N-14-01-01.1 (1914)



N-14-01-01.1 (1914)


This notebook was used by Edison, probably during the period January-August 1914, and was annotated by him on several subsequent occasions, including January 1, 1916. It consists primarily of notes from the numbered battery record books (Thomas A. Edison Papers: A Selective Microfilm Edition, Part IV (1899-1910)) and other earlier notebooks pertaining to alkaline storage batteries. Included are data and observations regarding the capacity and efficiency of numbered experimental cells. Many of the entries relate to the composition, construction, and treatment of positive electrode \"tubes\"" made with nickel and other metallic flake (including cobalt and bismuth flake) or treated with other metallic additives. Other entries pertain to negative electrode \""pockets\"" made with different preparations of iron, to the use of different electrolyte solutions, and to the possible rejuvenation or \""regeneration\"" of used battery components. Inserted into the book are several loose pages of notes, including a 1910 memorandum from Walter E. Holland to Edison regarding the construction of three experimental cells. The front cover is labeled \""Very Important.\"" The pages are unnumbered. Approximately 130 pages have been used."



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Notebook Series -- Notebooks by Edison

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Courtesy of Thomas Edison National Historical Park.