N-20-07-10 (1920)



N-20-07-10 (1920)


This notebook was used during July-August 1920 by Edison, Walter N. Archer, Frank Detlef, Jr., Howard F. Redford, and possibly other experimenters. The entries pertain to the plating processes involved in the manufacture of disc records. At the beginning of the book are tabular reports by Archer of molds plated in various baths with information on the date and time, specific gravity, volts, amps, and other conditions during plating. Also included is a series of numbered experiments by Archer on different methods of handling the molds prior to plating, such as placing them in the bath both wet and dry and with the current both on and off. There are also a few experiments to determine how many molds can be made from one female. Several pages of instructions by Edison have been inserted into the book. The front cover is labeled \"July 10, 20-To Aug 19-20-\"" and \""Disc Record\"" and is marked \""Nickel Bath Exper.\"" The pages are unnumbered, and several pages have been removed from the book. Approximately 100 pages have been used."



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Is Part Of

Notebook Series -- Notebooks by Edison and Other Experimenters -- Disc Plating Experiments

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Courtesy of Thomas Edison National Historical Park.