Subject is exactly
Cables, feeders, and other exterior elements
[B017ADA] Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Lorenzo Clarke, 1883-1884 1883-1884
[B017AI], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Charles Lorenzo Clarke, 1883 1883-00-00
[B017AJ], Technical Note, Thomas Alva Edison, 1883 1883-00-00
[CA041D], Instructions, Edison Electric Light Co, John H Vail, December 1st, 1887 1887-12-01
[CA041E], Instructions, Edison Electric Light Co, John H Vail, December 20th, 1887 1887-12-20
[CA041E1], Instructions, Edison Electric Light Co, John H Vail, December 20th, 1887 1887-12-20
[CA041F], Instructions, John H Vail, Edison Electric Light Co, 1887 1887-00-00
[CA041K], Instructions, John H Vail, Edison Electric Light Co, 1888 1888-00-00
[CA041L], Article, Edison Electric Light Co, John H Vail, 1886 1886-00-00
[CA042D], Instructions, John H Vail, Sprague Electric Railway and Motor Co, April 1st, 1890 1890-04-01
[CA042E], Instructions, Edison General Electric Co, 1891 1891-00-00
[CA042F], Instructions, Edison General Electric Co, February 26th, 1890 1890-02-26
[D0420AAD], Letter from Ewald Stulpner to John F Randolph, June 4th, 1904 1904-06-04
[D0506ABR], Letter from Moore Bros Lightning Rod Co to Thomas Alva Edison, July 6th, 1905 1905-07-06
[D0506ABS], Letter from Arthur L Brown to Thomas Alva Edison, July 25th, 1905 1905-07-25
[D0606ABK], Letter from Frederick W Kelsey to Thomas Alva Edison, December 26th, 1906 1906-12-26
[D1016ADY], Letter from Charles Proteus Steinmetz to Thomas Alva Edison, October 11th, 1910 1910-10-11
[D7819ZAW], Letter from A Harnickel to Thomas Alva Edison, October 23rd, 1878 1878-10-23
[D7819ZCL], Letter from Richard Talling to Thomas Alva Edison, November 25th, 1878 1878-11-25
[D7819ZCN], Letter from Eastwood Buchanan and Smith to Thomas Alva Edison, November 26th, 1878 1878-11-26
[D7819ZDD], Letter from Wallace and Sons to Thomas Alva Edison, December 8th, 1878 1878-12-08
[D7826ZCI], Telegram from George E Carman to Thomas Alva Edison, October 22nd, 1878 1878-10-22
[D7826ZCJ], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to George E Carman, October 22nd, 1878 1878-10-22
[D7826ZEG], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Eugene F Phillips, November 11th, 1878 1878-11-11
[D7826ZEH], Telegram from Eugene F Phillips to Thomas Alva Edison, November 11th, 1878 1878-11-11
[D7826ZEI], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Eugene F Phillips, November 11th, 1878 1878-11-11
[D7826ZEJ], Letter from Eugene F Phillips to Thomas Alva Edison, November 13th, 1878 1878-11-13
[D7828ZFL], Telegram from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, December 23rd, 1878 1878-12-23
[D7828ZFR], Letter from Lemuel Wright Serrell to Thomas Alva Edison, December 31st, 1878 1878-12-31
[D7903ZAN], Letter from Anson Stager to Thomas Alva Edison, February 4th, 1879 1879-02-04
[D7903ZDP], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Hamilton McKown Twombly, May 6th, 1879 1879-05-06
[D7903ZLL], Letter from Samuel Bowne Parsons to Thomas Alva Edison, December 1st, 1879 1879-12-01
[D7919D], Letter from Western Union, Norvin Green to Thomas Alva Edison, January 6th, 1879 1879-01-06
[D7919P], Letter from R D McDonald to Thomas Alva Edison, February 26th, 1879 1879-02-26
[D7919Q], Letter from R D McDonald to Thomas Alva Edison, March 7th, 1879 1879-03-07
[D7919ZAB], Letter from Morris Hopkins Alberger to Stockton L Griffin, May 2nd, 1879 1879-05-02
[D7919ZDG], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Western Union, Norvin Green, November 4th, 1879 1879-11-04
[D7919ZDH], Letter from John Van Horne to Thomas Alva Edison, November 5th, 1879 1879-11-05
[D7919ZDI], Letter from James Merrihew to Thomas Alva Edison, November 7th, 1879 1879-11-07
[D7919ZDI1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to James Merrihew, November 7th, 1879 1879-11-07
[D7919ZDJ], Letter from James Merrihew to Thomas Alva Edison, November 8th, 1879 1879-11-08
[D7925ZAG], Letter from Novelty Rubber Co to Thomas Alva Edison, June 30th, 1879 1879-06-30
[D8020ZBU], Letter from Albion Tube Works, Lloyd and Lloyd to Thomas Alva Edison, February 16th, 1880 1880-02-16
[D8204ZGO1], Letter from Western Union, George Bartlett Prescott, Jr. to Erastus Wiman, September 21st, 1882 1882-09-21
[D8627ZAA1], List, Callender Insulating and Waterproofing Co, August 27th, 1886 1886-08-27
[D8704AET], Letter from Paul C Woodruff to Thomas Alva Edison, November 14th, 1887 1887-11-14
[D8713ABG], Letter from Robert Ten Eyck Lozier to Thomas Alva Edison, November 22nd, 1887 1887-11-22
[D8732AAG1], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Samuel Insull, March 11th, 1887 1887-03-11
