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The Thomas A. Edison Papers Digital Edition

[D0104AAA], Letter from Owen A Rogers to Richard Nott Dyer, February 1st, 1901


Feb 1st 1901
My dear Mr. Dyer
Hope you will excuse my long delay, in writing to you, as I fully intended doing so sooner, but not being aquainted with the plant thought best to wait so I could give more information.
The battery plant is large enough for about 250 or 300. A 4 type sells per day, but they have to erect a new building, for flake plating have not started to do as yet.
They have a new building for the chemical works, and say its large enough 200 cells of the H. 27 type. They are making about 25 H. 27 cells per day, and are making the nickle mix for same, have not made any iron mix. [Aler] have started on tools for [R] type cells but not in full force.
Mr. Burgermann said that he will have some of them made in big factory and will rush them but have not started yet.
I think they are waiting for the battery that was shiped from Orange, and test it in a truck befor going steeper in machinery and tools. As the Germans seem to be from (Missurey) Are building quit a number of small cells for mirrors lamps they have a batch of about 500 on test.
Hoping alls' well
Most Sincerely
O.A. Rogers
