PN-11-12-01 (1911-1912)


PN-11-12-01 (1911-1912)

This pocket notebook is probably a continuation of PN-10-00-00.2 (Thomas A. Edison Papers: A Selective Microfilm Edition, Part IV (1899-1910), reel 178). The dated entries are from December 1911 and January 1912. The book was used by Edison to record ideas about business matters, experiments to be tried, and other tasks to be performed. Many of the items have been crossed out. Included are notes relating to primary batteries, storage batteries, and battery applications such as country house lighting, automobile lighting, and miner\'s safety lamps. Also included are entries pertaining to the home projecting kinetoscope, the kinetophone, and phonograph machines, cabinets, and records. In addition, there are notes regarding inventions to be patented and inquiries to make of the Legal Dept. about patents already applied for. Toward the end of the book are four pages of notes entitled \""Chapples Book,\"" in which Edison evaluates some of the individual songs in Joe Mitchell Chapple\'s Heart Songs Dear To The American People.

Among the numerous Edison employees mentioned in the book are Edward L. Aiken, assistant superintendent of the Edison Phonograph Works; assistant engineer John R. Anderson, Jr.; chemists Jonas Walter Aylsworth and Ignacy Goldstein; master machinist Robert A. Bachman; chief engineer Donald M. Bliss and his successor, Miller Reese Hutchison; Walter H. Miller, head of the Recording Dept.; experimenters Charles T. Dally, Daniel Higham, and Alexander N. Pierman; machinist and longtime Edison associate Frederick P. Ott; his nephew, chemist Ludwig F. (Louis) Ott; Brian H. Philpot of the Disc Record Manufacturing Dept.; and machinist Albert F. Wurth. The pages are unnumbered. Approximately 150 pages have been used."

Has Format
Is Part Of
Notebook Series -- Pocket Notebooks
Has Version
Item Set NP090-F
Courtesy of Thomas Edison National Historical Park.
