Subject is exactly
[CK915AAF], Letter from George Kleine to Harry Norton Marvin, November 4th, 1908 1908-11-04
[CK915AAR], Letter from Harry Norton Marvin to Frank Lewis Dyer, June 26th, 1909 1909-06-26
[CK915AAS], Letter from George Francis Scull to Harry Norton Marvin, June 28th, 1909 1909-06-28
[CK919AAB], Letter from Frank Joseph Marion to Frank Lewis Dyer, November 1st, 1911 1911-11-01
[CK921ABD], Letter from Sigmund Lubin to Frank Lewis Dyer, January 6th, 1912 1912-01-06
[CK922ABE], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Jacques Albert Berst, February 2nd, 1911 1911-02-02
[CK922ABI], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Jacques Albert Berst, December 12th, 1911 1911-12-12
[CK925AAU], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Albert Edward Smith, December 12th, 1911 1911-12-12
[CL207AAR], Letter from William Edgar Gilmore to Howard W Hayes, May 6th, 1903 1903-05-06
[CL207AAS], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to William Edgar Gilmore, April 30th, 1903 1903-04-30
[CL207AAT], Letter from Howard W Hayes to William Edgar Gilmore, May 7th, 1903 1903-05-07
[CL211AAB], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to William Edgar Gilmore, February 7th, 1905 1905-02-07
[CL211AAC], Letter from Samuel Insull to William Edgar Gilmore, January 13th, 1905 1905-01-13
[CL211AAG], Letter from S Johnson (Atlantic City) to John Relyea Schermerhorn, April 6th, 1905 1905-04-06
[CL212AAR], Letter from James Henry White to William Edgar Gilmore, February 24th, 1905 1905-02-24
[CL212AAU], Letter from William Edgar Gilmore to James Henry White, March 7th, 1905 1905-03-07
[CL213ABB], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to William Edgar Gilmore, September 17th, 1906 1906-09-17
[CL214ABH], Letter from William Edgar Gilmore to George Croydon Marks, August 13th, 1906 1906-08-13
[CL217AAT], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Carl Hillis Wilson, May 16th, 1908 1908-05-16
[CL219AAV], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Victor Talking Machine Co, Eldridge Reeves Johnson, March 9th, 1909 1909-03-09
[CL219AAX], Letter from Eldridge Reeves Johnson, Victor Talking Machine Co to Frank Lewis Dyer, March 10th, 1909 1909-03-10
[CL219ABC], Letter from Eldridge Reeves Johnson, Victor Talking Machine Co to Frank Lewis Dyer, March 17th, 1909 1909-03-17
[CL219ABM], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Charles Edwin Goodwin, June 25th, 1909 1909-06-25
[CL219ABN], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Eldridge Reeves Johnson, June 25th, 1909 1909-06-25
[CL219ABO], Letter from Eldridge Reeves Johnson to Frank Lewis Dyer, June 28th, 1909 1909-06-28
[CL219ABR], Letter from Charles Edwin Goodwin to Frank Lewis Dyer, July 1st, 1909 1909-07-01
[CL219ABT], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Edison (Thomas A.) Legal Dept, July 2nd, 1909 1909-07-02
[CL219ABU], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Walter Henry Miller, July 2nd, 1909 1909-07-02
[CL219ACE], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Walter Henry Miller, November 23rd, 1909 1909-11-23
[D0324AAH], Publication, Edison Manufacturing Co, May 1903 1903-05-00
[D0807ABZ], Letter from Toch Bros to North Jersey Paint Co, September 21st, 1908 1908-09-21
[D0807ACA], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Toch Bros, September 24th, 1908 1908-09-24
[D0807ACB], Letter from Toch Bros to Frank Lewis Dyer, September 25th, 1908 1908-09-25
[D0808AAA], Letter from Schirmer (G.) Inc to Thomas Alva Edison, February 17th, 1908 1908-02-17
[D0808AAC], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Herbert H Dyke, February 26th, 1908 1908-02-26
[D0808AAD], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, February 1908 1908-02-00
[D0830AAO], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Alphons Westee, December 9th, 1908 1908-12-09
[D0832ACL], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to George Francis Scull, November 23rd, 1908 1908-11-23
[D0907AAA], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Library of Congress. Copyright Office, Thorvald Solberg, March 22nd, 1909 1909-03-22
[D0907AAB], Letter from Thorvald Solberg, Library of Congress. Copyright Office to Frank Lewis Dyer, March 23rd, 1909 1909-03-23
[D0907AAB1], Letter from Star of Bethlehem Theatrical Co to Edison Manufacturing Co, March 25th, 1909 1909-03-25
[D0907AAC], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to George Francis Scull, March 26th, 1909 1909-03-26
[D0907AAD], Letter from George Francis Scull to Frank Lewis Dyer, March 29th, 1909 1909-03-29
[D0907AAF], Letter from Horace G Plimpton to Frank Lewis Dyer, April 6th, 1909 1909-04-06
[D0907AAG], Letter from George Francis Scull to Star of Bethlehem Theatrical Co, April 15th, 1909 1909-04-15
[D0907AAH], Letter from Horace G Plimpton to Frank Lewis Dyer, April 15th, 1909 1909-04-15
[D0907AAI], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to George Francis Scull, April 16th, 1909 1909-04-16
[D0907AAJ], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Library of Congress. Copyright Office, Thorvald Solberg, April 19th, 1909 1909-04-19
