Decision, Emile Henry Lacombe, U.S. Circuit Court. Southern N.Y., January 30th, 1904 1904-01-30
[QP012AAD], Letter from Robert Harris McCarter to Herbert H Dyke, June 9th, 1910 1910-06-09
[QP013AAA], Letter from Frank E Bradley to Frank Lewis Dyer, September 2nd, 1904 1904-09-02
[QP013AAB], Minutes, Douglas Phonograph Co, November 1st, 1904 1904-11-01
[QP013AAD], Report from Douglas Phonograph Co, October 31st, 1906 1906-10-31
[QP014AAA], Letter from Paul Henderson Cromelin to Victor Talking Machine Co, Horace Pettit, September 21st, 1908 1908-09-21
[QP014AAA1], Letter from Paul Henderson Cromelin to Frank Lewis Dyer, September 21st, 1908 1908-09-21
[QP014AAD], Letter from Walter Stevens to Frank Lewis Dyer, October 23rd, 1908 1908-10-23
[QP014AAE], Letter from Paul Henderson Cromelin, Columbia Phonograph Co to M Dorian, November 2nd, 1908 1908-11-02
[QP014AAI], Legal Testimony, Frank Lewis Dyer, August 1909 1909-08-00
[QP015AAC], Letter from Dyer Edmonds and Dyer to William Edgar Gilmore, December 31st, 1902 1902-12-31
[QP015AAD], Letter from John Brown Moran to William Edgar Gilmore, January 5th, 1903 1903-01-05
[QP015AAH], Letter from Howard W Hayes to William Edgar Gilmore, May 17th, 1903 1903-05-17
[QP015AAP], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to U.S. Patent Office. Commissioner, February 1st, 1904 1904-02-01
[QP015AAQ], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Daniel Higham, February 1st, 1904 1904-02-01
[QP015AAR], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to William Edgar Gilmore, April 15th, 1904 1904-04-15
[QP015AAS], Letter from William Edgar Gilmore to Frank Lewis Dyer, April 25th, 1904 1904-04-25
[QP015AAT], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to William Edgar Gilmore, May 6th, 1904 1904-05-06
[QP015AAU], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, 1904 1904-00-00
[QP016AAG], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to U.S. Patent Office. Commissioner, March 29th, 1910 1910-03-29
[QP016AAH], Legal Testimony, Thomas Alva Edison, January 29th, 1910 1910-01-29
[QP016AAI], Legal Testimony, Dyer Smith, March 1910 1910-03-00
[QP019AAB4] Memorandum, c. 1904 1904-00-00
[QP020050], List, Thomas Alva Edison, 1906 1906-00-00
[QP021AAW], Letter from Philip Mauro to Frank Lewis Dyer, May 16th, 1908 1908-05-16
[QP021ABA], Letter from Philip Mauro to Henry Duncan Oliphant, June 11th, 1908 1908-06-11
[QP022AAA], Legal Testimony, Thomas Alva Edison, July 23rd, 1909 1909-07-23
[QP022AAB], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, July 23rd, 1909 1909-07-23
[QP022AAC], Legal Testimony, William Pelzer, July 23rd, 1909 1909-07-23
[QP022AAD], Legal Testimony, Peter Weber, July 23rd, 1909 1909-07-23
[QP022AAE], Legal Testimony, Frank Lewis Dyer, 1909 1909-00-00
[QP024AAB], Letter from Hardcastle and Wynn to Howard W Hayes, April 3rd, 1901 1901-04-03
[QP024AAD], Letter from Howard W Hayes to William Edgar Gilmore, November 16th, 1901 1901-11-16
[QP024AAE], Letter from Howard W Hayes to Hardcastle and Wynn, April 17th, 1902 1902-04-17
[QP024AAF], Letter from Howard W Hayes to Hardcastle and Wynn, April 19th, 1902 1902-04-19
[QP024AAG], Letter from Hardcastle and Wynn to Howard W Hayes, April 26th, 1902 1902-04-26
[QP024AAJ], Letter from Melville Church to Frank Lewis Dyer, March 15th, 1904 1904-03-15
[QP025AAB], Letter from Cornelius Van Cott, U.S. Post Office (N.Y. City) to Thomas Alva Edison, March 9th, 1899 1899-03-09
