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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[D0014ABI], Letter from Cloyd Mason Chapman to Thomas Alva Edison, December 31st, 1900


Dolores, N. M.
Dec. 31, 1900.
Mr. Thomas A. Edison,
Orange, N. J.
Dear Sir:-
Since our report of Dec. 18 five shafts have been sunk and sampled in the Carachie Placer and one shaft which Mr. Burn sunk has been sampled. Only one of these five new shafts goes to bedrock as Mr. Burn reports that the gold is to be found only near the surface, above a layer of cement which lies from about three to about nine feet down. The one shaft sunk to bedrock is 12 1/2 ft. deep and separate samples were taken every two feet from the surface down to ascertain to what depth the gold occurs. The shaft sunk by Mr. Burn goes to bedrock - 31 1/2 ft. - and it was also sampled in two foot sections for the same purpose. If gold is found in either of these shafts below the cement layer in any quantity the other shafts failed to develop any well defined cement layer. These samples are now being planned for assay.
The Carachie Placer is a narrow, shallow arroyo on the South side of the Ortiz Mountains and judging from the old workings is perhaps two hundred feet wide and three quarters of a mile long.
The Golden Placer is in the South west corner of the grant and is much larger, both as regards area and depth, than the Carachie Placer, but 259 acres of it do not lie within the grant. The portion within the grant seems to be of considerable ared and this is now being sampled. A part of these samples are being taken from old shafts and in that case from six to eight inches is cut away from a side of the shaft and the sample taken from the back of this cut. This is done to insure getting virgin ground for the sample.
Maps of the work done both on Carachie and Golden Placers will follow as soon as completed.
Respectfully submitted,
Cloyd M. Chapman.
<Put in Ortiz box>
[TAE Marginalia]