[D8732AAP], Stock Transfer from Thomas Alva Edison, April 1887 1887-04-00
[D8732ABD], Letter from John H Vail to Thomas Alva Edison, August 18th, 1887 1887-08-18
[D8732ABG], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to John H Vail, September 9th, 1887 1887-09-09
[D8733AAA], List, Edison Machine Works, February 26th, 1887 1887-02-26
[D8733AAC], Letter from John H Vail to Edward Hibberd Johnson, April 21st, 1887 1887-04-21
[D8733AAD], Letter from W B Vail to John H Vail, April 18th, 1887 1887-04-18
[D8733AAE], List, Edison Machine Works, April 27th, 1887 1887-04-27
[D8733AAF], Cost Estimate, Edison Machine Works, May 12th, 1887 1887-05-12
[D8733AAG], Cost Estimate, Edison Machine Works, May 12th, 1887 1887-05-12
[D8733AAI], Letter from Edward Hibberd Johnson to Samuel Insull, Edison Machine Works, July 20th, 1887 1887-07-20
[D8733AAJ], Letter from Frank McGowan to Edison Machine Works, Samuel Insull, July 22nd, 1887 1887-07-22
[D8733AAK], List, Edison Electric Light Co, July 23rd, 1887 1887-07-23
[D8733AAL], Letter from John Kruesi to Thomas Alva Edison, August 10th, 1887 1887-08-10
[D8733AAM], Letter from John H Vail to Thomas Alva Edison, August 15th, 1887 1887-08-15
[D8733AAO], Telegram from John H Vail to Edison Machine Works, John Kruesi, September 8th, 1887 1887-09-08
[D8733AAV], Letter from John H Vail to Thomas Alva Edison, October 13th, 1887 1887-10-13
[D8733ABA], Letter from John H Vail to Thomas Alva Edison, October 18th, 1887 1887-10-18
[D8733ABB], List, Edison Machine Works, October 1887 1887-10-00
[D8733ABC], Letter from John H Vail to Edison Machine Works, October 21st, 1887 1887-10-21
[D8733ABD], Letter from John H Vail to Edison Machine Works, October 27th, 1887 1887-10-27
[D8733ABE], List, Edison Electric Light Co, October 26th, 1887 1887-10-26
[D8733ABI], Telegram from John H Vail to Edison Machine Works, November 7th, 1887 1887-11-07
[D8733ABL], List, Edison Machine Works, 1887 1887-00-00
[D8733ABM], Cost Estimate, Edison Machine Works, 1887 1887-00-00
[D8736ABP], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles Batchelor, April 25th, 1887 1887-04-25
[D8736ACG], Telegram from Edison Machine Works to Alfred Ord Tate, May 28th, 1887 1887-05-28
[D8736ACH], Letter from Samuel Insull to Alfred Ord Tate, May 31st, 1887 1887-05-31
[D8736ACU], Letter from Samuel Insull to John F Randolph, July 11th, 1887 1887-07-11
[D8736ADV], Letter from John Kruesi to Charles Batchelor, September 10th, 1887 1887-09-10
[D8736ADW], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles Batchelor, September 10th, 1887 1887-09-10
[D8736ADZ], Letter from Samuel Insull to John F Randolph, September 15th, 1887 1887-09-15
[D8736AEA], Letter from Samuel Insull to Thomas Alva Edison, September 16th, 1887 1887-09-16
[D8736AEB], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles Batchelor, September 17th, 1887 1887-09-17
[D8736AED], Letter from Edison Machine Works to Samuel Insull, September 24th, 1887 1887-09-24
[D8736AEO], Letter from John William Lieb, Societa Generale Italiana di Elettricita to Edison Machine Works, November 16th, 1887 1887-11-16
[D8736AET1], Letter from Philip Seubel to Charles Batchelor, December 1887 1887-12-00
[D8736AEW], Memorandum, Edison Machine Works, 1887 1887-00-00
[D8737AAO], Telegram from John Kruesi to Samuel Insull, April 19th, 1887 1887-04-19
[D8737ABA], Letter from Samuel Insull to Thomas Alva Edison, June 23rd, 1887 1887-06-23
[D8756AHZ], List, Charles Batchelor, 1887 1887-00-00
[D8757ABX], Letter from John Kruesi to Charles Batchelor, October 28th, 1887 1887-10-28
[D8757ACD], Letter from Samuel Insull to Charles Batchelor, October 31st, 1887 1887-10-31
[D8757ACL], Telegram from Charles Batchelor to Edison Machine Works, November 12th, 1887 1887-11-12
[D8757ACU], Telegram from John Kruesi to Charles Batchelor, November 28th, 1887 1887-11-28
[D8757ACV], Telegram from Philip Seubel to Charles Batchelor, November 28th, 1887 1887-11-28
[D8757ACW], Telegram from Alfred Ord Tate to Charles Batchelor, November 28th, 1887 1887-11-28
[D8757ACX], Telegram from Charles Batchelor to Edison Machine Works, November 28th, 1887 1887-11-28
[D8757ADD], Letter from Charles Berggren to Charles Batchelor, November 30th, 1887 1887-11-30
[D8757ADE], Letter from Charles Berggren to Charles Batchelor, December 1st, 1887 1887-12-01
[D8757ADQ], Telegram from Charles Berggren to West Orange Laboratory, December 7th, 1887 1887-12-07
[D8757ADR], Telegram from Charles Batchelor to Edison Machine Works, December 7th, 1887 1887-12-07
[D8757ADS], Letter from Charles Berggren to Charles Batchelor, December 7th, 1887 1887-12-07