[QP025AAC], Legal Pleading, Thomas Alva Edison, Frederic M Prescott, June 29th, 1899 1899-06-29
[QP025AAC00], Legal Testimony, Thomas Alva Edison, June 29th, 1899 1899-06-29
[QP025AAC01], Letter from Frederic M Prescott to Thomas Alva Edison, December 12th, 1898 1898-12-12
[QP025AAC06], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to U.S. Post Office (N.Y. City), Cornelius Van Cott, February 28th, 1899 1899-02-28
[QP025AAC06A], Letter from U.S. Post Office (N.Y. City), Cornelius Van Cott to Thomas Alva Edison, March 9th, 1899 1899-03-09
[QP025AAD], Legal Pleading, Frederic M Prescott, Thomas Alva Edison, August 14th, 1899 1899-08-14
[QP025AAD019], Legal Testimony, Frederic M Prescott, August 14th, 1899 1899-08-14
[QP025AAD030], Legal Testimony, John O Prescott, August 12th, 1899 1899-08-12
[QP025AAD037], Legal Testimony, George C Schneider, August 15th, 1899 1899-08-15
[QP025AAE], Legal Testimony, Thomas Alva Edison, September 23rd, 1899 1899-09-23
[QP025AAF], Letter from Dyer Edmonds and Dyer to Thomas J Moncks, May 29th, 1899 1899-05-29
[QP026A017], Legal Testimony, Frank Lewis Dyer, December 4th, 1909 1909-12-04
[QP026A021], Agreement, Thomas Alva Edison, James Lambert Andem, Kansas Phonograph Co, Edison Phonograph Works, April 3rd, 1909 1909-04-03
[QP026B], Legal Testimony, Frank Lewis Dyer, April 29th, 1909 1909-04-29
[QP027AAB], Legal Testimony, Walter Henry Miller, January 1912 1912-01-00
[QP027AAC], Legal Testimony, George Benjamin Redfearn, January 1912 1912-01-00
[QP028AAG], Letter from Howard W Hayes to William Edgar Gilmore, June 12th, 1901 1901-06-12
[QP030AAA], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Jorge A Alcalde, February 1st, 1906 1906-02-01
[QP030AAD], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Rafael Cabanas, April 27th, 1907 1907-04-27
[QP030AAF], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to C A L Massie, June 18th, 1907 1907-06-18
[QP031AAA], Legal Pleading, International Graphophone Co, Thomas Alva Edison, January 1905 1905-01-00
[QP032AAB], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to E A Ivatts, Pathe Freres, June 29th, 1908 1908-06-29
[QP032AAD], Letter from Brandon Bros to Frank Lewis Dyer, July 7th, 1908 1908-07-07
[QP032AAE], Letter from Brandon Bros to Frank Lewis Dyer, July 31st, 1908 1908-07-31
[QP032AAF], Letter from Fernand Desbriere to Thomas Alva Edison, August 26th, 1908 1908-08-26
[QP032AAH], Letter from Fernand Desbriere to Frank Lewis Dyer, October 23rd, 1908 1908-10-23
[QP033AAA], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Melville Church, January 23rd, 1908 1908-01-23
[QP033AAC], Letter from Philip Mauro, C A L Massie to Benjamin Franklin Keller, May 18th, 1908 1908-05-18
[QP033AAD], Legal Testimony, Philip Mauro, C A L Massie, May 18th, 1908 1908-05-18
[QP033AAF], Letter from Herbert H Dyke to Benjamin Franklin Keller, May 25th, 1908 1908-05-25
[QP033AAG], Legal Testimony, Frank Lewis Dyer, May 1908 1908-05-00
[QP033AAI], Letter from Benjamin Franklin Keller to C A L Massie, Philip Mauro, May 27th, 1908 1908-05-27
[QP033AAK], Letter from Philip Mauro to Benjamin Franklin Keller, May 28th, 1908 1908-05-28
[QP033AAL] Litigation Record, 1908-1909 1908-1909
[QP033AAL214], Legal Testimony, Thomas Hood Macdonald, January 3rd, 1908 1908-01-03
[QP033AAL230], Legal Testimony, Philip Mauro, January 3rd, 1908 1908-01-03