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No. 88 The French Spy, March 1908
No. 83/84 Just His Luck/A Leap Year Proposal, February 1908
No. 82 Monte Cristo, January 1908
No. 79 The Irish Blacksmith, January 1908
No. 77/78 The Financial Scare/The Newly-Wed's First Meal, January 1908
1907 Catalogue of The Selig PolysCope and Library of Selig Films, 1907
No. 76 The Four Footed Hero, December 1907
No. 75 The Two Orphans, December 1907
No. 74 The Eviction, December 1907
No. 72 Mike, the Model, November 1907
No. 71 The Tin Wedding, November 1907
No. 70 Wooing and Wedding a Coon, November 1907
No. 69 What A Pipe Did, November 1907
No. 68 A Southern Romance, October 1907
No. 66/67 The Girl and the Judge/Motoring Under Difficulties, October 1907
No. 64 A Life for a Life, September 1907
No. 62 All's Well That Ends Well, August 1907
No. 60 The Onion Fiend, July 1907
No. 59 Matinee Idol, July 1907
No. 58 The Bookworm, July 1907
No. 57 Western Justice, June 1907
No. 56 The Masher, June 1907
No. 52 The Girl From Montana, March 1907
No. 49 The Tramp Dog, December 1906
No. 47 The Female Highwayman, November 1906
No. 44 Hale's Tours Films, August 1906
The Gay Deceiver, 1906
Special Roosevelt Circular, March 1905
Samoa and the Fiji Islands, 1905
No. 17 Tracked by Bloodhounds, 1905
Supplement No. 15 Special Series of the Columbia River, 1905
The New Bullfight, 1905
The Hold-up of the Leadville Stage, 1905
The Serenade, 1904
Tracked by Bloodhounds, 1904
Naval Battles Between the Russian and Japanese Fleets at Port Arthur and Chemulpo, 1904
Films of the Passion Play, 1903
Complete Catalogue of Films and Moving Picture Machines, 1903
February Supplement of New Films, February 2nd, 1903
Special Supplement of Colorado Films, November 1902
July Supplement of New Films, July 1902
Directions for Operating and List of Parts Type E Mutoscope, ca. 1905
The Age of Movement, 1901
Commercial Features of the Mutoscope, ca. 1898
The Mutoscope: A Money Maker, November 1898
The Mutoscope, 1897
Biograph Photo Catalog No.'s 3171-3174, 3231-3234, 3271-3274 , 1898-1905
Biograph Photo Catalog Vol.6 No.'s 2583-3002 , 1898-1905
Biograph Photo Catalog Vol.5 No.'s 2003-2502, 1889-1905
Biograph Photo Catalog Vol.4 No.'s 1503-2002, 1898-1905
Biograph Photo Catalog Vol.3 No.'s 1002 -1502, 1898-1905
Biograph Photo Catalog Vol.2 No.'s 500-1001, 1898-1905
Biograph Photo Catalog Vol.1 No.'s 1-499, 1898-1905
Bulletin 36 The Lost Child, October 26th, 1904
Bulletin 34 New English Subjects, October 17th, 1904
Bulletin 33 The Escaped Lunatic, October 10th, 1904
Film Catalogue Supplement No. 1, April 1903
Picture Catalogue, November 1902
The Whole Story about Walk-Over Moving Pictures, October 1908
Film Catalogue , 1905-1914
No. 415 Edison Kinetosopes - Portable Gas-making Outfit, December 8th, 1908
No. 410 Edison Projecting Kinetoscopes, December 1st, 1908
No. 380 Edison Kinetoscopes, September 1st, 1908
No. 370 Important Notice - Edison Projecting Kinetoscopes, June 1st, 1908
No. 358 Edison Film Nero and the Burning of Rome, April 20th, 1908
No. 355 Edison Film The Cowboy and the Schoolmarm, April 1st, 1908
No. 335 Edison Projecting Kinetoscopes, February 15th, 1908
No. 328 Edison Film A Race For Millions, 1907
No. 315 Edison Films, January 1907
No. 312 Edison Projecting Kinetoscopes, January 2nd, 1907
No. 288 Edison Films , July 1906
No. 276 Edison Film Life of an American Policeman, December 12th, 1905
No. 273 Edison Film The Train Wreckers, November 27th, 1905
No. 272 Edison Film Everybody Works But Father, November 15th, 1905
No. 270 Edison Film Down on the Farm, November 2nd, 1905
No. 269 Edison Film The Miller's Daughter, November 6th, 1905
No. 268 Edison Film Watermelon Patch, October 24th 1905
No. 267 Edison Film Poor Algy, October 5th, 1905
No. 225 Edison Films , July 1st, 1904
No. 222 Edison Films, 1904
Circular Letter No. 7, May 15th, 1904
Circular Letter No. 6, May 15th, 1904
Circular Letter No. 5, May 15th, 1904
Circular Letter No. 4, April 25th, 1904
Circular Letter No. 3, April 23rd, 1904
Circular Letter No. 2, April 20th, 1904
Circular Letter No. 1, April 18th, 1904
No. 210 Edison Projecting Kinetoscopes, May 2nd, 1904
No. 201 Edison Film The Great Train Robbery, 1903
No. 200 Edison Films, January 1904
No. 192 Edison Film Jack and the Beanstalk, 1903
No. 185 Edison Films, October 1903
Edison Film Uncle Tom's Cabin, 1903
No. 175 Edison Films, May 1903
No. 168 Edison Films, February 1903
No. 166 The Edison Universal Projecting Kinetoscope, January 1st, 1903
No. 162 Edison Films, October 1902
No. 142 Edison Films, May 1902
No. 135 Edison Films, September 1902
No. 107 Instructions for Setting Up and Operating the Edison Projecting Kinetoscope, 1901
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