Relation is exactly
Ott, Frederick Paul
[NA285060], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, September 13th, 1918 1918-09-13
[NA287AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, July 24th, 1918 1918-07-24
[NA287AAC], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, August 26th, 1922 1922-08-26
[NA292AAC], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 4th, 1918 1918-11-04
[NA293AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 26th, 1918 1918-11-26
[NA293AAB], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 29th, 1918 1918-11-29
[NA330026], Technical Note, Archibald David Hoffman, Thomas Alva Edison, September 13th, 1916 1916-09-13
[NA293AAG], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, December 6th, 1918 1918-12-06
[NA299015], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 13th, 1920 1920-05-13
[NA301013], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, June 19th, 1919 1919-06-19
[NA301155], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, August 22nd, 1919 1919-08-22
[NA301181], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, August 25th, 1919 1919-08-25
[NA302AAB], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, August 27th, 1919 1919-08-27
[NA303085], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, September 20th, 1919 1919-09-20
[NA304025], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, October 13th, 1919 1919-10-13
[NA304152], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, October 31st, 1919 1919-10-31
[NA314AAB], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 21st, 1916 1916-01-21
[NA314AAC], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 24th, 1916 1916-01-24
[NA315AAC], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 28th, 1916 1916-01-28
[NA316AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 1916 1916-02-00
[NA317AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 1916 1916-02-00
[NA318AAA] Technical Note, February 1916 1916-02-00
[NA318AAC], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 25th, 1916 1916-02-25
[NA322AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 27th, 1916 1916-04-27
[NA322AAB], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 29th, 1916 1916-04-29
[NA322AAE], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 1st, 1916 1916-05-01
[NA322AAF], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 3rd, 1916 1916-05-03
[NA322AAG], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 4th, 1916 1916-05-04
[NA323AAF], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 11th, 1916 1916-05-11
[NA324AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 10th, 1916 1916-05-10
[NA324AAD], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 15th, 1916 1916-05-15
[NA325AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 17th, 1916 1916-05-17
[NA325AAC], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 19th, 1916 1916-05-19
[NA325AAD], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 22nd, 1916 1916-05-22
[NA326001] Technical Note, May 1916 1916-05-00
[NA326067], Technical Note, Archibald David Hoffman, Thomas Alva Edison, June 1st, 1916 1916-06-01
[NA326105], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, June 3rd, 1916 1916-06-03
[NA331091], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, December 15th, 1916 1916-12-15
[NA331093], Technical Note, Archibald David Hoffman, Thomas Alva Edison, December 16th, 1916 1916-12-16
[NA335026], Technical Note, Archibald David Hoffman, Thomas Alva Edison, August 6th, 1917 1917-08-06
[NA338001], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, June 4th, 1920 1920-06-04
[NA342152], Technical Note, Walter Nadler Archer, Frank Detlef, Jr., Howard F Redford, March 5th, 1921 1921-03-05
[NA343AAH], Technical Note, Walter Nadler Archer, Thomas Alva Edison, November 27th, 1920 1920-11-27
[NA346AAO], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, August 16th, 1920 1920-08-16
[NA347125], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, September 21st, 1920 1920-09-21
[NA355130], Technical Note, George Joseph Werner, April 11th, 1917 1917-04-11
[NA366023], Technical Note, Harry C Leonard, September 10th, 1914 1914-09-10
[NA366026], Technical Note, Harold Hooper Smith, James Francis Monahan, Thomas Alva Edison, September 15th, 1914 1914-09-15
[NB163049], Technical Note, Unknown, July 3rd, 1914 1914-07-03
[NB163049F], Technical Note, Unknown, September 24th, 1914 1914-09-24
[NB163049G], Technical Note, Unknown, September 1915 1915-09-00
[NB178059], Technical Note, Francis Robbins Upton, Thomas Alva Edison, June 1899 1899-06-00
[NB182AAC], Technical Note, Martin Andre Rosanoff, August 1903 1903-08-00
[NB185AAA], Letter from Ignacy Goldstein to Thomas Alva Edison, March 30th, 1909 1909-03-30
[NB187AAD], Technical Note, Peter Christian Christensen, November 19th, 1910 1910-11-19
[NB187AAE], Technical Note, Peter Christian Christensen, January 6th, 1911 1911-01-06
[NB187AAF], Technical Note, Peter Christian Christensen, January 7th, 1911 1911-01-07
[NB187AAG], Technical Note, Peter Christian Christensen, January 25th, 1911 1911-01-25
[NB204AAA], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, Charles Thompson Dally, May 14th, 1919 1919-05-14
- [NB214AAB] Technical Note, Undated
[NB227041], Technical Note, Absalom Mason Kennedy, May 21st, 1917 1917-05-21
[NB242115], Technical Note, Ludwig Fredrick Ott, August 19th, 1919 1919-08-19
[NB244014], Technical Note, Ludwig Fredrick Ott, June 25th, 1920 1920-06-25
[NB244059], Technical Note, Ludwig Fredrick Ott, October 4th, 1920 1920-10-04
[NB245100], Technical Note, Peter Christian Christensen, April 6th, 1915 1915-04-06
[NL026AAA] Laboratory Record, 1900-1901 1900-1901
[NL027AAA] Laboratory Record, 1901-1910 1901-1910
[NL046AAM], Letter from Tyer Rubber Co to Thomas Alva Edison, October 22nd, 1903 1903-10-22
[NL046AAO], Letter from Sternau (S.) & Co, Sigmund Sternau to John F Ott, February 10th, 1905 1905-02-10
[NM034005], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 24th, 1902 1902-04-24
[NM035137], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 13th, 1903 1903-02-13
[NM035153], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 4th, 1903 1903-04-04
[NP060], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, 1899 1899-00-00
[NP061D], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, October 18th, 1900 1900-10-18
[NP064A] Technical Note, February 1903 1903-02-00
[NP065B], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, October 6th, 1903 1903-10-06
[NP065G], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, October 1st, 1905 1905-10-01
[NP065H], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, November 24th, 1905 1905-11-24
[NP065I], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, January 7th, 1906 1906-01-07
[NP069C], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, December 28th, 1904 1904-12-28
[NP070F], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, March 22nd, 1905 1905-03-22
[NP070J], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, May 7th, 1905 1905-05-07
[NP070K], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, April 27th, 1906 1906-04-27
[NP070L], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, August 2nd, 1905 1905-08-02
[NP071A], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, 1906 1906-00-00
[NP072A], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, 1907 1907-00-00
[NP073A] Technical Note, February 1907 1907-02-00
[NP073C], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, February 4th, 1907 1907-02-04
[NP075A], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, 1907 1907-00-00
[NP077A] Technical Note, c. 1907 1907-00-00
[NP077E], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, October 7th, 1907 1907-10-07
[NP077G] Technical Note, October 1907 1907-10-00
[NP078A] Technical Note, 1907-1908 1907-1908
[NP080A] Technical Note, c. 1909 1909-00-00
[NP080E], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, September 7th, 1910 1910-09-07
[NP081E], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, August 19th, 1909 1909-08-19
[NP081F], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, September 15th, 1909 1909-09-15
[NP081J], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, October 26th, 1909 1909-10-26
[NP083A] Technical Note, c. 1910 1910-00-00
[NP084A] Technical Note, c. 1910 1910-00-00