N-16-05-04.2 (1916)


N-16-05-04.2 (1916)

This notebook was used by Edison in May 1916 for notes on experiments to improve the manufacture of disc records. The entries describe a sequence of experiments numbered from 1056E to 1076E. Included are tests involving different varnish compounds, variations in the number of coats and methods of applying the varnish, and differing amounts of pressure and baking schedules. Flaws and successful results are both noted, along with the title of the musical selection used in the tests. Some of the tests were performed on blanks rejected for bad varnishing in order to \"show if we must be careful in varnishing.\"" Several entries contain information on the number of presses available for the transfer and printing process; one entry indicates that not all presses acted alike and that each had to be tested. Some notes are in the form of instructions to Sherwood T. (Sam) Moore or other employees. Inserted into the book are four loose pages of notes by Edison pertaining to the reexamination in November 1916 of experiments 1058, 1063, 1065, and 1067. The front and back covers are labeled \""No 12.\"" The pages are unnumbered. Approximately 125 pages have been used."

Has Format
Is Part Of
Notebook Series -- Notebooks by Edison and Other Experimenters -- Disc Record Books
Has Version
Item Set NA323-F
Courtesy of Thomas Edison National Historical Park.
CC0 1.0 Universal
