Subject is exactly
Disc record and duplicating technology
[E1287CC], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, April 5th, 1912 1912-04-05
[E1287CI], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, April 8th, 1912 1912-04-08
[E1365AK], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1913 1913-01-20
[E1365AP], Letter from Clarence Bowser Hayes to Thomas Alva Edison, January 30th, 1913 1913-01-30
[E1365BC], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Brian F Philpot, Thomas Alva Edison, February 12th, 1913 1913-02-12
[E1365BD], Letter from Robert E Haward to Thomas Alva Edison, February 13th, 1913 1913-02-13
[E1518LBW], Letter from William F Nehr to William Henry Meadowcroft, December 20th, 1915 1915-12-20
[E1518LBX], Letter from William F Nehr to Thomas Alva Edison, December 21st, 1915 1915-12-21
[E1518LCG], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, December 22nd, 1915 1915-12-22
[E1337AI], Letter from Celluloid Co, Marshall Clifford Lefferts to Thomas Alva Edison, April 10th, 1913 1913-04-10
[E1338AD], Letter from Deutsches Museum, Oskar von Miller to Thomas Alva Edison, June 30th, 1913 1913-06-30
[E1359CI], Letter from Charles A Meadows to Thomas Alva Edison, March 2nd, 1913 1913-03-02
[E1359CQ], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Thomas Alva Edison, William F Nehr, March 5th, 1913 1913-03-05
[E1365BU], Letter from Walter Stevens to Thomas Alva Edison, March 12th, 1913 1913-03-12
[E1365BV], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, March 13th, 1913 1913-03-13
[E1365BZ], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, March 22nd, 1913 1913-03-22
[E1365CD], Letter from Thomas Wardell to Thomas Alva Edison, March 26th, 1913 1913-03-26
[E1365CF], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Celluloid Co, Marshall Clifford Lefferts, March 28th, 1913 1913-03-28
[E1365CM], Letter from George B Rhodes to Thomas Alva Edison, April 12th, 1913 1913-04-12
[E1365CU], Letter from Edison (Thomas A.) Ltd, Alfred Fenner Wagner to Thomas Alva Edison, April 30th, 1913 1913-04-30
[E1365DL], Letter from Zachariah Power Halpin to Miller Reese Hutchison, May 26th, 1913 1913-05-26
[E1365DT], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, June 18th, 1913 1913-06-18
[E1365DU], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, June 18th, 1913 1913-06-18
[E1365EB], Letter from Cadwell (O.C.) & Co to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, June 28th, 1913 1913-06-28
[E1365EC], Letter from Gabino Vizcarra to West Orange Laboratory, July 2nd, 1913 1913-07-02
[E1365FC], Letter from Absalom Mason Kennedy to Thomas Alva Edison, August 22nd, 1913 1913-08-22
[E1365FE], Letter from Celluloid Co, Henry Rawle to Thomas Alva Edison, August 29th, 1913 1913-08-29
[E1365FK], Test Report, Miller Reese Hutchison, September 13th, 1913 1913-09-13
[E1365FP], Letter from Charles Edwin Goodwin, Phonograph Co (Chicago) to William Henry Meadowcroft, September 17th, 1913 1913-09-17
[E1365FU], Letter from Franklin Howell Agnew to Thomas Alva Edison, September 27th, 1913 1913-09-27
[E1365GM1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Adolph Melzer, January 8th, 1914 1914-01-08
[E1365GW], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Leonard C McChesney, Thomas Alva Edison, November 29th, 1913 1913-11-29
[E1382AV], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to Thomas Alva Edison, June 16th, 1913 1913-06-16
[E1421DL], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to Philadelphia Public Ledger, September 26th, 1914 1914-09-26
[E1421EF], Telegram from Thomas Alva Edison to William Henry Meadowcroft, October 24th, 1914 1914-10-24
[E1467AC1], Letter from Frederick Bachman to Thomas Alva Edison, April 20th, 1914 1914-04-20
[E1467AC2], Letter from Jonas Walter Aylsworth to Frederick Bachman, February 14th, 1914 1914-02-14
[E1469AH], Letter from Walter Stevens to Walter Henry Miller, Thomas Alva Edison, January 15th, 1914 1914-01-15
[E1469AS], Letter from Harry Rutter Grimes to Thomas Alva Edison, January 22nd, 1914 1914-01-22
[E1469AU], Letter from William Walter Dinwiddie to Thomas Alva Edison, January 23rd, 1914 1914-01-23
[E1469BL], Letter from W Ritchie Crawford to Thomas Alva Edison, February 16th, 1914 1914-02-16
[E1469BW], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, March 12th, 1914 1914-03-12
[E1469CA], Letter from D F Whitcomb to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, March 23rd, 1914 1914-03-23
[E1469CH], Telegram from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, April 2nd, 1914 1914-04-02
[E1469DC1], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Leroy E Briggs, Archibald David Hoffman, Charles George Kircher, Harry Rutter Grimes, May 2nd, 1914 1914-05-02
[E1469DU], Letter from Frederick S Brown to Allan M Hird, M Dickerson, William Henry Meadowcroft, May 14th, 1914 1914-05-14
[E1469DX], Letter from C E Moore (Kansas) to Thomas Alva Edison, May 20th, 1914 1914-05-20
[E1469FO], Letter from Albert Benjamin Meserlin to Thomas Alva Edison, July 30th, 1914 1914-07-30
[E1469FS], Letter from F H Rickeman to Thomas Alva Edison, August 17th, 1914 1914-08-17
