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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[D0018AAA], Letter from Raphael Consonni to Stephen Fossa Moriarty, February 9th, 1900


Letterhead of Raphael Consonni
34, Rue de la Victoire,
February 1900.
Mr Stephen F. Moriarty
New York.
Dear Sir,
I beg to inform you that by a [mention?] of the [electricity?] of the shareholders of the "Societé Française de Phonographes Edison Bell" hold on the 31st ult. the Company has been put in liquidation and that I have been appropriated liquidator.
The shareholders have come to that division, because of not having delivered the rights you have sold and therefore the company had no more reason to [exist?].
In my capacity of liquidator I have decided to distribute the balance of the money paid by the shareholder [away then?] as replacement of their appreciation for shares and I have just paid us 10 per share as a [first-disbursement?].
We are therefore entitled to fr 3.000 for the 150 shares you are holder of.
I consider that you are responsible for the loss incurred by the shareholders through the expenses entailed by the formation of the company and its management and for the population caused to the Company by your having failed to fulfill the [engagements?] you have undertaken, but I am prepared to sell the [illegible] amicably if possible and therefore I propose you to pay you the dividends for the 15 shares applied for by you and to give you back the patents you have sold to the Company, on the condition that the shares and "[illegible] [illegible] [illegible]" allotted to you as purchase _ price will be [cancelled?].
In case this proposal is [not?] agreed to by you, I declare to make reserve for all claim for the prejudice sustained by the Company.
Yours truly,
The liquidator of the Societé Francaise? de Phonographes Edison - Bell.
R. Consonni
