[D0016AAO], Letter from Richard Nott Dyer to Thomas Alva Edison, November 7th, 1900
Letterhead of Law Offices of Dyer, Edmonds & Dyer 31 Nassau Street New York November 7, 1900. Thomas A. Edison, Esq., Orange, N. J. [Marginalia] No ans Dear Mr. Edison:- Regarding your patent on the expanding pulley form of variable gearing, I find that both you and myself were mistaken as to what you have assured by your patent. You filed an application June 5, 1890, on this device, but it was rejected on a number of patents, including that to Wales dated July 11, 1876, a copy of which is enclosed, and in view of this patent your application was finally abandoned after consultation with you and after submitting it at your request to the General Electric Company. The only patent on expanding pulley which you have is No. 476,894, dated June 14, 1892, which covers a pulley constructed of disks with flexible or rope connections between the disks, the disks being adjustable towards and away from each other. You will recollect, also, the patent of yourself and Johnson England, No. 641,281, dated January 16, 1900, covering certain details of construction. I assume that the infringement you had in mind is that of the Reeves Pulley Company of Columbus, Indiana. I secured some time ago an illustrated pamphlet issued by this Company, which I send you in a separate package, thinking you might like to look it over. Yours very truly, Rich M. Dyer RND/IM. Enclosure.