[D0907AAK], Letter from George Francis Scull to Frank Lewis Dyer, April 20th, 1909 1909-04-20
[D0907AAK1], Letter from Library of Congress. Copyright Office, Thorvald Solberg to Frank Lewis Dyer, April 20th, 1909 1909-04-20
[D0907AAL], Letter from John F Groene to Edison Manufacturing Co, April 22nd, 1909 1909-04-22
[D0907AAM], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Library of Congress. Copyright Office, Thorvald Solberg, April 30th, 1909 1909-04-30
[D0907AAO], Letter from George Francis Scull to Frank Lewis Dyer, April 30th, 1909 1909-04-30
[D0907AAP], Letter from George Francis Scull to John F Groene, April 30th, 1909 1909-04-30
[D0907AAQ], Letter from George Francis Scull to Frank Lewis Dyer, May 5th, 1909 1909-05-05
[D0907AAR], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to George Francis Scull, May 7th, 1909 1909-05-07
[D0907AAS], Letter from George Francis Scull to Horace G Plimpton, May 15th, 1909 1909-05-15
[D0907AAT], Letter from Horace G Plimpton to George Francis Scull, May 17th, 1909 1909-05-17
[D0907AAU], Letter from George Francis Scull to Horace G Plimpton, May 22nd, 1909 1909-05-22
[D0907AAV], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to George Francis Scull, June 3rd, 1909 1909-06-03
[D0907AAW], Letter from George Francis Scull to Frank Lewis Dyer, June 4th, 1909 1909-06-04
[D0907AAX], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Horace G Plimpton, June 7th, 1909 1909-06-07
[D0907AAY], Letter from George Francis Scull to Horace G Plimpton, June 11th, 1909 1909-06-11
[D0907AAZ], Letter from Horace G Plimpton to George Francis Scull, June 12th, 1909 1909-06-12
[D0907ABA], Letter from Horace G Plimpton to George Francis Scull, August 6th, 1909 1909-08-06
[D0907ABC], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to George Francis Scull, October 7th, 1909 1909-10-07
[D0907ABD], Letter from George Francis Scull to Frank Lewis Dyer, October 12th, 1909 1909-10-12
[D0907ABE], Letter from George Francis Scull to Frank Lewis Dyer, October 12th, 1909 1909-10-12
[D0907ABF], Letter from George Francis Scull to Frank Lewis Dyer, October 13th, 1909 1909-10-13
[D0916AAB], Letter from H McKee to Frank Lewis Dyer, February 26th, 1909 1909-02-26
[D0932AAC], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to George W Pound, January 22nd, 1909 1909-01-22
[D0932AAD], Memorandum, Frank Lewis Dyer, September 19th, 1908 1908-09-19
[D0932AAG], Letter from George W Pound to Frank Lewis Dyer, February 5th, 1909 1909-02-05
[D0932AAT], Letter from Isaac W Walker to Frank Lewis Dyer, March 4th, 1909 1909-03-04
[D0932AAU], Letter from George W Pound to Frank Lewis Dyer, March 8th, 1909 1909-03-08
[D0932AAW], Letter from George W Pound to Frank Lewis Dyer, March 10th, 1909 1909-03-10
[D0932AAY], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to George W Pound, March 19th, 1909 1909-03-19
[D0932AAZ], Letter from George W Pound to Frank Lewis Dyer, March 20th, 1909 1909-03-20
[D0934ABF], Letter from George Francis Scull to Horace G Plimpton, April 2nd, 1909 1909-04-02
[D0934ABG], Letter from Horace G Plimpton to Frank Lewis Dyer, George Francis Scull, April 3rd, 1909 1909-04-03
[D1015AAA], Letter from George Francis Scull to Horace G Plimpton, January 17th, 1910 1910-01-17
[D1015AAB], Letter from Horace G Plimpton to George Francis Scull, January 18th, 1910 1910-01-18
[D1015AAC], Letter from George Francis Scull to Horace G Plimpton, January 19th, 1910 1910-01-19
[D1015AAD], Letter from George Francis Scull to Frank Lewis Dyer, June 2nd, 1910 1910-06-02
[D1015AAE], Letter from Library of Congress. Copyright Office, Thorvald Solberg to C F Coffin, November 8th, 1910 1910-11-08
[D1015AAF], Statute, William Howard Taft, April 9th, 1910 1910-04-09
[D1015AAG], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Walter Henry Miller, January 13th, 1911 1911-01-13
[D1043AAM], Letter from Frank Lewis Dyer to Delos Holden, April 26th, 1910 1910-04-26
[E1325C], Letter from Paul Henderson Cromelin to Walter Henry Miller, September 16th, 1913 1913-09-16
[E1325D], Letter from Paul Henderson Cromelin to Walter Henry Miller, October 9th, 1913 1913-10-09
[E1264DS], Letter from Carl Hillis Wilson to Thomas Alva Edison, November 16th, 1912 1912-11-16
[E1266BD], Letter from Paul Henderson Cromelin to Walter Henry Miller, April 9th, 1912 1912-04-09
[E1267AW], Letter from Henry Lanahan to Thomas Alva Edison, July 17th, 1912 1912-07-17
[E1267AY], Letter from Gray (H.W.) Co to Thomas Alva Edison, November 21st, 1912 1912-11-21
[E1285AN], Letter from Dempsey and Carroll to Harry Frederick Miller, December 2nd, 1912 1912-12-02
[E1755AE], Memorandum, Thomas Alva Edison, 1917 1917-00-00
[E1705AJ], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to Harris and Ewing, March 8th, 1917 1917-03-08
[E1705AK], Letter from Harris and Ewing to William Henry Meadowcroft, March 16th, 1917 1917-03-16
[E1705AM], Letter from Charles F Bateholts, General Electric Co to William Henry Meadowcroft, July 10th, 1917 1917-07-10
[E1705AN], Letter from William Henry Meadowcroft to General Electric Co, Charles F Bateholts, July 12th, 1917 1917-07-12