[E1469HB], Letter from Irwin H Burkart, Blake and Burkart to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, October 7th, 1914 1914-10-07
[E1469HT], Letter from L K Berry to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, November 6th, 1914 1914-11-06
[E1469IE], Letter from Harry Toyne Leeming to Charles A Nicolai, Thomas Alva Edison, November 17th, 1914 1914-11-17
[E1469IG], Letter from Harry Toyne Leeming to Thomas Alva Edison, Gilbert Henry Baldwin, Allan M Hird, November 19th, 1914 1914-11-19
[E1469JD], Letter from Hazel B Gaff to Thomas Alva Edison, December 7th, 1914 1914-12-07
[E1469JN], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Hazel B Gaff, December 14th, 1914 1914-12-14
[E1469JO], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, December 15th, 1914 1914-12-15
[E1469KK], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Harger and Blish, December 1914 1914-12-00
[E1469LG], Letter from William Walter Dinwiddie to Thomas Alva Edison, 1914 1914-00-00
[E1469LQ3], Technical Note, Archibald David Hoffman, 1914 1914-00-00
[E1469LR] Maps and Plans, 1920-1923 1920-1923
[E1482AC], Letter from Walter Lewis Eckert to Stephen Babcock Mambert, March 12th, 1914 1914-03-12
[E1483AV], Letter from Walter E Miller to Thomas Alva Edison, December 10th, 1914 1914-12-10
[E1483CQ], Letter from Charles A Nicolai to Thomas Alva Edison, Charles Edison, December 14th, 1914 1914-12-14
[E1483EF], Memorandum, Harry Toyne Leeming, December 30th, 1914 1914-12-30
[E1483EI], Report from Jonas Walter Aylsworth, December 29th, 1914 1914-12-29
[E1483EL], Report from Jonas Walter Aylsworth, December 1914 1914-12-00
[E1483EW], Report from Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, December 1914 1914-12-00
[E1487AC], Letter from Charles Thompson Dally to Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1914 1914-01-20
[E1487AD], Letter from Frederick Paul Ott to Thomas Alva Edison, January 20th, 1914 1914-01-20
[E1487AE], Letter from Harry Toyne Leeming to Thomas Alva Edison, January 26th, 1914 1914-01-26
[E1487AG1], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, March 13th, 1914 1914-03-13
[E1487AU1], Letter from Ludwig Fredrick Ott to Thomas Alva Edison, 1914 1914-00-00
[E1518AAS1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to John Davison Rockefeller, January 11th, 1915 1915-01-11
[E1518ABJ], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, January 19th, 1915 1915-01-19
[E1518CFL], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to Henry L Doherty, March 27th, 1915 1915-03-27
[E1518DAS], Letter from Miller Reese Hutchison to U.S. Navy Dept. Bureau of Ordnance, Joseph Strauss, April 5th, 1915 1915-04-05
[E1518ICZ], Letter from Jonas Walter Aylsworth to Thomas J Parker, General Chemical Co, September 25th, 1915 1915-09-25
[E1518JCA], Letter from William Ridgely Orndorff to Thomas Alva Edison, October 20th, 1915 1915-10-20
[E1518KAO1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Ridgely Orndorff, November 11th, 1915 1915-11-11
[E1518KCG1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Ridgely Orndorff, November 24th, 1915 1915-11-24
[E1616DAM], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Thomas Alva Edison, April 10th, 1916 1916-04-10
[E1616DAO], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Patrick Brady, April 10th, 1916 1916-04-10
[E1616EBU1], Telegram from Edison (Thomas A.) Inc to Mitsui & Co Ltd, May 29th, 1916 1916-05-29
[E1558CE], Letter from C W Dieckmann to Thomas Alva Edison, November 23rd, 1915 1915-11-23
[E1563AA2], Letter from Frederick Bachman to Thomas Alva Edison, January 23rd, 1915 1915-01-23
[E1565AS], Letter from Mrs C M Engel to Thomas Alva Edison, January 21st, 1915 1915-01-21
[E1565AT], Letter from Clarence Bowser Hayes to William Henry Meadowcroft, March 4th, 1915 1915-03-04
[E1565AU], Letter from Allan M Hird to William Henry Meadowcroft, April 23rd, 1915 1915-04-23
[E1565BP], Letter from George C Silzer, Harger and Blish to Thomas Alva Edison, February 3rd, 1915 1915-02-03
[E1565BT], Letter from Frederic A Whiting to Thomas Alva Edison, February 5th, 1915 1915-02-05
[E1565CA], Letter from Walter Henry Miller to Allan M Hird, February 11th, 1915 1915-02-11
[E1565CR], Letter from Taylor Platt & Co to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, February 18th, 1915 1915-02-18
[E1565CV], Letter from Absalom Mason Kennedy to Thomas Alva Edison, February 20th, 1915 1915-02-20
[E1565CW], Letter from Harold Pitman to Thomas Alva Edison, December 25th, 1914 1914-12-25
[E1565DE], Letter from Charles B Westerman to Thomas Alva Edison, February 26th, 1915 1915-02-26
[E1565DT1], Report from Walter Lewis Eckert, March 15th, 1915 1915-03-15
[E1565DX], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Leonard C McChesney, March 20th, 1915 1915-03-20
[E1565EJ], Letter from M R Jewell to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, April 2nd, 1915 1915-04-02
[E1565EK], Letter from M R Jewell to Edison (Thomas A.) Inc, April 2nd, 1915 1915-04-02
[E1565EM1], Letter from Thomas Alva Edison to William Henry Meadowcroft, Leila Livingston Morse, April 10th, 1915 1915-04-10